Saturday 25 November 2017

2checkout Forex

¿Qué es Forex?

Foro de finanzas Todo lo que desea saber sobre: ​​Acciones Fondos mutuos Empresas públicas y privadas Análisis de gráfico técnico Principales estadísticas Transacciones de información privilegiada y mucho más. Obtenga cotizaciones, investigación de acciones, seguimiento de carteras, noticias y pago de facturas en línea, y planifique para la jubilación, colegio, impuestos, seguros. Los artículos le enseñarán quizás más de lo que siempre quiso saber acerca de las acciones que cotizan en bolsa.

Foro y Recurso en Matemáticas Finanzas y LaTeX CQF. info es un foro dedicado a la matemática financiera, finanzas matemáticas, finanzas cuantitativas y campos relacionados, incluyendo todos los sabores de análisis cuantitativo. También damos la bienvenida a la publicación en áreas como probabilidad, estadísticas, econometría y optimización. Todo lo que desea saber: Acciones Fondos mutuos Empresas públicas y privadas Análisis de los gráficos técnicos Clave sta.

Foro de Finanzas Corporativas Discusión weblog sobre finanzas corporativas. Discuta las mejores prácticas, ideas, noticias, modelos, métodos, teorías, herramientas, preguntas y respuestas. Todo lo que desea saber: Acciones Fondos mutuos Empresas públicas y privadas Análisis de gráfico técnico Principales estadísticas Transacciones de iniciados y mucho más. Obtenga cotizaciones, investigación de acciones, seguimiento de carteras, noticias y pago de facturas en línea, y planee para ret.

& # 149; Mercados de Divisas Avanzados. La mejor manera de averiguar sobre ACM Forex, quiénes somos y lo que hacemos es recoger el teléfono y llamarnos. Para el tho.

& # 149; ApexForex para el comercio de Forex. La cámara de compensación de ApexForex es un fabricante de mercado principal en el comercio de Forex. Establecemos los estándares más altos de la actualidad en el extranjero.

& # 149; Forex USA. Forex USA es una subsidiaria propiedad de Trading Intl. Estamos actuando en la capacidad de un corredor de introducción a Global.

& # 149; ProtradeFx. Protrade Capital Group (PCG) es una empresa de gestión de activos alternativos que se especializa en el comercio de divisas cu.

& # 149; Stockcharts. ¡Bienvenido a StockCharts. com! Los gráficos financieros pueden ayudarle a tomar algunas decisiones de inversión extremadamente rentables. Ellos pueden.

& # 149; La Bolsa de Montreal. El Intercambio de Montreal (MX), el intercambio más antiguo de Canadá, tiene liderazgo en tres áreas de finanzas: derivados financieros.

& # 149; Arab2invest. ¿Qué es el stock? ¿Por qué una empresa emite acciones? ¿Por qué los inversores pagan un buen dinero por pequeñas piezas de papel llamadas acciones c.

& # 149; 2checkout. Company 2Checkout. com, Inc. (2CO) es el centro de distribución en línea de más de 300.000 productos tangibles o digitales y s.

& # 149; Ameritrade Corredor de descuento, que ofrece mercados de bajo costo y negociaciones de órdenes de límite en la Bolsa de Nueva York y NASDAQ. Las opciones de investigación también están disponibles.

& # 149; Corredor de bolsa Para un trato entre dos personas, no se necesita corredor. Un corredor es útil en tratar de igualar con otros compradores o vendedor.

& # 149; Barron s Magazine. ¿Qué es Barron's Magazine? Barron's es el primer semanario financiero de Estados Unidos, el consumo más sofisticado.

& # 149; Inc com Acerca de Inc. com Inc, el sitio web de la revista Inc., ofrece asesoramiento, herramientas y servicios, para ayudar a los propietarios de negocios y.

& # 149; La Asociación de Clasificación de Contenidos de Internet. La Asociación de Clasificación de Contenidos de Internet (ICRA) es una organización internacional sin fines de lucro de líderes de internet que trabajan.

& # 149; Dinero CNN. Bernanke en el cerebro7: 51: Los inversores estarán atentamente vigilando el testimonio del Congreso de la Fed Presidente Bernanke para cl.

Trader-Info - Forex Trading - Mercado De Valores - Forex Scalping Systems - Forex Automatizado

Atlantic-Wind forex sistema de divisas.

Traigo a su atención un sistema de la divisa para el comercio intra day en el mercado de divisas. Este sistema creado en 2009 y ha demostrado excelentes resultados tanto en una cuenta de corredor de demostración, como en las propias cuentas reales en los corredores de la divisa.

¿Cuál es la filosofía del sistema de comercio de divisas?

Todos los días la mayoría de nosotros se despierta con los rayos de luz de nuestra Gran estrella - el Sol. Debido a la rotación de nuestro planeta la Tierra, los rayos solares se mueven de Oriente a Occidente. Grandes pesos de aire comienzan su recorrido por encima de un agua lisa de grandes océanos, levantando ondas por crestas. Mil valientes conquistadores de las olas quieren dominar los elementos, habiendo captado el comienzo de la ola y sintiendo triunfo en su cresta.

Y ahora compararemos el mundo de la naturaleza con nuestro mundo de personas. El movimiento del sol en el Oeste es el comienzo del trabajo de la sesión europea forex (Londres, 10:00, MSK) y el final de la americana (Nueva York, 24:00, MSK). Así es históricamente establecido. Que estos dos centros de negocios mundiales están a ambos lados del Océano Atlántico.

Constantemente inquieto y asombroso océano es un n mercado de valores y divisas. Las olas son rango de precio. Enormes olas son el desarrollo de precios de tendencia. Los surfistas son los comerciantes que tratan de captar una tendencia inicial y antes de su cresta para obtener una buena ganancia de forex.

¿Por qué estoy para el comercio sólo durante la tendencia

Si usted lee por lo menos una de las obras clásicas sobre la divisa, la frase - la tendencia es su amigo - debe prestar su atención. Y es cierto. 99% de los comerciantes exitosos de la divisa trabajan solamente en una tendencia, pues es el beneficio más grande en él. Piso o el mercado de divisas permanente es un pantano en el que se encuentran diferentes criaturas feas, la reunión con la que desalienta a los comerciantes de forex beginn de trabajar con el mercado de divisas. Se trata de pérdidas, descarga de depósito. Margin Coll. Tío МС, etc.

Le doy 3 reglas no para aquellos que han venido en divisas sólo para el entretenimiento y para obtener 1 millón y luego divertirse con las niñas en alguna villa, pero para aquellos que quieren obtener% estable al depósito inicial. El incumplimiento de las normas dará lugar a la descarga de depósito y se queja de que mi sistema de comercio de divisas no es rentable.

1) para negociar exclusivamente en una tendencia

2) para cumplir con las normas de gestión del capital (gestión del dinero, MM) - lote debe ser elegido no más del 2% del depósito y debe cerrar la pérdida que superará estos de 2%

3) para adherir a las reglas de mi TC estrictamente - no hay letra innecesaria en él - I c hecked cada regla personal en la práctica.

Así que consideremos TC AtlanticWind

En primer lugar voy a marcar, que es el sistema de divisas para el comercio manual, como la mía (y un montón de comerciantes exitosos de divisas) profunda creencia de que el comerciante puede comenzar a aprender a trabajar con el mercado de divisas sólo a partir de los métodos fx manual de comercio, La regularidad del comportamiento del mercado y los métodos de la divisa de obtener el beneficio.

El sistema de comercio de Forex se basa en los indicadores metatrader forex:

CandleTime es el tiempo que ha permanecido antes de la formación de una nueva vela, que corresponde al TF elegido. ¿Por qué es importante? La nueva vela es una señal importante - la tendencia continúa o habrá su turno. Se mencionará más adelante.

Shi_silvertrendsigalert_alert-signal dibuja círculos para nosotros.

Azul - tendencia alcista - comprar

Rojo - tendencia bajista - vender

Heiken Ashi - las velas de la tendencia de la divisa (no confunda con los precios de la vela):

Azul - hay un montón de toros en la tendencia

Rojo - hay un montón de osos

Instant Trendline Filter - 2 líneas verdes - confirmación de tendencia - será más tarde sobre ellos

Monitor de estado - todo está claro aquí - la extensión, el hombro, el costo de 1 lote

Goldminer - es el indicador que nos informa sobre la tendencia - a veces se dibuja de nuevo, por lo que se utiliza como la adición a los indicadores de base.

Comercio de forex pares (prefiero trabajar en ellos) EUR / JPY, GBP / JPY, CHF / JPY, USD / JPY

Marco temporal (TF) M5 o M15 (corresponde a todos, el tamaño del beneficio es igual)

P. ¿Por qué los pares de comercio tienen la misma moneda en la cola (en este caso el yen japonés)?

A. Debido a que hay un elefante rosado fuera de J Mire atentamente los gráficos combinados de los pares anteriores. Como podemos ver, todas las tendencias coinciden. Nos da una gran ventaja en el comercio de 4 pares de divisas al mismo tiempo.

PD Y aquí está un pequeño secreto: la tendencia en los diferentes pares tiene velocidad diferente, ya veces está detrás del calendario. Es por eso que si hay giro de tendencia, pasaría más tarde en el 99% y en otros 3 podemos dejar tendencia en el tiempo e ir en el otro en la cresta J

Forex Gurus VPS Plan

Forex Gurus VPS Los planes son impulsados ​​por Windows Server 2008 y virtualizados con la tecnología Hyper-V de Microsoft, la opción principal para los servidores privados virtuales de Windows.

VPSGurus. com ofrece planes asequibles de hospedaje de Forex VPS de Windows; Que viene pre-instalado con MetaTrader4 / 5 Forex Trading Plataforma. Usted sólo tiene que preocuparse de Stop-Loss o Take-Profit en sus ofertas, deje que el dolor de cabeza de la instalación de MetaTrader4 / 5 se encuentran con el personal técnico de vpsgurus. com amigable.

Disponibilidad de su Forex VPS decidirá cuánto beneficio puede hacer. Mercado de Forex funciona casi todos los tiempos de los días. VPSGurus. com ha garantizado un tiempo de actividad del 100% utilizando el mejor hardware y tecnología disponibles para mantener el tiempo de actividad del 100% en su terminal virtual de comercio de divisas.

Nuestros centros de datos están bien equipados con múltiples tuberías GigE para asegurar la conectividad de red al 100%; Aparte de esto todos nuestros nodos de hardware para forex terminales virtuales / forex vps están conectados a Dell EqualLogic garantizando el tiempo de actividad del 100% para los datos comerciales en todo momento.

Ofrece completa autonomía porque cada máquina virtual puede tener su propia política de seguridad y gestión de parches propia, específicamente para la aplicación que se ejecuta en ese servidor.

Ofrecemos los sistemas operativos mencionados más abajo en Windows VPS:

Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition - 64 bits

Windows 2008 Enterprise Edition - 32 bits

Windows 2008 Enterprise Edition - 64 bits

Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition - 32 bits

Usted elige cualquiera de los anteriores en el formulario de pedido.

Usted puede comprar VPS con tarjeta de crédito o PayPal. Si desea utilizar la tarjeta de crédito o PayPal, debe seleccionar 2Cehckout como forma de pago o formulario de pedido. 2Checkout. com, Inc. (2CO) es el proveedor de servicios de pago de confianza para miles de productos y servicios tangibles o digitales.

Si no tiene tarjeta de crédito o PayPal, puede utilizar Moneybookers Ltd. como puerta de enlace de pago. Moneybookers Ltd. es uno de los proveedores de pago en línea más grandes del mundo actualmente utilizados por más de 70.000 comerciantes.

Nuestro programa de afiliados es gratuito para unirse. El proceso es extremadamente fácil y rápido. Después de inscribirse, usted es elegible para usar nuestro enlace de afiliado. Puede utilizar este enlace en su sitio web o en cualquier otro lugar en el que cree que es apropiado (hosting de foros, blogs, etc.). En tu cuenta puedes ver cuántas comisiones has ganado mientras nos encargamos de la orden, la entrega de VPS y la facturación. Para cada cliente que complete una compra a través de su enlace, su cuenta será acreditada al 100% de su primer pago. Por lo tanto, convertirse en nuestro afiliado, añadir enlaces y empezar a ganar dinero!

VPS detalles / características

Acerca de VPSGurus & # 0153; Y Gurus Apoyo & # 0153;

Diferencias entre VPS Hosting, Hosting Compartido y Servidor Dedicado

Muchas opciones a menudo hacen la tarea difícil para los webmasters. Muchos de ustedes nos preguntan que cuáles son las diferencias entre un alojamiento VPS, alojamiento compartido y servidor dedicado. Este artículo es para responder a esa consulta. Con suerte, este le ayudará a averiguar las diferencias entre estos servidores.

Vamos a iniciar nuestra discusión con el servicio de alojamiento compartido, ya que este es todavía uno de los mo.

5 Beneficios de usar VPS administrado de Windows para los negocios

Si usted está ejecutando una pequeña a medianas empresas, entonces usted debe saber la importancia de un sitio web. Un sitio web por sí solo no es nada si no tiene un servicio de alojamiento de calidad junto con. Hay un montón de servicios de alojamiento disponibles en la web y es por eso que las cosas pueden obtener fácilmente confuso. Esperemos que este artículo le ayudará a entender por qué Windows vps es una buena idea para las empresas especialmente pequeñas.

¿Qué es Forex?

El mercado de divisas (también conocido como el mercado de Forex o FX) es el mercado financiero más grande del mundo, con más de 1,5 billones de dólares cambiando de manos cada día. ¡Eso es más grande que todos los mercados de acciones y tesorería de Estados Unidos combinados! A diferencia de otros mercados financieros que operan en una ubicación centralizada (es decir, la bolsa), el mercado mundial de divisas no tiene una ubicación central. Es una red electrónica global de bancos, instituciones financieras y comerciantes de Forex individuales, todos ellos involucrados en la compra y venta de monedas nacionales. Otra característica importante del mercado Forex es que opera 24 horas al día, lo que corresponde a la apertura y cierre de centros financieros en países de todo el mundo, comenzando cada día en Sydney, luego en Tokio, Londres y Nueva York. En cualquier momento, en cualquier lugar, hay compradores y vendedores, haciendo que el mercado Forex sea el mercado más líquido del mundo.

Si usted es consciente o no de él, usted juega ya un papel en negociar de la modernidad. El simple hecho de que tienes dinero en tu bolsillo te convierte en un inversionista en moneda. Con la celebración de dólares de EE. UU., por ejemplo, ha optado por no mantener las monedas de otras naciones. Sus compras de acciones, bonos u otras inversiones. Junto con el dinero depositado en su cuenta bancaria. Representan inversiones que dependen en gran medida de la integridad del valor del dólar estadounidense. Debido al cambio de valor de esta moneda denominada y las fluctuaciones resultantes en los tipos de cambio, sus inversiones pueden cambiar en valor, afectando su estado financiero general. Con esto en mente, no debería sorprendernos que muchos inversores se hayan aprovechado de la fluctuación de los tipos de cambio, utilizando la volatilidad del mercado de divisas como una forma de especular sobre los pares de divisas.

Tradicionalmente, el acceso al mercado Forex se ha puesto a disposición sólo de los bancos y otras grandes instituciones financieras. Con los avances en la tecnología a través de los años, sin embargo, el mercado Forex está ahora disponible para todo el mundo, desde los bancos a los administradores de dinero a los comerciantes de Forex individuales.

El Banco Egipcio de Finanzas saudíes El Banco Egipcio de Finanzas saudíes comenzó su papel activo el 21 de junio de 1988. Desde esta fecha, el banco se comprometió a proporcionar todas las transacciones bancarias y servicios relacionados con sus actividades en cumplimiento con los principios y reglas de la Sharia islámica a través de su Cairo Y sus 11 sucursales en el gran Cairo, Alex, Mansoura, además de otras tres ramas que van a ir.

Citibank Citigroup Inc. es la compañía preeminente de servicios financieros, con cerca de 200 millones de cuentas de clientes en más de 100 países. Nuestra historia se remonta a la fundación de Citibank en 1812, Bank Handlowy en 1870, Smith Barney en 1873, Banamex en 1884, y Salomon Brothers en 1910. Otras marcas importantes bajo el paraguas rojo de Citigroup son Citi Cards, C.

& # 149; Mercados de Divisas Avanzados. La mejor manera de averiguar sobre ACM Forex, quiénes somos y lo que hacemos es recoger el teléfono y llamarnos. Para el tho.

& # 149; ApexForex para el comercio de Forex. La cámara de compensación de ApexForex es un fabricante de mercado principal en el comercio de Forex. Establecemos los estándares más altos de la actualidad en el extranjero.

& # 149; Forex USA. Forex USA es una subsidiaria propiedad de Trading Intl. Estamos actuando en la capacidad de un corredor de introducción a Global.

& # 149; ProtradeFx. Protrade Capital Group (PCG) es una empresa de gestión de activos alternativos que se especializa en el comercio de divisas cu.

& # 149; Stockcharts. ¡Bienvenido a StockCharts. com! Los gráficos financieros pueden ayudarle a tomar algunas decisiones de inversión extremadamente rentables. Ellos pueden.

& # 149; La Bolsa de Montreal. El Intercambio de Montreal (MX), el intercambio más antiguo de Canadá, tiene liderazgo en tres áreas de finanzas: derivados financieros.

& # 149; Arab2invest. ¿Qué es el stock? ¿Por qué una empresa emite acciones? ¿Por qué los inversores pagan un buen dinero por pequeñas piezas de papel llamadas acciones c.

& # 149; 2checkout. Company 2Checkout. com, Inc. (2CO) es el centro de distribución en línea de más de 300.000 productos tangibles o digitales y s.

& # 149; Ameritrade Corredor de descuento, que ofrece mercados de bajo costo y negociaciones de órdenes de límite en la Bolsa de Nueva York y NASDAQ. Las opciones de investigación también están disponibles.

& # 149; Corredor de bolsa Para un trato entre dos personas, no se necesita corredor. Un corredor es útil en tratar de coincidir con otros compradores o vendedor.

& # 149; Barron s Magazine. ¿Qué es Barron's Magazine? Barron es el primer semanario financiero de Estados Unidos, el consumo más sofisticado.

& # 149; Inc com Acerca de Inc. com Inc, el sitio web de la revista Inc., ofrece asesoramiento, herramientas y servicios, para ayudar a los propietarios de negocios y.

& # 149; La Asociación de Clasificación de Contenidos de Internet. La Asociación de Clasificación de Contenidos de Internet (ICRA) es una organización internacional sin fines de lucro de líderes de internet que trabajan.

& # 149; Dinero CNN. Bernanke en el cerebro7: 51: Los inversores estarán atentamente vigilando el testimonio del Congreso de la Fed Presidente Bernanke para cl.

Gurus VPS Plan 6144

Los planes VPS de Windows son alimentados por Windows Server 2008 y se virtualizan utilizando la tecnología Hyper-V de Microsoft, la opción principal para los servidores privados virtuales de Windows.

Utiliza una arquitectura con una estructura de bus, lo que garantiza que la comunicación uno a uno entre las máquinas invitadas y las máquinas de origen ocurra de manera muy eficiente y muy segura.

Es más seguro porque cada máquina virtual invitada está ejecutando su propia instancia del sistema operativo.

Es más seguro porque la virtualización está integrada en Windows Server 2008, diseñada especialmente para ello.

Ofrece completa autonomía porque cada máquina virtual puede tener su propia política de seguridad y gestión de parches propia, específicamente para la aplicación que se ejecuta en ese servidor.

Ofrecemos los sistemas operativos mencionados más abajo en Windows VPS:

Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition - 64 bits

Windows 2008 Enterprise Edition - 32 bits

Windows 2008 Enterprise Edition - 64 bits

Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition - 32 bits

Usted elige cualquiera de los anteriores en el formulario de pedido.

Usted puede comprar VPS con tarjeta de crédito o PayPal. Si desea utilizar la tarjeta de crédito o PayPal, debe seleccionar 2Cehckout como forma de pago o formulario de pedido. 2Checkout. com, Inc. (2CO) es el proveedor de servicios de pago de confianza para miles de productos y servicios tangibles o digitales.

Si no tiene tarjeta de crédito o PayPal, puede utilizar Moneybookers Ltd. como puerta de enlace de pago. Moneybookers Ltd. es uno de los proveedores de pago en línea más grandes del mundo actualmente utilizados por más de 70.000 comerciantes.

Nuestro programa de afiliados es gratuito para unirse. El proceso es extremadamente fácil y rápido. Después de inscribirse, usted es elegible para usar nuestro enlace de afiliado. Puede utilizar este enlace en su sitio web o en cualquier otro lugar en el que cree que es apropiado (hosting de foros, blogs, etc.). En tu cuenta puedes ver cuántas comisiones has ganado mientras nos encargamos de la orden, la entrega de VPS y la facturación. Para cada cliente que complete una compra a través de su enlace, su cuenta será acreditada al 100% de su primer pago. Por lo tanto, convertirse en nuestro afiliado, añadir enlaces y empezar a ganar dinero!

VPS detalles / características

Acerca de VPSGurus & # 0153; Y Gurus Apoyo & # 0153;

Diferencias entre VPS Hosting, Hosting Compartido y Servidor Dedicado

Muchas opciones a menudo hacen la tarea difícil para los webmasters. Muchos de ustedes nos preguntan que cuáles son las diferencias entre un alojamiento VPS, alojamiento compartido y servidor dedicado. Este artículo es para responder a esa consulta. Con suerte, este le ayudará a averiguar las diferencias entre estos servidores.

Vamos a iniciar nuestra discusión con el servicio de alojamiento compartido, ya que este es todavía uno de los mo.

5 Beneficios de usar VPS administrado de Windows para los negocios

Si usted está ejecutando una pequeña a medianas empresas, entonces usted debe saber la importancia de un sitio web. Un sitio web por sí solo no es nada si no tiene un servicio de alojamiento de calidad junto con. Hay un montón de servicios de alojamiento disponibles en la web y es por eso que las cosas pueden obtener fácilmente confuso. Esperemos que este artículo le ayudará a entender por qué Windows vps es una buena idea para las empresas especialmente pequeñas.

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Las opciones binarias señalan las opciones de acciones de scam sec las opciones de stock de los sistemas de depósito no son opciones con el sistema cristine funciona la opción binaria de argentina con las críticas de christine 40. Un inversor que busca utilizar una opción de un toque podría comprar un contrato de apuestas que el precio de las acciones alcanzará 6.

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Usted debe hacer forex. Con el forex en línea más rápido que negocia, después se descolora el movimiento, gunning para otros comerciantes para parar órdenes de la pérdida. ) La última introducción a Forex Trading La última introducción a Forex Trading Duración: 3h | Video: AVC. Yea3-backtest, está haciendo un gran sistema binario de opción libre MMR si desea obtener un beneficio de 100, a continuación, sólo cambiar el sl a 500.

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2Checkout. Launches Quarterly Fraud Index Report To Monitor Global Online Payment Scams

Inaugural Fraud Index Report Finds You Can Trust Scandinavians and Book Buyers; Be Wary of Indonesian and Cable TV Buyers

2Checkout. a leading global online payments provider, today released their inaugural quarterly Fraud Index report. The study of online payments fraud is based on a worldwide sample of approximately one million payment transactions tracked each quarter.

Among the report findings:

The highest percentage of fraud occurs with the highest-priced goods. Think sophisticated jewel thieves. Transaction values over $400 exhibit fraud rates 35% higher than average.

PayPal is safer than most credit cards. Some credit cards experience 3x the fraud rate of others.

By product category, the highest global fraud rates involve cable, satellite and pay television, demonstrating more than 4 times the average fraud rate.

Home furnishings, needlework products, and books experience the lowest fraud rates by product category, with one tenth of the average fraud rate.

Geographically, the lowest fraud rates in the world are found in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway) and Belgium; the highest are in Indonesia, Pakistan and Romania. Rates between high fraud and low fraud countries can vary by as much as 1000%.

“As merchants seek sales growth by expanding internationally and selling into emerging growth markets, they will encounter fraud. I won’t hazard a guess as to why pay TV and Indonesian purchases are so rife with fraud, but fortunately there are ways to detect it before damage is done,” said Daniel Greenberg, acting chief marketing officer for 2Checkout. “While most payments vendors simply check CVV codes, we have 300-plus heuristics and some clever network intelligence to actively monitor and stop fraudulent transactions before they occur. This has provided us with some unique insights into the market. We wanted to share these with the public so that others may benefit.”

As part of its Fraud Index monitoring activity, 2Checkout uses a sophisticated tiered defense system that automatically flags fraudulent purchase activity at the point of sale. 2Checkout sits between the buyer and seller and is able to intercept fraudulent transactions before they cause financial harm to the seller.

A copy of the Fraud Report may be downloaded at go.2checkout. com/fraud-index. Media interested in receiving a copy of 2Checkout’s quarterly Fraud Index report may send a request to Renee Newby at renee@rocketscience. com.

2Checkout’s quarterly fraud data is gathered from a worldwide sample of approximately one million online transactions. 2Checkout identifies fraudulent activity in real-time using proprietary technology that combines direct observation, network-level intelligence, and 300+ system heuristics that evaluate every transaction to verify it.

The 2Checkout Fraud Index scores are calculated by first determining a ‘fraud rate’ & Ndash; as derived by dividing the number of fraud incidents by the total number of transactions. The average fraud rate worldwide is set equal to 100, and all other fraud rates are normalized to this index. Therefore, a country with a Fraud Index of 200 is considered to be twice as risky as the average. The Fraud Index data is then cross-tabulated against buyer characteristics such as credit card type, billing address, IP address, email domain and transactional characteristics such as currency, purchase type, and transaction value.

A worldwide leader in payment services, 2Checkout maximizes online sales conversions by giving global buyers localized payment options. Trusted by over 50,000 merchants, 2Checkout supports transactions in 196 countries through 8 payment methods, 26 currencies, and 15 languages, forming one of the leading processors of online transactions in the world. The service is simple to implement, including a pre-integrated payment gateway, a merchant account, PCI compliance, international fraud prevention, and easy integration for more than 100 of the most popular shopping carts.

For more information, please visit www.2checkout. com.

Find daily posts on payments and e-commerce best practices at the 2Checkout blog: https://www.2checkout. com/blog.

To receive the latest trends and news, Like 2Checkout on Facebook: https://www. facebook. com/2Checkout.2CO

For a copy of the Quarterly Fraud Report: go.2checkout. com/fraud-index

2Checkout. com Complaints & Reviews

2checkout. com took my money, didn't provide the online service paid for on http://www. emoment. net, won't refund my money. Paypal will not refund the money either stating online virtual service. Then paypal should not accept or take payments for online services if they aren't going to protect the consumer. -$10.00 USD 2/12/2015 15:51 PST 2Checkout. com fxpaypalsales@2co. com Invoice ID: 205507011257

2Checkout. com - Ohio / DO NOT make the mistake of signing up with 2checkout, unless you want to suffer like me!

DO NOT make the mistake of signing up with 2checkout, unless you want to suffer like me! I consider myself a typical internet marketer selling my own digital creations such as ebooks, templates, etc. I have been in business with this company as a vendor for the past 5 years. All of a sudden they make my account inactive and I lose my sales. This they did without any prior warning at all. I discovered this on my own when I found all my order links showing a 'parameter error'! When I inquired, they told me that my website was missing a number of documents such as privacy policy, refund.

2Checkout. com / Avoid this company/website if you want to run a stable ecommerce website

2checkout is one of the worst payment processing companies. They NEVER care about their customers. Once they suspect your site e. g. you have more than one websites, or your website went down for more than few hours if you have server issues or anything, they will immediately suspend your account. Then you try to call them time after time, explain over and over again, send them numerous emails, they just IGNORE you after all. Avoid this company/website if you want to run a stable ecommerce website. My website is still down after a week now and they NEVER responded me. Check out other payment gateways such as paypal (not very nice either), ccbill, google checkout, gtbill, gspay, and MANY more. Just beware of 2checkout.

2Checkout. com / They wouldn't give me a refund and never sent a replacement as they said they would

After 6 months of battling with a seller (sent me a damaged part, I sent it back at my expense, they wouldn't give me a refund and never sent a replacement as they said they would). I am now out the money (only about $100 but its the principle) and the seller has all but stopped replying to my emails. I decided to ask 2checkout for help. They were very unhelpful and said it was not their job as a payment processing agent and I should try dealing with the seller directly (hah after 6 months of getting screwed around by them). bottom line, 2checkout has no accountability, stick with sellers that use Paypal.

2Checkout. com - Ohio, Columbus / Money takers, no payouts

Online payment source, billed as an alternative to Paypal. Easy to use, with low fees. However, payouts of the collected money from seller sales, is inconsistent and excuses for non-payouts are found, including bank account error, and things that make no sense at all, including you need to mark item as shipped in order to have the payment funds sent, but How you mark as shipped, and what you need to do, is mysterious and difficult. You may not know you need to do this, or how!

2Checkout. com / Lousy, Antiquated Customer Service

2Checkout. com uses 1950s policies for obtaining a refund from their vendors! I ordered some items from one of their vendors! Payment was processed. 2.5 weeks later, I hadn't received the items from the vendor. I emailed 2Checkout. com asking the status of my order. More than 1 business day later, they replied stating they had emailed the vendor regarding the order and had to give the vendor 2 days to reply! I waited 3 days. Nada. I emailed 2Checkout. com again demanding a refund. More than one full business day later, they replied stating they had requested refund and had to wait another.

2Checkout. com - Ohio / Buyer Beware!

These guys sell themselves as a paypal alternative that will actually assist you in the event things go wrong with your online purchase. This could not be further from the truth. Once the transaction is completed, your money is gone, and delivery of the product is optional. There are many options when making an online purchase. Do your homework and choose a provider that is reputable.

2Checkout. com - Ohio / Scam Service

Never use 2checkout. com it is a scam. The 2checkout staff is incompetent! Thier website doesnt even work with the most popular browser on earth (internet explorer)! They also charge a scamming $50 setup fee (which nobody else charges) and then charge you ridiculous rates! Thier checkout pages will change everyday because they dont know what they are doing! It doesnt matter what you do it will change on you causing you lots of problems and lost revenue! They also will take money for your sales then not pay you! They stole my money! They are nothing but incompetent thieves! Never use this piece of crap service!

2Checkout. com / Online scam

2Checkout have refused me as a vendor for what reason, I don't know. I called them and they said I will have to find alternative means of fetching CC/DC payments. They wouldn't give me a reason why and were very blank with me. I have also had a ticket open with them for over 24 hours with no response.

2Checkout. com - Ohio, Columbus / They stole my money.

2checkout in ohio is a scam! They have there own made TOS and there a horrible company! stealing peoples money for there own company! they dont hold it, they just steal it! I paid 49.99 for there services for my website to accept credit cards for my products! I paid and started using there checkout for credit card sales! I was very unaware that what I was selling was supposly against there TOS and in any case after reading it, my exact item wasnt under there prohibited items! ( they should list each one individualy ) And in any case they shouldnt have stole my money, they should have atleast.

2Checkout. com / payment to scam company

I made a payment of 80 euro to Non-Plagiarised Essays-UK for an essay and because it was giving an option to pay through Paypal I thought it was above board. However at some point when I was entering details I realised that they were going to a 2checkout. com instead of Paypal. I've since found out that Non-Plagiarised-Essays-UK is a scam.

2Checkout. com / No US$12 Refund after 40days

1 Message by you on Tue, 20th May 2008 5:45 am It is 20 May'08 (7-10 days from your last email) & I've yet to receive a US$12 refund. What's the status of the refund? ----- Original Message ---- From: "refunds@2checkout. com" <refunds@2checkout. com> To: datasagedatarecovery@yahoo. com. sg Sent: Sunday, 11 May 2008 12:36:35 Subject: 2CO Transaction Modified. A credit/refund has been issued on the following order. Sale: 3910615200 Amount: 12.00 Additional comments: Money Back Guarantee - $12 - datasage. net A refund can be issued by 2Checkout for various reason.

2Checkout. com - Ohio, Columbus / 2Checkout. com

I actually had signed up for an account at 3AM today [3/13/2008] and I just demanded a refund of my processing fee 5 minutes ago. Those people are fruity pebbles! First off, since I used my PayPal Premier Business Card to pay for the processing fees, the validation number was not showing so, I could not validate. So, I opened a ticket. They responded and said it would take a few more days and to check for the validation number again. Está bien, no hay problema. They also added the following: [quote] Upon initial review of your account, we have found the following issue(s) that may *restrict your ability.

2Checkout. com / Refused order!

Here's my nightmare with 2checkout. com. Customer placed a $49,000 order. Later that day it passed 2CO fraud review. This was my indication that the order was good and the following day I initiated the process of filling the order. Three days later, after the order had been sent off to the customer, I called 2CO because I was concerned that the payment hadn't been processed. Larry assured me that although it hadn't made this week's payment cycle it would certainly be on the following week's. He further assured me that the payment was guaranteed as it had been.

2Checkout. com / Payments are not as big as expected

I having been using their merchant services for my online http://www. admain. co. uk. It came to light after a few transactions that my payments where not as big as expected. I am fully aware that the company takes a percentage in the transaction. I am also fully aware that they hold back a percentage in case any of my clients reuest their money back. i am also fully aware that it cost $6.00 ( U. S. dollars) for them to wire my money across. What I am not aware of is how around 5% of the transaction disappears from my clients making a payment to it reaching my merchant account with 2Checkout. Como ejemplo.

Recently Discussed Complaints

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Author form India can mail to india. payment@ijser. org Author form China/New Zealand/Thailand can mail to ijser. editor@ijser. org

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2CheckOut. com Inc. (Ohio, USA) is a payment facilitator for services provided by IJSER PUBLISHING.

Important - Due to EURO currency conversion fluctuation, please consider USD$ 87 as Standard Registration charge & USD$ 65 as Student/Research Scholar charge for all conversions.

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2Checkout Application Refused for Strange Reason

I applied for a 2Checkout account about 2 weeks ago & today they refused my application & have given the following reason.

We appreciate your interest in 2Checkout. However, the business category of products and services that your website represents is restricted by our upstream providers. These restrictions are based on industry wide statistics for your business category.

While we cannot accept your business, we have formed a partnership with a company named Total-Apps that may be able to help you. Please visit their website at comparemerchant. net for additional details.

Can anyone explain this to me please?

I had clearly mentioned in my application, that I'll be selling digital downloadable products on my website, which are instant downloadable. ( Products like eBooks, video/audio courses etc. ) But I don't understand the point of refusing. Is there anyone of you guys already using 2CO, for selling digital downloadable products?

This really doesn't make sense. I tried to open my 2CO account & it says, account closed.

Can I apply again, with same agenda? Any advice for me?

I'm feeling worst right now. First I lost one of my main jobs & now this, when I planned to move on.

2checkout. com inc

Industry: Retail - Discretionary

Sub-Industry: Other Spec Retail - Discr

2checkout. Com, Inc. provides online payment processing services. The Company offers hosted payment solutions, merchant and account, gateway, and fraud prevention services, as well as provides consumer care, affiliate marketing, and a global shopping portal. 2checkout. Com operates internationally.

Información corporativa

serap Telefonla müşteri danışmanlığı ve ürün tanıtımı yapabilmesi Ekibin koordinatörlük görevini ve yönetimini yapabilmesi. Bağımsız çalışma şekli saat sabah 10:30 Akşam 19:00 Ekip ile beraberdir. En önemlisi bilgisayar ve internet bilgisi olan tercihen Almanca. İngilizce veya farklı dileri bilmesi Çok ciddi kendi İşini kurmak isteyen ve evinden den çalışmak isteyenler öncelik tanınacaktır. Satış ve pazarlama alanında deneyimli. ikna kabiliyeti olan. dış görünümüne özen gösteren .

admin We are hiring 2checkout. com API developer. Please contact to support@mowebu. com

admin İzmir de ikameteden. tercihen Ege Üniversitesi veya Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesinde Öğrenci, Video sunum yapabilecek diksiyonu düzgün bayan aranmaktadır.

admin Profesyonel Power Point Sunum Hazırlayabilecek, PhotoShop ve Corel Bilen Grafikerler aranmaktadır.

Get a Virtual Credit Card or VCC

There are no lengthy application procedures to create or generate virtual credit card or VCC number. The process is fast & quick as simple as you walk-in a store pay and get your desired prepaid product. Since virtual Visa card in fact is a virtual debit card therefore ordering is incredibly immediate and hassle free.

Everyone is eligible to apply and there are several ways to get VCC, we accept following payment methods e. g PayPal, Western Union, Bank Wire, MoneyGram, Moneybookers, IBAN, SWIFT, LibertyReserve (LR), C-Gold, WebMoney (WMZ), Cashu.

Virtual credit card or VCC can also be customized for any preloaded face value other than readily available. You should contact our customer support for any desired value between $5 to $10,000. Virtual Visa card is denominated in United States - US dollar currency. However, you can use it to shop at multi currency websites and merchants e. g. major currencies Euro, Japanese Yen, British Pound Sterling, Swiss Franc, Australian Dollar, Singapore Dollar, Malaysian Ringgit, Chinese Yuan, Hong Kong Dollar, South African Rand, Thai Baht, Saudi Riyal, UAE Dirham or any other international or local currency as long as your card balance is enough, currency conversion to desired value will be instant and automatic.

WHAT is a virtual credit card or VCC?

VCC is short of virtual credit card or VCC. It is a stored value prepaid virtual Visa or Mastercard card number that is specifically designed for online secure & anonymous shopping.

It is so far the best reliable method to make purchases over the internet. Ideally suited to those who for some reasons do not qualify to get a credit card / debit card or already have a credit card or bank card locally issued but always concerned of internet security, afraid that private personal and banking & financial information might be compromised by the loopholes of internet technology and such sensitive information could end up with some internet hackers or thieves. Thus, only best solution to avoid all these unpredictable problems is to use a prepaid credit card or e-credit card that is not associated with sensitive data.

BENEFITS of virtual credit card or VCC

Make Purchases anywhere online with internet prepaid Visa card e. g. virtually it can be used to buy anything like a regular Visa card or credit card / Visa debit card will do. Many of our cardholders have successfully used virtual cards at web sites such as Google Adwords, Google CheckOut, PayPal, eBay, Amazon ClickBank, iBill, Hulu Plus, Android Market, iOffer, iTunes, Facebook credits, Xbox, eFax, Alertpay, Mcafee, Norton Anti virus, 2Checkout, Forex deposits for currency trading. Also buy virtual and physical goods such as domains, web hosting (dedicated, VPS, Cloud), ebooks, virtual office & secretarial services, VOIP (PC to phone call/fax), Skype credits, prepaid phone cards, pins, perfume, garments, pay taxes, insurance premiums / installments, form companies private limited or LLC, VPN, medicine / drugs, internet games, software, online advertising, downloads, e-commerce and commercial uses. Moreover usable at many other internet shops & web portals where they accept credit card or Visa logo debit online. Virtual Visa card can also be used to purchase latest electronic gadgets and products such as iPhone 3G, 3GS (3, 4, 5). iPad, iPod and many Apps.

LIMITATIONS of virtual credit card or VCC

You cannot use this virtual prepaid credit card for gambling (lottery, betting), online casino deposits or porn, adult or any kind of pornography sites.

VCC is not actually a credit card but a virtual debit card, therefore no loan or credit given. Hence, it is prepaid and preloaded card with certain values inside.

** It is neither an instant card nor reloadable card but after payment is received and confirmed it can take between 1 to 5 working days to deliver card to your email account. Yes, it is NOT a physical card and you will not receive it by postal mail but it is electronic card and sent to directly your inbox email address.

If bought by MB, Liberty Reserve or PayPal it will be ready and sent to your email address in 2 to 5 working days. By Moneygram (sender details and 8 digit payment Reference Number needed) processing time is the same. It can also be ordered using bank wire transfer, Pecunix and prepaid card by wmz.

Virtual cc cannot be used to build or rebuild credit as it is not linked with any of your personal financial credentials but merely an instrument to help you shop online hassle free. A virtual money card for internet shopping.

You cannot use online credit card/VCC or prepaid Visa card to withdraw or transfer money to the card itself. To withdraw money from PayPal, Moneybookers or other sources you might need a physical plastic Visa Plus Cash card which you can order at a different URL. That is also our service click here for Withdraw PayPal by debit card or payroll card

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Sometimes, the hardest part of building an EA is not the programming; it's the communicating and testing. Here's how a typical project (less than 10 hours) goes:

The customer tries to explain the concept for the expert advisor. 1-2 semanas.

The actual programming work. A maximum of 5 business days.

The customer tries to explain problems that he has never explained before. We fix them and send a new version. The cycle repeats. 2-4+ weeks

Payments & precio

You can order our services for as low as $50, however we request a 50% deposit to initiate a project and the remaining 50% balance will be charged only after completion of the Program. After the Program has been delivered any errors or bugs found in the Program will be fixed free of charge but modifications on the strategy will require additional fees.

We accept payments in various forms such as: Paypal, Payza (Alert Pay). 2Checkout. WebMoney, Liberty Reserve. Debit / Credit Cards

The Scope of Work

Once the project concept reaches a certain point of clarity, the project manager will send you a scope of work (SOW). The SOW attempts to bridge the gap between

Explaining a trading strategy in clear English.

Structuring the explanation so that a programmer can pick it up, read it once or twice, and immediately start programming.

The structure of the SOW reflects the idea of a checklist: I know to enter the market when items x, y and z are checked off. You can also think of those items as evaluating to true or false. If they're all true, then the EA should enter a trade. If not, then the Expert Advisor does not need to do anything.

Take a look at a sample SOW written for a triple moving average crossover robot. Although the strategy is simple, you will get a feel for how the document flows and how it may apply to your EA.

The project manager creates the SOW to confirm his understanding. In effect, he parrots the strategy back to you. It's our way of saying, "Yes, we understand the work that you want us to do" before we accept any form of payment. It also presents the opportunity to correct any mistakes before they actually happen.

The project manager does a lot of the mental heavy lifting. That said, you are the person with the fully formed idea in their head. You may find yourself strained at some point to translate thoughts from your brain into a format that others can follow. There are no shortcuts – it is best that you approach the subject with a great deal of patience.

Expert Advisor and Custom Indicator Delivery

Delivery of the initial expert advisor or custom indicator takes 5 business days from the date of payment, unless specified otherwise.

EA Programmer Inc. uses an email ticketing system for delivering and testing the programming project files. Customers are automatically registered and receive their EA or indicator as an email attachment. You can send as many messages as need without worrying about cluttering the inbox. The system neatly categorizes and organizes emails according to the order in which they were received. You can also login to the ticketing system directly.

We do tech support via the ticketing system. The system helps maintain the files, issues and comments within a single confined area. The project stays more organized, making your life easier and less stressful.

Testing Your Expert Advisor

The initial version of an Expert Advisor almost never comes out as a final, polished product. While the programmers do test the product, a difference exists between running an EA on backtests versus using the file in real life.

Almost all software companies hire a quality assurance engineer to test software. That profession exists for a reason. Testing software takes a lot of work.

Many of our customers are retail forex traders seeking to keep costs down. The most obvious way to reduce cost is to have you, the customer, do the testing.

Even the most trivial EAs usually require several hours of testing to find the little bugs. You are also probably not a quality assurance engineer, and thus not comfortable explaining what exactly doesn't work. We fully expect that you are inexperienced communicating software concepts or problems and reflect that in the estimated time.

The customer is the only person that can fully communicate the requirements and verify that the software we produce matches the scope of work. Therefore, that person has to do real work. You should expect to spend a significant amount of time verifying that the software functions as intended and sending documentation.

A defined process exists for communicating Expert Advisor issues. Most novices report general issues such as the "trailling stop does not work properly". Whenever these types of issues arise, expect the project manager to ask for MetaTrader log files, screen shots and an written overview of the problem. Although the problem may appear obvious, that is probably not the case for the person on the receiving end of the information. The process aims to reverse engineer your thought process, which in turn leads to the clearest description of the problem. The process also involves some degree of computer literacy on the part of the customer.

Ironing out the bugs, great and small, takes anywhere from 2-4+ weeks from the date of delivery. Some of that stems from our need to communicate consistently with all customers. Some of it results from waiting for the market to do something that causes the Expert Advisor to act incorrectly.

Forex Programming Pro Inc. answers tech support requests within 1-3 business days.

All customers of www. ForexProgrammingPro. com will receive the original source code for programming projects. The customer is free to distribute the code in any way, including for profit.

Many of our customers like to sell their Expert Advisors in order to cover the development costs. We can even show you how to distribute licensed versions of your trading system so that traders can only use it on one computer.

Any trading algorithms sent to www. ForexProgrammingPro. com are held confidentially. We consider all price estimates and the ideas within them the customer’s intellectual property. We make no ownership claims on any ideas received or that we develop into code. You are paying us; you may use the code however you like.

Each fixed cost purchase includes free, ongoing support for any errors or bugs in the code that conflict with the scope of work (SOW). In the unusual instance where a problem is difficult to solve, we work with you until the trading system follows the exact rules outlined by the customer. This does not apply to pay for time projects.

We typically provide one or two free “tweaks” or minor modifications to the code at no additional cost. The number of tweaks depends on the number of hours originally purchased, the difficulty of implementing requested changes, total time spent on the project, etc.

We strive to build ongoing relationships with our customers so that you use us for all your programming projects. We want to make sure that your trading ideas are as accurate and useful as possible

Termination of Project

You are able to request a termination of the project why the full payment has not been paid.

Once full payment has been made, you can only request a refund if the project was not delivered 7 days after the scheduled date.


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Вопросы и ответы по карте «Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard®»

Компания Payoneer занимается распространением, управлением и обслуживанием карт «Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard®». Деловым партнером по выпуску карт Payoneer является банк Choice Bank Limited. Лидер в области предоплаченных финансовых решений для интерактивных приложений, компания Payoneer имеет головной офис в Нью-Йорке. Мы ценим связь с клиентом, поэтому просьба присылать любые замечания или предложения по адресу support@payoneer. com

Кто может получить карту «Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard®»?

Любой человек, достигший 18 лет, независимо от наличия банковского счета, может подать заявление на получение предоплаченной карты MasterCard® от компании Payoneer. С подробной инструкцией по заказу карты Payoneer вы можете ознакомиться в соответствующем разделе «Заказ карты «Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard® ».

При регистрации информацию необходимо вносить русскими или латинскими буквами?

При оформлении заявки на получение карты Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard, все поля в анкете должны быть заполнены только Латинскими буквами.

Каковы расходы, связанные с заказом и обслуживанием дебетовой карты MasterCard®?

При заказе карты, пожалуйста, обратите внимание на тарифы по обслуживанию:

заказ карты – $15.95 (комиссия снимается после первого пополнения карты);

вывод средств на карту - $4 (вывод осуществляется в течение 2-х часов);

получение наличных в банкомате (USD) – $3.25 за транзакцию;

получение наличных в банкомате (местная валюта) - $3.25 +2% за транзакцию;

платежи с использованием карты в магазинах и онлайн – без комиссии;

ежемесячное обслуживание: $1 при 5-и и более операциях по карте в месяц; $3 при 4-х и менее операциях в месяц

Как быстро я смогу получить карту Payoneer после оформления заказа?

После оформления заказа, карта Payoneer будет доставлена Вам в течение 12-25 рабочих дней. В случае если карта не поступила в указанный промежуток времени, рекомендуем обратиться в службу поддержки Payoneer

Как я могу использовать предоплаченную карту MasterCard®?

Предоплаченные карты MasterCard® работают в точности, как и другие карты MasterCard®. Карта принимается к оплате товаров и услуг в любой точке мира, где обслуживаются карты MasterCard®.

Можно ли использовать предоплаченную карту MasterCard® для проведения операций в интернете?

Предоплаченная карта MasterCard может быть использована для проведения операций в интернете везде, где дебетовые карты MasterCard принимаются как форма оплаты. При помощи предоплаченной картой MasterCard®, вы также можете производить пополнение Вашего торгового счета в ГК Forex Club.

Кто может пользоваться картой?

Владельцем карты является физическое лицо, чьё имя напечатано на карте. Тот человек, на чье имя выпущена карта, является единственным зарегистрированным владельцем карты.

Что произойдет с моей картой, если я ей не пользуюсь?

Как только карта достигнет нулевого баланса, со счёта карты «Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard®» не будут сниматься комиссионные сборы.

Как активировать карту?

С подробной инструкций по активации карты Payoneer вы можете ознакомиться в соответствующем разделе «Активация карты «Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard®»

Каким образом выплаты на моей карте«Prepaid MasterCard®» становятся доступными?

Как только платёж был загружен на Вашу предоплаченную карту MasterCard®, Вы получите уведомление посредством электронной почты и должны будете подтвердить получение выплаты. Денежные средства будут доступны для Вас по истечении 2-х часов с момента приёма платежа. Пожалуйста, убедитесь в том, что электронная почта от payouts@payoneer. com в Вашем почтовом ящике не будет автоматически направляться в спам.

Могу ли я пополнить баланс предоплаченной карты MasterCard® другим способом?

Да. Вы можете пополнить баланс предоплаченной карты MasterCard® с помощью других карт (Visa® или MasterCard®), электронных чеков (только для владельцев карт в США) или наличных (только для владельцев карт в США). Для дополнительной информации зайдите на www. payoneer. com .

Как проверить баланс моей карты?

Для того чтобы проверить баланс Вашей карты, необходимо сделать следующее:

нажать на «My Account» (Вы можете также нажать на «My account» на домашней странице Payoneer

ввести имя пользователя и пароль, который Вы выбрали при регистрации;

выбрать опцию для проверки баланса.

Какова максимальная сумма единовременного зачисления на предоплаченную карту MasterCard®?

Максимальная сумма, которая может быть единовременно зачислена на карту, составляет $30 000.

Какую сумму можно снять в банкомате, и какую сумму можно использовать на покупки?

Ежедневный лимит использования карты установлен в размере $5000.

Ежедневный лимит с денег в банкоматах и у кассира в банке установлен в размере $2500. Например, после обналичивания $2500 карта может быть использована в тот же день для совершения покупок на общую сумму до $2500.

Примечание: ограничения на снятие наличных средств также могут зависеть от банкомата, и они могут разниться с установленными нормами, указанными выше.

Что делать, если моя карта потеряна или украдена?

Немедленно сообщите в компанию Payoneer о краже или утере карты.

Самый удобный способ сообщить об этом - написать обращение в службу поддержки компании Payoneer через форму обратной связи на их сайте. На главной странице сайта www. payoneer. com кликните по кнопке "Customer support". На открывшейся странице есть возможность отправить сообщение, а также онлайн чат с представителем службы поддержки. На странице отправки сообщения выберите язык интерфейса русский, укажите тип обращения "Потерянная или украденная карта" и отправьте запрос на блокирование карты.

Вы можете перевыпустить потерянную карту. Оплата за доставку новой карты будет списана со счёта вашей карты.

Так же для блокировки карты вы можете воспользоваться «Глобальной службой поддержки MasterCard » вам достаточно выбрать из списка Вашу страну и система выдаст вам контактный телефон для связи. В случае, если страна, в которой Вы находитесь, не указана в списке, звоните по номеру в США 1-636-722-71-11 .

Как я могу аннулировать карту и получить остаток баланса?

Вы можете аннулировать Вашу карту, отправив запрос по электронному адресу support@payoneer. com

Пожалуйста, укажите последние 8 цифр и имя владельца, указанные на карте. Payoneer аннулирует Вашу карту. Оставшиеся денежные средства Вы сможете снять в банкомате.

К кому я могу обратиться в случае необходимости дополнительной помощи?

Вопросы, связанные с Вашими доходами, входят в компетенцию Партнёра. После загрузки денежных средств на Вашу карту все вопросы относительно Вашего счета и/или использования карты должны направляться в Payoneer

Что делать, если заявка на получение карты была отклонена системой Payoneer?

Причина отклонения заявки будет указана в отправленном Вам сообщении от компании Payoneer. К сожалению, в случае отклонения заявки, данный способ вывода средств Вам не доступен.

Источник: https://www. fxclub. org/payoneer-faq/ - Вопросы и ответы по карте «Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard®»

Forex Trading Guide

Paypal is the widely used payment system on the Internet. Unfortunately Paypal does not support Pakistan but now it is possible to accept paypal payments via third party payment solutions. This means that talented Pakistani freelancers are no longer restricted in working online because of the unavailability of Paypal. I have previously posted Alternatives of Paypal in Pakistan. Anyways, There are two payment solutions that allow you to accept paypal in exchange for goods and services:

2checkout . 2checkout (2co) is a long standing and respectable payment solution. Lots of websites on the Internet use it including some Pakistani sites.  Recently 2co introduced a new feature whereby vendors could allow their customers to pay via paypal. 2co in turn pays merchants periodically by check or wire transfer.

The downside to using 2co is that there is a sign up fee of $50. 2co requires that you have a website detailing your products and services and that it passes a review by their risk assessment department. This makes it difficult for new freelancers to get started with this payment solution.

The other problem is that 2co is limited to just one website. If you want to use it on multiple sites you have to pay an additional fee.

This post was updated on 26/08/2015


The most well known global payment gateway is PayPal (www. paypal. com). Even though a South African developed PayPal, the company did not offer merchant services to South African based companies for a long time. This changed in 2010 and It’s now relatively simple to setup a PayPal account in South Africa. PayPal charges no setup or cancellation fees and offers transaction rates as low as 2.4% to 3.9%, plus US$0.30.

Clients can choose between the PayPal Express Checkout, which provides a seamless checkout for PayPal account holders via an API integration or the PayPal Standard Checkout, where PayPal authorizes payments and then returns the online customer to your website.

PayPal enables FNB bank account holders to easily make payments and withdrawals using their bank accounts. FNB has also made it possible for non-FNB account holders to withdraw funds paid into their PayPal account to their bank accounts at other banks, through the FNB Withdraw Service.


Pay4It provides e-commerce solutions for small to medium businesses. A subsidiary of REDi Internet Services, Pay4It will even host and develop the online retailer’s website and make it entirely ready for e-commerce transactions. Pay4It charges a R500 +VAT once-off setup fee and a monthly subscription fee from R150 to R250. A 6% fee is levied per transaction.

Pay4It is a one-stop-shop for all online e-Commerce requirements and offers its clients a full portfolio of web design and development services in addition to its payment gateway services. Pay4It will also happily send clients a full integration guideline document and allow client’s developers access to the Pay4It technical team, to assist with the integration process.

Sage Pay (formerly Sage Netcash)

Sage Pay transacts directly with 4 of the larger banks – Standard Bank, First National Bank, ABSA and Nedbank, and through Bankserv, with the smaller banks. Sage Pay is therefore able to guarantee service levels and payment clearance times.

Primarily used by retailers as a debit order and EFT Payment collection service, it also enables retailers to add a payment gateway service to their websites. Sage Pay requires online retailers to register online and will then respond with a service agreement for completion by the retailer. Sage Pay caters both for merchant account holders and for sole proprietors and is willing to sign up a sole proprietor, once assessed via their personal bank account.

Sage Pay prides itself on a quick turn-around time with registrations and does not lock clients into a fixed timeframe contract. Furthermore, online retailers can cancel their registration with Sage Pay at any time should they be dissatisfied with the service, without incurring penalties or cancellation fees.

Sage Pay charges a R425 setup fee, with a R190 per month retainer. They charge R1.10 authorisation fee per transaction, plus 5% of the transaction value (excluding VAT).

Sage Pay focuses on creating and implementing efficient and easy payment gateway services and as such, the data validation component of their systems is available to all clients, as a web service which can be integrated into the client website or account management software. Sage Pay’s portfolio of services also includes a comprehensive reporting system.


MonsterPay is a favoured choice for smaller businesses. MonsterPay is a Setcom company and does not charge a setup or monthly subscription fee. To receive payments, MonsterPay levies a transaction fee of 4.5%, plus an additional R2 for credit card payments. Payments received via SID Instant EFT are levied a 2.9% transaction fee and an additional R2. Payments received via MonsterBay balance are levied at 1.9% of transaction value.

With MonsterPay, the opening of an account is free and there are no monthly subscription fees. MonsterPay also provides an anti-fraud system, shopping cart and selling tools to its clients for free.


SID is another Setcom company and it provides the only instant EFT service in South Africa, called SID Payment. SID Payment is an assisted EFT (electronic funds transfer) that allows the customer to make payment directly to a merchant using their existing Internet banking facility, and deposits are made in real time. If a customer has never used SID before, they will be asked to run the application.

The customer will then be directed to their chosen bank site where they can login to make payment. The merchant’s banking details will be pre-populated on the payments page. Once the customer completes the payment and receives the receipt, their order will be fulfilled straight away, without having to fax the confirmation to the merchant.

SID merchants save substantially on banking fees and can make use of one of the company’s tailored packages. SID’s packages range in subscription charges from R250 to R900 per month. A minimum of 1.5% transaction fee is levied as part of the Basic package, but this falls away within the packages for higher monthly transaction volumes.


2CheckOut offers a payment gateway service with no waiting period and no term-based contracts. 2CheckOut also supports recurring billing and will work with existing shopping carts.

An application service fee of US$10.99 applies for South African merchants, alongwith a 5.5% commission fee per transaction processed, alongwith an additional $0.45. With no monthly, gateway or statement fees, 2CheckOut also makes it possible for customers to purchase products with PayPal, as well as the most popular online payment methods.

2CheckOut provides its clients with an easy to integrate payment gateway service, which will work with many existing shopping carts and includes a range of comprehensive account management tools. 2CheckOut clients are required to maintain a website containing complete marketing, advertising and product information themselves.


PayFast does not charge monthly fees – only per-transaction fees. PayFast is geared towards South African sellers (who serve both local and international buyers) and is constantly looking for innovative new ways to serve this market. PayFast discounts transaction fees for charities and for other businesses, in accordance with their monthly transaction volumes.

When a buyer makes a purchase, the funds (minus a nominal fee) will immediately reflect in your PayFast account. By generating a Payout, the funds are moved to your South African bank account of choice. In addition to credit card payments, Instant EFT makes up more than half of their transactions. Instant EFT allows buyers to pay via a bank transfer with South Africa’s biggest four banks that gets verified instantly. This is a PayFast patented system and these transactions don’t run the risk of repudiation/costly chargebacks.

PayFast also processes Ukash; vouchers that are available at over 420,000 retail locations all across the world and mimoney; a virtual currency backed by Standard Bank which resides on your mobile phone. Their per-transaction fees are outlined on http://www. payfast. co. za/s/std/fees and they don’t charge any setup fees.

PayFast provides a number of pre-built modules for a number of e-commerce engines/shopping carts, including Jigoshop, Magento, MarketPress, Opencart, WordPress WP eCommerce and WooCommerce. A complete list can be seen at http://www. payfast. co. za/s/std/shopping-carts. PayFast also integrates with Vendorshop, which allows sellers to run promotions, engage with fans and sell products or services right from their Facebook page, without the need for a dedicated shopping cart.

Payfast details their stringent security checks and services here: https://www. payfast. co. za/s/std/security.


evriPay does not charge monthly or set-up fees – only per-transaction fees. evriPay provides transaction processing services in South Africa and Kenya. evriPay is focused on small and new businesses and will get a business up and trading immediately after the application form has been successfully completed. All applications are completed online.

evriPay currently provides two products for eCommerce. “Express” is a quick and simple way to implement online transactions on your website, whilst “Paymi” is an electronic invoicing system to request payments. With evriPay, credit card transactions are charged at 3.4% of the transaction, plus R2.70.

When most people think of internet payment solutions, they think of PayPal first. This platform allows money to change hands without the need to write a check or initiate a bank transfer, but there are drawbacks to consider, such as high fees, unjustified withholding of funds and location-based restrictions on use. Here, we list five of the most popular internet payment systems and their security risks.

Google Wallet: This allows users to send and receive payments with just a couple of taps, but it’s only available in select locations. You can fund your account with a credit or debit card, a bank account or your Wallet balance. Google Wallet makes it easy to consolidate usage of cards, and there’s 24/7 fraud protection. However, it’s not as widely accepted as PayPal, and you’ll pay a transfer charge when you transfer money into your account from a debit or credit card.

Skrill: Formerly operating under the Moneybookers name, Skrill allows users to receive and send payments and make purchases online. Senders can make payments to anyone with a valid email address, and the recipient can use their Skrill account to withdraw funds to their bank account or card. With near-instant withdrawals, low merchant fees and global availability, Skrill has established itself as a serious contender in the online payments business.

Payoneer: This e-commerce payment system is the best choice for affiliate marketers, freelancers and IM pros who want to accept payments from foreign customers. Customers can receive funds either through a bank transfer or as a load onto a debit card, and person-to-person transfers are simple. With widespread acceptance and the variety of accepted currencies, it’s easy to see why Payoneer is so popular. However, fees are a bit high, and you’ll be charged every time you use your Payoneer card at an ATM.

Stripe: This PayPal alternative makes it easier to accept funds from sources such as JCB, American Express, MasterCard and Visa cards. Stripe accepts transactions in almost 100 world currencies, and it is accepted in 19 countries. Setup is simple through plugins, and mobile payments are fully integrated.

2Checkout: It’s best thought of as a partial alternative to PayPal, because it doesn’t facilitate user-to-user transfers. Merchants use it as a way to accept online transactions; 2Checkout supports PayPal, PIN cards, JCB, Visa and MasterCard as payment methods. EFT fund releases are automatic, and the mobile app makes it easy to keep track of business finances. It’s available in 196 countries, 15 languages and 26 currencies.

It’s worth noting that these services are listed in no particular order, and the criteria for finding the “best” online payment service varies widely from one user to the next. While one user may look for hte lowest fees, others may be looking for wider acceptance. By making the right choice, you’ll find the perfect online payment platform for your business.

Many Forex beginners don’t have any idea about what can help them to advance in trading. There are many secrets of successful forex trading and the trading discipline is the most significant one. If you break the rules of your trading system all the the time, you can’t become a professional trader and achieve a success.

Making and receiving international payments can be a hassle sometimes, and there are many options varying in security, timing, cost and simplicity. Today, though, we’ll be talking about Payoneer, which allows businesses to make mass payments internationally. The service also facilitates international funds transfers for small business owners, even those who live out of the country. In this Payoneer review, you will learn how Payoneer works, and how it stacks up against other online payment solutions.

Starting a Payoneer account requires the payment of a $29.95 yearly fee, which can make it an obstacle for businesses who are used to providers who don’t charge recurring or upfront fees. When you sign up. you’ll get a debit card mailed, which can be activated online. You’ll use it just as you would a credit card, except that you must load funds for it to work.

There are two methods to accept payments: through a Payoneer US payment service account, or through ACH/SEPA in Europe. Receiving funds from another account holder is the cheapest option, but there are limits on transfers. Both parties need funded accounts, and low limits make it a viable alternative for smaller businesses.

You can get your money through a bank transfer or a debit MasterCard. Access is seamless, as long as you’re buying in US dollars, and ATM withdrawals cost $3.15 each. Bank account verification times vary, and transfer times differ as well depending on how you receive the payment.

One of the main Payoneer complaints is that you can’t load your account on your own. This makes Payoneer ideal for businesses who make most of their transactions online. There is a “load” service, but you’ll need to ask support to enable the feature. It allows you to accept payments via ACH and credit card, but Payoneer fees are substantial and transfers can take up to three days. Bank transfer services cost 1% and can take up to a week, and they’re only available to US customers.

Payoneer paypal is a great choice for online marketers and freelancers, but we’re not so sure it’s right for businesses who regularly receive and make international payments. We can see circumstances where it would be a viable option, but for the most part, it suits businesses of a specific type.

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Forex in Changning

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Thread: Companies like Clickbank,2Checkout..have problems paying to bank without SWIFT code ?

Originally Posted by OffshorePrivacy

I am sure there are a great deal of companies that will not pay to banks with no direct SWIFT which is what I assume you mean -- like North Cyprus banks that require the funds go through a another bank with a SWIFT code as it would require an additional reference to get it into your account.

The larger the company the less flexible their payment terms, the smaller the company the more flexible I have found.

Do you know if CB or 2CO pay to such banks ?

Is there any place left in the wire to insert your own commentary on the wire because of that additional reference.

Paypal Vs Paymate Vs 2Checkout

Paypal VS Paymate or 2Checkout

As you can see above PayPal seems to be a be cheaper option overall and lower commission rate. All these credit card processors are easily integrated into many platforms including the famous OsCommerce script. Waiting for your account to be set up with 2checkout is probably one of there biggest negatives as well as the setup fee. Also 2Checkout commission fees are basically double the amount of both Paypal and Paymate. Sorry 2Checkout, Paypal and Paymate seem to be winning with that.

PayPal VS Paymate

One similarity with PayPal and Paymate was that the fees both got lower with higher monthly sales amounts, except Paymate charged a monthly fee that progressed on how many sales you got. Whereas the commission structure with Paypal got lower and lower depending on your monthly sales amount and still no monthly fees. So overall PayPal wins there against Paymate.

2Checkout VS PayPal or Paymate

I notice a lot of webmasters prefer the look with 2Checkout but overall i think a lower product price is more alluring to customers. This lower price can be passed on by the lower commission of Paypal or Paymate. I mean if you can charge 3 % less on postage and product prices then you can be more competitive against your competitors. The main difference between 2Checkout and the Paypal or Paymate is that they are a straight out processor, they don’t have a member base like Paypal and Paymate. Meaning that if you are a Paypal or Paymate member you can receive payments from other Paypal or Paymate members as well as from Credit Cards. Good Bonus i think having an extra option but some webmasters can believe it lowers sales.

Paypal VS Paymate VS 2Checkout Conclusion

Overall between the three Paypal and Paymate came the closest in comparison but in the end Paypal appeared to be the better choice. 2Checkout lost the battle after the first summary against these two except for the fact that if the customer wants a straight out transaction without the option of membership. The 2Checkout payment processor has this straight out feature to pay by Credit Card, but unfortunately at 5.5% commission i think that’s there biggest downfall.

Personally my favourite credit card processor is Paypal because not only do they have the cheapest commission fee on purchases but also you can take money out of your Paypal account whenever you want to your linked bank account. If you are interested in trying Paypal out as an option for your Credit Card processing or signing up for Paypal then Click Here .

If you enjoyed this article, get email updates (it is free).

Of course Paypal.

Since November 2012, 2Checkout doesn't accept MasterCard anymore. I would feel rather stupid to tell a costumer that we don't accept MasterCard and he doesn't have a visa card, we will not be able to accept him as a customer.

If you don't mind about high processing fees, I would strongly recommend companies like Plimus, Regnow or Avangate .

Plimus advantages ; Every credit cards will be accepted. You can customize your payment page in many different languages and currencies. We worked with Plimus and we were extremely satisfied. They offer more currencies then any other payment services. They send your money where ever you want (plimus, check, bank account around the world, payoneer MasterCard. etc).

Plimus disadvantages : Really high fees. It is unacceptable on the long run. The payout can seriously hurt your cashflow. They gather the payments from the 1st till the 30st of the current month and send you the money on the 15th of the next month. Plimus was probably the best temporary solution.

Regnow is similar to Plimus. It is cheaper (same fees as 2Checkout). They offer less currencies and languages for the checkout page but their payout terms is much more acceptable. They pay on the 1st and the 15th of every months.

I never used Anangate . I just know its the main competitor to Plimus and Regnow but I never used their services.

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2Checkout Payment API Setup

OpenCart Settings

Upload the files to your OpenCart directory.

Sign in to your OpenCart admin.

Click Extensions tab and Payments subtab.

Under 2Checkout click Install and then click Edit .

Enter your 2Checkout Account ID . (2Checkout Account Number)

Enter your Public Key . (2Checkout Publishable Key)

Enter your Private Key . (2Checkout Private Key)

Select No under Sandbox Mode . (Unless you are testing in the 2Checkout Sandbox)

Select Complete under Order Status.

Select Enabled under Status.

Save your changes.

2Checkout PayPal Direct Setup

OpenCart Settings

Sign in to your OpenCart admin.

Click Extensions tab and Payments subtab.

Under 2Checkout PayPal Direct click Install and then click Edit .

Enter your 2Checkout Account ID . (2Checkout Account Number)

Select Complete under Order Status .

Select Enabled under Status.

Enter your Secret Word (Must be the same value entered on your 2Checkout Site Management page.)

Save your changes.

2Checkout Settings

Sign in to your 2Checkout account.

Click the Account tab and Site Management subcategory.

Under Direct Return select Given links back to my website .

Set the Approved URL to http://www. yourstore. com/index. php? route=payment/twocheckout/callback (Replace http://www. yourstore. com with the actual URL to your store.)

Enter your Secret Word (Must be the same value entered in your OpenCart admin.)

Click Save Changes .

Supported OpenCart Versions: ================ All 1.5.0,,,, 1.5.2,, 1.5.3,, 1.5.4,, 1.5.5,, 1.5.6,,,, ,,,,,

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I fired the second shot too, at the forum post you listed. I'm sending the emails to the appropriate email addresses and pulling the copy down now.

He was dumb enough to put his real address.

Account number 63744 at www.2checkout. com which has a copyright holder only restriction. They will be required to give copies of their sales receipts as evidence.


pero. that may not stand up in court, especially if they keep him as a customer after receiving any complaints at all

Sending off emails. anyone else on your hit list?


I am thinking now as forum administrator.

Just one question (not real case).

One person (developer let's say) had some idea. He tested this idea using MetaTrader during the several months. Then programmer came and programmed his idea onto indicator. Or developer asked him - does not matter. Programmer came and programmed idea related to other person. And he typed his own copywrite as he, programmer, is the owner of the indicator.

Developer said: thats you very much. But I need alarm to this indicator. Programme: this indicator created underyour idea is my property now. And to modify it you need to ask me, or to pay me.

I am asking as admin: how to protect the developers from programmers? Because copywrite violation (when the or indicator is ready) is not usual case on the forum. You understand. When indicator (software let's say) is ready and copywrited so it is normal case. But as I know some programmers are collecting the ideas to program ideas to be the owner of them.

If this copywrite is the same with patented idea by some software so I think we should protect developers (people who are expressing ideas) by giving programmers to them who are connected with the forum to get form tsd copywrite. ¿Derecha?

And, may be, it is not good if many programmers are aroud or inside the forum? Because every forum is having forum programmers (for tsd copywrite) you understand.

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Here are some resources provided by the Admin against copyright infringers on the previous post:

Recently, we were able to identify another case of copyright infringement. http://www. nationwidetrustcompany. com copied certain sections of forsalebyweb. com. They've even attempted to alter the wordings of our registered copyright.

In addition to copying site testimonials, NATIONWIDETRUSTCOMPANY. COM copied word-for-word descriptions of our marketing process; renamed NoDiscount P-R-O-C-E-S-S to System P-R-O-C-E-S-S; and copied links used on forsalebyweb. com.

See scanned images of nationwidetrustcompany. com below.

Please report websites with similar content to: support@forsalebyweb. com. You could be rewarded upto $1,000 if your tipoff leads to legal enforcement.

These sites can prove and track down infringers.

*stretch* okay, back to code. I had my break and fun Tools used: Google on phone number, google on name Clicking links in Ebay based on google whois records whitepages. com

wget was also used to make a copy of the website, all images, css files, movies, downloads and links with the following command: wget - mEHxp - l 4 http://www. strategicsupportsystem. com/

Originalmente publicado por newdigital

I am thinking now as forum administrator.

Just one question (not real case).

One person (developer let's say) had some idea. He tested this idea using MetaTrader during the several months. Then programmer came and programmed his idea onto indicator. Or developer asked him - does not matter. Programmer came and programmed idea related to other person. And he typed his own copywrite as he, programmer, is the owner of the indicator.

Developer said: thats you very much. But I need alarm to this indicator. Programme: this indicator created underyour idea is my property now. And to modify it you need to ask me, or to pay me.

I am asking as admin: how to protect the developers from programmers? Because copywrite violation (when the or indicator is ready) is not usual case on the forum. You understand. When indicator (software let's say) is ready and copywrited so it is normal case. But as I know some programmers are collecting the ideas to program ideas to be the owner of them.

If this copywrite is the same with patented idea by some software so I think we should protect developers (people who are expressing ideas) by giving programmers to them who are connected with the forum to get form tsd copywrite. ¿Derecha?

And, may be, it is not good if many programmers are aroud or inside the forum? Because every forum is having forum programmers (for tsd copywrite) you understand.

I should start by saying, "I am not a lawyer, I am not allowed to advise about legal matters." On the other hand, I have a patent, I have filed for trademarks, I have researched copyright issues for digital libraries, legal cases, the DMCA, Fair Use Act, etc. So, I read a bit and have formed some opinions which I will share. They are however, just my opinions.

There are 4 main types of intellectual property. Copyright is "I presented information" and the act of presenting it means you own that presentation. This applies to code, books, ads, images, etc. The programmer 100% owns the copyright to this information because they were the sole writer of it. According to the WIPO there are two kinds of works based on copyright: a derivative work (like adding a patch, etc) and an inspired work. (I read a book, and wrote a book about it but didn't copy anything.) It is up to a judge to determine which one is the case. I could copyright my patches, and they couldn't be distributed without my permission.

The second kind of intellectual property (IP) is a patent. If someone has an idea, and can demonstrate that the idea hasn't been done before, that person can file a patent. The patent is per country, and only protects that process, idea, method, business practice, invention or innovation in that country. If someone files a patent in the US, the rest of the world can use that technology without paying any patent royalties or licensing. There are 120 or so countries that have an automated filing process for sharing patents. There is a burden of information with patents: You must demonstrate nobody had the same idea before you. That doesn't prevent Microsoft or other big companies from getting away with crap, but the burden would still need to be demonstrated in court. Patents are useful for getting funding, for intimidation (If i had a US patent and everyone in the UK was selling the same thing, I could threaten to extend my patent to the UK, etc), and so on. The courts will uphold patents, but if you need to actually do that then it is too late.

The third kind of IP is trademark, and this is the way something is presented, a style, a logo, or a phrase. Trademarks are reserved by industry. Trademarks also protect domain names.

Lastly, there are trade secrets. Nobody needs to explain their secrets, and they are treated as protected intellectual property.

Ahora. courts may interpret things in different ways. A court may say that if someone explained the process for doing something very very explicitly, that the code that does the same thing is a derivative work. A court *may claim* that if I took Windows 2000 source code and rewrote it in Python that Win2000-Python is a deriviative work of the Windows 2000 source code. I don't know of any court actually doing this, it would take a lot of research.

What tends to happen in the larger open source community (BSD, GPL, GNU, QPL, Mozilla License, etc) is that contributors are listed by what they contributed, and how important it is. Each member is acknowledged: artists, sound, people with ideas, major code writers, minor code writers, etc.

GPL deals with copyright by making all derivative works opensource and GPL. This is considered a "viral" license. But it prevents me from taking GPL code (or libraries) and writing minor patches and then calling it mine. On the other hand, that is exactly what microsoft did with the BSD network sockets. (MS stole TCP/IP code from BSD). GPL code requires all code, patches and modifications are open source as well. GPL code can be resold. QPL has a similar restriction on open source, but doesn't allow code to be resold at all.

I works with patents during the more than 10 years. But it was many years ago. And as I know the application for the patent will be rejected if patent bureau will find the publications about idea (just anything and anywhere)) which is exact the same as person patented and which was published before application date. So the person is patenting the idea.

As to copywrite so you are right.

But if copywrite is related to programmer irrespective of how many people expressed the same idea in public so I think we should protect trading system developers. Because it looks like "i have idea, tested and proved and I need to find the owner (programmer) for all my ideas".

May be some Russian traders/coders are right when they say that ideas about indicators/EAs are more valuable than final project (indicator/EA itself)? In many Russian forex forums they are protecting the ideas against programmers. And they are doing it in very hard way I know: they are coding many indicators/EAs without even single copywrited line (just empty) but if I want to get the idea (any idea) - sorry, nothing or for money. May be they are right?

Última edición por newdigital; 05-11-2006, 11:56.


My recommendation is that the person who comes up with the idea and the person who write the idea into code both decide on a license for distributing the copyright. They can use an existing license, or they can just write whatever they like. Without an agreement on the license, the code is probably the sole property of the person who wrote it. If the programmer is paid, the copyright is still owned by the programmer unless a contract specifically states otherwise.

Honestly, I think the best way to solve this problem is to create a reverse auction. There would be 4 types of people interacting with the system. 1. People with ideas. They would choose the type of license that the code will be eventually distributed in. If the license is too restrictive, programmers probably won't write the code. 2. Programmers who convert ideas into software. They may collect bids 3. Bidders are people who like an idea (with license) enough that they are willing to put up (or pledge a % of earnings) for the development of an idea. Programmers receive this money. 4. Council decides if the idea was properly coded by the programmer. If the idea is to be distributed in compiled binary only, the Council would have access to the source code.

There would be several more people outside the system: A. Users who are able to share in the code distributed through a license (free, freedom, open source, compiled binary, paid for software, etc) B. BountyHunters: research violations of copyright and ideas, might be paid for by the auction system. these people would be paid based on finding stolen ideas, and would also receive a % of any damages paid for idea theft. C. Administrators: people who manage the system D. Funds Escrow: Where the money is held before submitted bids are paid out E. Money managers: (could be same as Fund Escrow) pay the BountyHunters, collect money for % based bids (like a managed account), do general accounting F. Legal team: initially writes standardized contracts/licenses for development between idea people and programmers. May also enforce copyright violations brought by the BountyHunters. Can hire BountyHunters to collect additional information on violations.

This may sound very complex, but this thread is essentially a BountyHunter system. The Funds Escrow could be Paypal. The Administrators might be newdigital. Most of the existing forum members would fill roles 1-4 and A. Legal team is a lawyer, or someone who finds existing contracts now and hires a lawyer later. Money managers might be the same people who are on the council & administrators, but too much duplication and people might not trust them. (Like having everything run by one person who decides everything.) Ideally all members would have a known reputation.

Auction software may exist already, it would need to be culmulative though. An existing bit of code could probably be modified to work fairly quickly, with little to no database changes.

Right now, I would suggest that each programmer and Idea person just agree on a license. If code is submitted, a license should be stated in the file and/or on the download page. Please keep in mind that if GPL code is included, a binary file must be distributed in the same way as the source. We could have "elite only" GPL code, but the binary file and the source must be distributed at the same time. If someone takes that Elite Only file and reposts it somewhere else (like Ebay), they are allowed to do so only if the source is included. GPL code can legally be sold by anyone on Ebay <bold>but only if they include the source.</bold>

I think that's about the end of my long winded opinion.


Also putting any though, idea etc on the internet gives the original creator copyright ownership.

The normal cause of events would be that if I for example create and indicator called "FX Sniper Pip Killer. mq4" and place it here, I have copyright ownership. My next step would be to register this copyright with the relevant authorities. If in the mean time someone takes/steals my work, I still retain the right to sue for damages etc.

Personally I have only dealt with patent law once when I developed an online security concept to protect online identity etc. Before we started the marketing campaign, we went to a lawyer who registered our patent application which gave us 12 months to file the final version. The patent law is different than the copyright law and one should take note of these differences.

Bottom line, what we put here, regardless of our intentions, remains our property, the reward we get for it, be it monitory or just some emotional pleasure, is irrelevant.

If Newdigital puts a new invention on the forum, in a legal sense, technically I am not entitled to just take the file, change what I like and render a new representation without his explicit consent. He is also entitled to condition the amount of change I may bring about in his indicator etc.

There is also a different scenario where I for example buy a book written by say Perry Kaufman, and in the book he explains how to build a replication of his self adjusting moving average, the fact that I bought the book and in it him giving me instructions to build it for my own use is one thing, then taking it and placing it on open forums is a different thing, then people coming taking that again and reselling/amending is even worse.

Here is the link once more:

I know this sounds like it puts a big damper on all the nice sharing everyone enjoys here, but looking past the small inconvenience we will find that it is the right thing to do.

Originalmente publicado por newdigital

May be some Russian traders/coders are right when they say that ideas about indicators/EAs are more valuable than final project (indicator/EA itself)? In many Russian forex forums they are protecting the ideas against programmers. And they are doing it in very hard way I know: they are coding many indicators/EAs without even single copywrited line (just empty) but if I want to get the idea (any idea) - sorry, nothing or for money. May be they are right?

I read your commentary on "Western" vs "russian" schools and have thought about this for a while. The Russian school could simply require a license agreement before receiving an idea. I don't know how they could market ideas without a "general description" and a "specific description" separadamente. It would be too easy to say that an idea is great (american advertising) but then it turn out to be crap, or very common.

With the Western School there are licenses and protections, and these licenses and protections work in court. They are enforceable although not always effective. Some of them are just silly, and most people ignore them. (It is not legal to use laserpointers to play with cats, or to make swings that can go side to side, etc. Lately US companies like Monsanto have patented seeds from nature - and have won lawsuits.)

Maybe in Russia there are laws to make this happen, and to enforce this. I don't know of any way to "remove the idea" from someone still living who doesn't agree to your terms, so it would be a very hard way to do business. The Russian school is compatible with the reverse auction I described, but I doubt anyone would pledge money or support for a "general description" De una idea.

Patents could be used to protect ideas for "Russian School" but they would have to be written, described, and fairly new. A prepatent costs $100 USD, so that may be a good way to protect the idea if it truly is valuable. 1 year after prepatent you must file patent or it goes away.

In my experience, exchanging ideas creates new and better ideas. I am generally very open about my conceptual ideas, and a little more closed about how easily those ideas can make money. That "commercialization" of ideas is valuable, separately than the idea itself. On forex, that is not as true.

Is Jurrick selling that code? If Jurrick makes it commercialized, then I think they go on this list.

I reported both users listed earlier on Ebay as potentially violating copyright. If Jurrick sells code, then I would pursue that. If this is simply copy/paste, then I recommend remove the files and warn the user, else the means of distribution is liable for copyright violation.


Originally posted by daraknor

Is Jurrick selling that code? If Jurrick makes it commercialized, then I think they go on this list.

I reported both users listed earlier on Ebay as potentially violating copyright. If Jurrick sells code, then I would pursue that. If this is simply copy/paste, then I recommend remove the files and warn the user, else the means of distribution is liable for copyright violation.

No heavens NOOOOO. Jurrik is the owner of some great maths, but people have been ripping him off and placing lots of he's work on this and other forums. He does sell his work comercially from his site etc. he is the good guy


There is also a different scenario where I for example buy a book written by say Perry Kaufman, and in the book he explains how to build a replication of his self adjusting moving average, the fact that I bought the book and in it him giving me instructions to build it for my own use is one thing, then taking it and placing it on open forums is a different thing, then people coming taking that again and reselling/amending is even worse.

I think this is the only point we differ on so far. I think that you turning the "Self Adjusting Moving Average" and turning the description into code grants you copyright to the code. If Kaufman trademarked the name, you would have to call your code something else, and you couldn't claim that it was from Kaufman. You should, and *might* be legally obligated to say that Kaufman inspired the code if it was very well documented. You could copy paste a few paragraphs out of his book, cite Kaufman as the source, and put it on these forums as part of Fair Use Act - unburdened by copyright or request for permission. If Kaufman specifically asks the forum admin or you to remove the description, you *should* comply. You *might* have a legal case where you rely on your quotation being an example of Fair Use. You should not need to rely on Fair Use Act to publish your code, unless your code contained large pieces of the book in comments or displayed it in help files to users, etc.

Now if someone took your code, modified a few lines, and reposted it then it is considered a "derivative work" and you continue to own the copyright to the code. If they distribute their modifications *separately* and copyright the separate modifications (like in a. patch file) then you couldn't include the patches without their permission. If they change the copyright info *at all* on your code, it is a clear copyright violation.


Point me at the offenders! Maybe others can use the techniques listed here to help protect Jurrik as well.


Originally posted by daraknor

I read your commentary on "Western" vs "russian" schools and have thought about this for a while. The Russian school could simply require a license agreement before receiving an idea. I don't know how they could market ideas without a "general description" and a "specific description" separadamente. It would be too easy to say that an idea is great (american advertising) but then it turn out to be crap, or very common.

With the Western School there are licenses and protections, and these licenses and protections work in court. They are enforceable although not always effective. Some of them are just silly, and most people ignore them. (It is not legal to use laserpointers to play with cats, or to make swings that can go side to side, etc. Lately US companies like Monsanto have patented seeds from nature - and have won lawsuits.)

Maybe in Russia there are laws to make this happen, and to enforce this. I don't know of any way to "remove the idea" from someone still living who doesn't agree to your terms, so it would be a very hard way to do business. The Russian school is compatible with the reverse auction I described, but I doubt anyone would pledge money or support for a "general description" De una idea.

Patents could be used to protect ideas for "Russian School" but they would have to be written, described, and fairly new. A prepatent costs $100 USD, so that may be a good way to protect the idea if it truly is valuable. 1 year after prepatent you must file patent or it goes away.

In my experience, exchanging ideas creates new and better ideas. I am generally very open about my conceptual ideas, and a little more closed about how easily those ideas can make money. That "commercialization" of ideas is valuable, separately than the idea itself. On forex, that is not as true.

Patents. For example I have 15 patents in Russia (i have). Before presenting any application for the patent I should be very sure that no one expresssed the same idea in forums, published works, newspapers an so on in any country. For example i patented to use microorganisms in a computer system inside a guided spaceship as a memory sensor. So I will get patent on some way to do it. If this way was described already before so I may have patent on same parameters (I use one microorganisms instead of patented by other person). Of course it should be proved by experimentes in certified research centred and so on.

Russian forex forums. Many forums in Russia are doing like this: idea creators and programmer are asking admin of the forum to create the some hidden section on the forum visible just for them only. And they are creating some indicators, trading systems and EAs. Doing everything they want: commercial, uncommercial, developent - anything just to develop the system.

First, second and so on versions are for free and they may post on the forum for everybody with the description and so on. e may see many good thread on their forums but it is public thread which developers decided to post from their hidden section. The final version is usually commecial one and may be sold on the forum, or may be used to do some payment service and so on.

Administration of the forum is not involved in this subject usually (I mean money). Just doing some administration. But there are 2 or 3 systems (hidden sections) where administration is acting as idea creator or programmer (in some way). And those 2 or 3 projects are the main income for the forum. The forum is developing and promoting them. And those kind of forums are usually not asking for the sponsors: forum is having a lot of money in this case and many people are making money. No one idea is spreading without permission because they understand idea = money.

And because of that, if we visit any Russian forum, we may find just few ideas only with a lot of indicators/EAs and many hidden sections with 2 or 3 section which is belong to administration fully or as in some part.

Please note that we can take the site offline provided that you email/fax/mail us the exact location (url) where the copyright violation has occurred + proof that there has been a violation.

However, we strongly advice you to contact the owner of the domain to remove immediately the web pages that have copyright violations. If they fail, then send us an email to abuse@siteground. com. Our policy is to provide 72h for response from the customer (after we receive the complaint details from you) and if no response is received the whole site will be shut down.

If there is anything else we can do for you, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Can we compare the screenshots to copyrighted code on this site please? That will be proof and we can kick this person off the net, cancel the credit card processing, and get a list of transactions.


Copyright 2005-2015, MQL5 Ltd.

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7 of 10 on the basis of 26975 Review

Sometimes, the hardest part of building an EA is not the programming; it's the communicating and testing. Here's how a typical project (less than 10 hours) goes:

The customer tries to explain the concept for the expert advisor. 1-2 semanas.

The actual programming work. A maximum of 5 business days.

The customer tries to explain problems that he has never explained before. We fix them and send a new version. The cycle repeats. 2-4+ weeks

You can order our services for as low as $50, however we request a 50% deposit to initiate a project and the remaining 50% balance will be charged only after completion of the Program. After the Program has been delivered any errors or bugs found in the Program will be fixed free of charge but modifications on the strategy will require additional fees.

We accept payments in various forms such as;

Paypal >> (paypal@ea-programmers. com)

Payza (Alert Pay) >> (support@ea-programmers. com)

2Checkout >> Secure Payment Page

WebMoney >> (Z250957199548)

Liberty Reserve >> (U8604204)

The Scope of Work

Once the project concept reaches a certain point of clarity, the project manager will send you a scope of work (SOW). The SOW attempts to bridge the gap between

Explaining a trading strategy in clear English

Structuring the explanation so that a programmer can pick it up, read it once or twice, and immediately start programming

The structure of the SOW reflects the idea of a checklist: I know to enter the market when items x, y and z are checked off. You can also think of those items as evaluating to true or false. If they're all true, then the EA should enter a trade. If not, then the Expert Advisor does not need to do anything.

Take a look at a sample SOW written for a triple moving average crossover robot. Although the strategy is simple, you will get a feel for how the document flows and how it may apply to your EA.

The project manager creates the SOW to confirm his understanding. In effect, he parrots the strategy back to you. It's our way of saying, "Yes, we understand the work that you want us to do" before we accept any form of payment. It also presents the opportunity to correct any mistakes before they actually happen.

The project manager does a lot of the mental heavy lifting. That said, you are the person with the fully formed idea in their head. You may find yourself strained at some point to translate thoughts from your brain into a format that others can follow. There are no shortcuts – it is best that you approach the subject with a great deal of patience.

Expert Advisor and Custom Indicator Delivery

Delivery of the initial expert advisor or custom indicator takes 5 business days from the date of payment, unless specified otherwise.

EA Programmer Inc. uses an email ticketing system for delivering and testing the programming project files. Customers are automatically registered and receive their EA or indicator as an email attachment. You can send as many messages as need without worrying about cluttering the inbox. The system neatly categorizes and organizes emails according to the order in which they were received. You can also login to the ticketing system directly.

We do tech support via the ticketing system. The system helps maintain the files, issues and comments within a single confined area. The project stays more organized, making your life easier and less stressful.

Testing Your Expert Advisor

The initial version of an Expert Advisor almost never comes out as a final, polished product. While the programmers do test the product, a difference exists between running an EA on backtests versus using the file in real life.

Almost all software companies hire a quality assurance engineer to test software. That profession exists for a reason. Testing software takes a lot of work.

Many of our customers are retail forex traders seeking to keep costs down. The most obvious way to reduce cost is to have you, the customer, do the testing.

Even the most trivial EAs usually require several hours of testing to find the little bugs. You are also probably not a quality assurance engineer, and thus not comfortable explaining what exactly doesn't work. We fully expect that you are inexperienced communicating software concepts or problems and reflect that in the estimated time.

The customer is the only person that can fully communicate the requirements and verify that the software we produce matches the scope of work. Therefore, that person has to do real work. You should expect to spend a significant amount of time verifying that the software functions as intended and sending documentation.

A defined process exists for communicating Expert Advisor issues. Most novices report general issues such as the "trailling stop does not work properly". Whenever these types of issues arise, expect the project manager to ask for MetaTrader log files, screen shots and an written overview of the problem. Although the problem may appear obvious, that is probably not the case for the person on the receiving end of the information. The process aims to reverse engineer your thought process, which in turn leads to the clearest description of the problem. The process also involves some degree of computer literacy on the part of the customer.

Ironing out the bugs, great and small, takes anywhere from 2-4+ weeks from the date of delivery. Some of that stems from our need to communicate consistently with all customers. Some of it results from waiting for the market to do something that causes the Expert Advisor to act incorrectly.

EA Programmers Inc. answers tech support requests within 1-3 business days.

All customers of www. ea-programmers. com will receive the original source code for programming projects. The customer is free to distribute the code in any way, including for profit.

Many of our customers like to sell their Expert Advisors in order to cover the development costs. We can even show you how to distribute licensed versions of your trading system so that traders can only use it on one computer.

Any trading algorithms sent to www. ea-programmers. com are held confidentially. We consider all price estimates and the ideas within them the customer’s intellectual property. We make no ownership claims on any ideas received or that we develop into code. You are paying us; you may use the code however you like.

Each fixed cost purchase includes free, ongoing support for any errors or bugs in the code that conflict with the scope of work (SOW). In the unusual instance where a problem is difficult to solve, we work with you until the trading system follows the exact rules outlined by the customer. This does not apply to pay for time projects.

We typically provide one or two free “tweaks” or minor modifications to the code at no additional cost. The number of tweaks depends on the number of hours originally purchased, the difficulty of implementing requested changes, total time spent on the project, etc.

We strive to build ongoing relationships with our customers so that you use us for all your programming projects. We want to make sure that your trading ideas are as accurate and useful as possible

Garantía de devolución del dinero

You may request full refund if the delivery did not happen within 7 working days after the estimated time of delivery.

Our working days are defined as Monday through Friday excluding all major holidays. We strive to finish our customer's work as fast as possible even if that means programming on non-work days when possible. However, non-work days should not be counted in our estimated time of delivery.

Our programming will commence after receiving 50% cleared payment. Clearing times will vary depending on the chosen payment method. We do not process any payments but use 3rd party payment processors. We have no control over the process and are not responsible for the time it takes for payments to clear.

If after receiving the completed program, you are not satisfied, we will attempt to reprogram your program free of charge as long as we are notified within 14 calendar days of the problem and the problem is caused by a fault in our programming.

All reprogramming will be done free of charge only if the error or trading issue is a result of incorrect programming done on our part. We will make every attempt to fix the program before any refund request is considered.

You may request a refund if we fail to complete the reprogramming within 7 days from the time of request.

You may request a full refund only if we have failed to make a program according to your specifications that is error free and have exhausted all efforts of reprogramming.

Refunds may be denied if you cannot provide evidence or supporting information that will help us investigate the problem and provide an update.

Refunds may be denied if you have problems installing, setting, running or testing the program due to a lack of experience or other factors that we have no control over.

Refunds will be denied if customer responsibilities are not met as described in the "Customer Responsibilities" section posted above.

Refunds will be denied due to issues with profitability. We program only according to our customer's specifications and are not responsible for profitability.

Refunds may be denied in rare cases when the customer requires something that is not technically possible. We may not know or realize this until after starting on the job or delivering the program. If it is technically not possible to do something or if the customer requirements are not realistic then refunds may be denied. Examples of these situations may be caused by, but not limited to, the following: repainting or faulty custom indicators, broker limitations, broker rules, 3rd party software running at the same time as our program, technical limitations of internet connection, trading platform or computer, and MQL programming language limitations.

All valid refunds will be processed no later than 7 days after the valid request is made.

If after 14 calendar days, starting from the day we send you the program, we are not notified of any bugs/problems/issues we will assume that the program is operating correctly and will consider the job finished. In this event, all refund requests will become invalid.

Termination of Project

You are entitled to request a termination of the project anytime before full payment is sent.

Once full payment has been sent, you are not entitled to request termination of the project unless we fail to deliver the completed program to you within 7 days of the estimated time of completion. In such a case, we will promptly refund the full payment amount.

We reserve the right to initiate the termination of the project at any time and for any reason. In such a case, we will promptly return your payment in full amount.

We may, at our sole discretion, terminate a project due to a breach of our "Terms of Use" by the customer. In such an event, both parties will not be bound any longer by the "Terms of Use" and we may consider the project as finished.

15 Fabulous Options for Selling Digital Downloads

There is no shortage of options for managing an e-commerce website. There are all kinds of shopping carts and e-commerce content management systems that have a wide variety of strengths and weaknesses. Finding the right option for selling digital downloads . however, can prove to be a challenge. Fortunately, there are a lot of great options available, you just need to find the right one for you.

There are a lot of factors to consider when selling digital files. You’ll need an effective setup for instant delivery. There are choices to be made between a flat pricing structure or per transaction fees. You can either host the files on your own or go with a provider that will host the files for you. You’ll also have to decide what features are important to you, such as being able to offer coupon codes and managing an affiliate program. If you’re selling a large number of products and/or large files it will only make your decision process more complicated and pricey.

We would also recommend Shopify. but since that is already so popular, we thought we’d focus on some lesser known options in this post. It’s likely that your situation is much different from ours, so here we will present 15 different options for selling and delivering digital files, along with a brief description of each.

E-Junkie can be used to sell digital products or tangible goods, but it provides a wide variety of features that make it very popular for selling digital products. E-Junkie will host your digital files (or you can host them yourself) and they’ll provide secure downloads for your customers while protecting your products. E-Junkie includes affiliate management, discount codes, autoresponders and more. Pricing is a flat monthly fee (no fees per transaction) based on the number of products you are selling and the amount of disk space needed, unless you are hosting the files yourself. Place “buy now” or “add to cart” buttons anywhere on your site to start selling with E-Junkie.

Clickbank is a very popular solution for selling e-books and other digital products. Part of their success is based on the huge number of affiliates that they have to promote the products of others who are selling through Clickbank.

Fetch is not a shopping cart solution, but rather it is a digital delivery application that integrates with popular systems like Shopify to deliver your products. Fetch will host your products and provide secure download links to your customers. If you are selling large digital files you may find that options are limited and very pricey for storing your files to sell and for bandwidth to deliver the files. Fetch helps out by offering lower cost storage and delivery.

DPD (Digital Product Delivery) is similar to E-Junkie in that it allows you to create buttons to sell your products and integrate with other systems like PayPal. DPD also offers an affiliate program, discount codes, and more. Pricing is a flat monthly fee based on the number of products and disk space needed to store those products.

SendOwl is pretty similar to DPD and E-Junkie. In addition to selling digital downloads you can also sell tangible goods and subscriptions. SendOwl has a user-friendly interface and a lot of features like product bundles, mailing list integration, and more. Pricing is based on the number of products and the amount of disk space needed.

Gumroad has quickly become a popular option for selling digital downloads, in part because of ease of use. With Gumroad you can accept Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress, Discover, Diner’s Club, and JCB. Your balance will be deposited to your bank or PayPal account every 2 weeks. With Gumroad there are no monthly fees. They charge 5% + $0.25 per transaction.

Sellfy is another simple option for selling digital products. Sellfy integrates with PayPal, Stripe, and Paymill to accept payments for your products. There are no monthly fees with Sellfy, just a fee of 5% per transaction.

Selz offers an easy way to sell your products, even if you don’t have a website. You can create a free store and product pages. If you have a WordPress website you can use their plugin to sell products from your site. There are tons of other features like mailing list integration, Google Analytics integration, multi product options, stock management, and more. Your balance will be paid to your bank or PayPal account. Selz charges no monthly fee. The cost is just 2% per transaction plus 2.9% + 25 cents payment processing fee.

With Chec you can paste product links anywhere, or embed their checkout into your site. They accept all major credit and debit cards, as well as PayPal. Credit cards can be processed for a fee of 3.5%, and PayPal for 2%. They are rolling out Chec 2.0 early this year.

With Plasso you can sell digital products as well as subscriptions. It’s a simple solution with the necessary features like digital delivery. Pricing for selling digital products starts at 3% per transaction plus Stripe’s fee, but with no monthly fee.

Easy Digital Downloads is a popular WordPress plugin that was created specifically for selling digital products. The plugin is free and there are a number of optional add-ons that can be purchased to add certain functionality. The plugin integrates with PayPal, or you can purchase add-ons to integrate with other payment gateways.

Pulley also offers a solution for storing and delivering your digital files. Place “buy now” buttons anywhere to sell your products and Pulley will deliver them securely to your customers. Pricing for Pulley is also based on the number of products being sold and the amount of disk space needed.

PayLoadz integrates with PayPal, Amazon Payments, 2Checkout and others to allow you to sell your digital products anywhere. PayLoadz also allows you to create an affiliate program for your products. PayLoadz’s Premium account costs $14.95 per month plus 4.9% and $0.49 per transaction (or $0.05 per transaction for transactions less than $2).


FastSpring is known for their excellent customer service. They strive for their customers to be able to connect with their clients easily and safely no matter where they are located around the world. FastSpring allows you to track your purchases to help you implement strategies for growth. They are a cloud based platform that provides solutions for both e-commerce and subscription based services.

Content Shelf integrates with PayPal, Stripe, 2Checkout, and more. You can sell any type of file, plus subscriptions. There are a number of other features like coupon codes and promos, product bundling, multiple pricing options, and much more. A limited free plan is available, and paid plans are priced based on the amount of diskspace and bandwidth that you use.

For more ecommerce-related content please see:

Looking for hosting? WPEngine offers secure managed WordPress hosting. You’ll get expert WordPress support, automatic backups, and caching for fast page loads.

2Checkout, PayPal and mail/order support. Shipping, taxes, discount calculations. Different shipping types and rates for this. Product options with price difference. Advanced cross browser Visual(WYSIWYG)editor with Flash support for site pages, descriptions and newsletters. You can add additional images for descriptions. Customer will receive confirmation email and can view order status(shipped, pending and also tracking number).Can also be useful for.

Esvon Classifieds - Affiliates module is a script that promotes all your business activities by subscribing affiliates. using this script you can define and set global affiliate commission rates for each affiliates based on their performances.

Own your own exit exchange script. You can get 100% of the ad space and offer higher ratio rates to paid members. It can supply over 50,000 members. It provides a 4:3 pop up exit ratio. Every popup also has a top frame for ads and promotion.

FluxMeta creates title, description, and keywords meta tags, or analyses the meta tags in any website available trough Internet by retrieving the page. It rates the user input and advices on standard structure and length. This tool also gives the.

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Features a)Rating System that can be added in to any webpage b)Diplays the ratings done in percentage basis and users can rate the page from 1 to 5 c)You can configure your own welcome messages (the message will be displayed after the user rates.

khttp component permits your webpage to get content from other websites. This is useful for showing stock tickers, weather information, news headlines, comparing prices from different online stores, getting real time shipping rates from UPS, write.

This is a perl script where the electronic postage is checked with the receipt server of Centipaid. com to check whether the proper payment is done. In this script the filter controls the spam by allowing only the electronic postage paid emails.

Includes automatic thumbnail and resize, unlimited product categories, inventory tracking, real-time shipment tracking, auto, orders history, tax and shipping rates calculation, powerful admin back office, featured and recommended products.

You can use this program to set up an online auction program specially for freelance projects with XML support. You can encourage your site visitors to search for the projects and bid for their convenient rates. There are several enriched features.

Squirrel Cart Real Time Shipping Module is Unix compatible. Live USPS Rate Support - Live UPS Ground Rate Support - Live UPS 2 Day Air Rate Support - Allows Flat Rate Billing Concurrent With Live Rates - Default Rates (in case USPS or UPS servers.

TinyPlayer is a Java applet that can play MP3 files and supports low bit rates. It allows you to draw your own skins and buttons and also to configure the background colour. It requires Netscape 6 or IE 4.x + Java Plugin 1.3 or higher, which are.

Top 100 Website is a topsite program written in PHP and uses MySQL database. This program is designed with several advanced features. This program rates a website based on the total hits recieved and over all performances. Being built with counter.

This is a program that enables administrators to let the customers have rate calculating functionality on their ecommerce websites. This program does its process with the help of UPS. Webmasters can customize the calculator using their rates and.

Now, the convenience of using realtime UPS shipping rates calculation is available not only to web developers but also to Client-server programmers of Visual Basic, C language, C++, Delphi, Java, etc.

This is a program that can be used by the administrators to let their customer calculate the shipping rates and package. Customers can have the details for calculating both domestic and international shipping rates. This program also provides.

TEuroCalc is a Euro calculating component for up to two currencies simultaneously. You can convert Euro in member state's currency and vice versa. All names, currencies and conversion rates of the member state's are implemented. Now with support.

General Interest derivatives pricing framework: set contract, set vol/price/interest models and run MC. We also cover: Treasury's, Price/Yield, Zero Curve, Fixed-Interest bonds, Forward rates/FRAs, Duration and Convexity. WebCab Bonds implements.

In this project, we seek to minimize the gap-to-capacity (given by Shannond-deOaos theoretical limit) of a rate 1/3 code (also can be modified for 1/N). This is done via a convolutional encoder/decoder for varying memory elements as well for both.

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All files and free downloads are copyright of their respective owners. No proporcionamos ninguna versión pirateada, hackeada, ilegal, de scripts, códigos, descargas de componentes. Todos los archivos se descargan desde el sitio web de los editores, nuestros servidores de archivos o espejos de descarga. Always Virus check files downloaded from the web specially zip, rar, exe, trial, full versions etc. Download links from rapidshare, depositfiles, megaupload etc not published.

The Top 12 Online Payment Alternatives to PayPal

If you’ve ever made a purchase on eBay, you likely used PayPal to complete your transaction. Whether for personal or professional use, PayPal is hands down the most popular online payment service to send and receive money. However, the ubiquitious company soon could have some serious competition.

It’s been predicted the market for mobile payment transactions will reach over $235 billion in the next year. Which is why some major players, like Facebook and Apple, are testing the waters with their own mobile payment services. PayPal will need to step up their game, particularly with longstanding complaints such as poor customer service and frequently freezing accounts.

But why wait on hypothetical situations? Regardless if Apple or Facebook follows through with their mobile payment apps, there are still several other options available now. Believe it or not, there’s more competition than you are probably aware of, and many of them are superior to Paypal.

If you’re involved with an online business, here are twelve alternatives to PayPal that you should definitely investigate.

Google Wallet

Google Wallet was once Google’s Checkout. And while the name has changed, the features have remained intact. It’s safe, simple and has rapid transfers to and from your bank account. It also has similar features to PayPal, such as credit card processing and the ability to send out invoices.


Besides featuring stellar customer service and fraud protection, WePay is a standout alternative because consumers can make purchases without leaving your site via a virtual terminal. Not only does this make your site look more professional, the service seems to be more focused on the individual’s interests and not just their credit card numbers.


By combining a merchant account with a payment gateway 2Checkout permits customers to receive credit card and PayPal payments. The company also features international payments, a solid shopping cart, and recurring billing.

Authorize. Net

Authorize. Net has been around since 1996 and is supposedly the Internet’s most widely used payment gateway. Authorize. Net has over 400,000 merchants and has been the recipient of the Achievement in Customer Excellence (ACE) award for five consecutive years.


Skrill. formerly Moneybookers, has some intriguing features such as a free setup, low fees, and the ability to send text messages straight from your account. Besides being a popular and simple alternative to PayPal, the service is great for international merchants since you’re allowed to transfer your account balance onto a prepaid debit card almost instantly.


Intuit is almost an essential service if you’re a small business owner who needs help with your finances. Besides being able to accept payments, both online and in-person with GoPayment, Intuit can also help you pay employees, calculate payroll taxes, and file payroll tax forms.


ProPay offers similar features to other PayPal alternatives including the ability to receive and send money anywhere in the world and even recurring billing and a built-in shopping cart. The one big advantage that ProPay has over the others is it’s also accepted by eBay. There’s also the ProPay JAK, a mobile phone credit card reader which can process credit and debit cards in real-time on your iOS or Android phones, in case you’re doing transactions in person.


While Click2Sell has the normal features found on any worthy PayPal replacement, it’s one of the few that will accept PayPal, Google Checkout, Skrill, and credit cards with or without a merchant account. But, the most standout features are affiliate tracking, powerful reports, and automated sales management. They also have the leading sales reporting tools so you can better understand your strategies and sales tactics.


Dwolla is very similar to PayPal in that you can do everything from paying your friends back to accepting or receiving payments at your place of business. What’s unique about this service is that it’s specialized in bank transfers, or Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments, for over 5 years. In that time, Dwolla has built simple branded tools and a flexible API to access ACH quickly and do things other services cannot. Their branded capabilities, like send, receive, and request funds, are free, while premium services, like white-label, higher limits, and next day transfer, are available to for flat-fixed monthly fees.


Braintree has been growing steadily since 2007. Some of the platform’s features include a payment gateway, recurring billing, credit card storage, and allowing global online and mobile businesses to accept credit card payments via a merchant account.


ClickBank has been around since 1998 and offers a ton of easy to use features. ClickBank does everything for you, including building a site for your products and optimizing your business. Basically, ClickBank is a one-stop shop for online businesses.


Stripe is a rapidly growing start-up that removes the need for a merchant account or gateway. Stripe takes care of all your payment needs from storing cards, to handling subscriptions, to direct payouts to your bank account. Web developers will dig the ability to integrate a payment system into a projects by using Stripe’s API.

Do you think Paypal’s reign almost over? Which of these competitors will you keep your eye on?

Featured Image: StockSnap /Pixabay. com In-post Photos: All screenshots by Aki Libo-on. Taken January 2016.

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Do You Make This PayPal Currency Conversion Mistake?

This is a post for all those of you who don’t have a US-based bank account, but do work online and receive payments via PayPal .

At some point, you will want to transfer your PayPal funds to your local bank account so you can withdraw and use your hard earned money.

However, you could be making a fundamental mistake during the process of withdrawal . Actually, I’ve been doing it myself for many years. I felt really dumb when I realised.

As you know, exchange rates are always fluctuating, so your aim is to get the best deal when transferring money from PayPal to your bank account.

Lets say we want to transfer US dollars to Euro . which is what I do every so often. What I do nowadays is to first check the exchange rate, and also historical rates via this website. That gives me an idea if today is a good day to make the transfer or not. Looking back at the historical rates of the past 3 months, I then decide on a target rate I want to aim for. At present my target rate is 1 USD = 0.78 EUR.

Historical exchange rates

With that figure in mind I then head over to When2convert. com and set up email alerts. Now as soon as the exchange rate climbs to 0.78 I will immediately get an email and that’s when I will make my withdrawal from my PayPal account to my local bank account.

Setting up email alerts for my desired conversion rate

When2convert is an excellent service in my opinion, because it automates the whole thing and makes it very easy for me. Before I used to check the exchange rates every couple of days (everyday is just too tedious), and sometimes I used to miss a good day. So I knew I need an automated shortcut of doing this checking. Luckily I found this site, and I hope you find it useful too.

Update: I found a similar tool (also free) at https://www. specificfeeds. com/Free-Forex-Signal-and-Exchange-Rate-Tracker and there you can not only define strike prices, but you can select to get updated every time the EUR/USD rate changes by 0.02 points or so, so that it’s not a one-time notification, but you always know if there have been significant changes without spending too much time to checking it every couple of days.

Do you have any other related tips you’d like to share? Let me know in the comments section below!

This is post 1 of 9 in the series “PayPal”

Hi, thanks for your article – its a clever way to make sure you’re not getting ripped off.

I have a specific problem, and I was wondering if you or anyone else could help…

I receive payments from a foreign client in British pounds and usually convert to USD when accepting payment. Thereafter I withdraw the money to my South African bank account (which means another fee to convert it to South African rands). Should I rather keep the funds in the currency they were sent in? Does that mean no conversion is done until I choose to do so?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Lars

If you are using PayPal then yes I’d keep them in GBP and only convert them to South African rands when I want to.

Still the same “Question” Is there any alternate to the Pay pal for India.(While receiving payments from Canada)

I’ve heard people mention Payoneer for cases like yours, but I’m not an expert on that.

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2Checkout Mobile

2Checkout Mobile is designed for 2Checkout sellers to monitor their account activity from anywhere. Now you can view sales, issue refunds and check payments on your mobile device. With our iPad app you will also have access to a new interactive dashboard that will chart your sales and payments.

2Checkout Mobile

App704 rating. 0 (0 votes) Apple rating. 0 (0 votes) Rate now. Login or register to rate

2Checkout Mobile is designed for 2Checkout sellers to monitor their account activity from anywhere. Now you can view sales, issue refunds and check payments on your mobile device. With our iPad app you will also have access to a new interactive dashboard that will chart your sales and payments. iPad users will also have the ability to send invoices to their customers. pagos

* View all payments made from your 2Checkout account including total and pending amounts

* Payment Charts — view weekly and monthly reports with an interactive sliding graph to discover payment trends

* Sales — view all purchases made by your customers

* Sale details — view order details, customer information, invoice details of all purchased items

* Sales filters and search — search and sort sales such as refunded or declined recurring sales

* Sales chart — build weekly and monthly sales reports and discover sales trends using the interactive sliding graph

* Stop Recurring Sales

* Get in touch with your customers — from the sale details, write an email or comment on sales

* Dashboard – interactive sales and payments dashboards to show monthly and weekly trends

* Invoicing – ability to send your customers invoices

* Add/edit products – now you can add or edit products from anywhere

IMPORTANT NOTE: 2Checkout Mobile utilizes 2Checkout's Back Office API to remotely manage your seller account. The existing usernames that you use to login to the 2Checkout sellers area can’t be used to log into the app, so an additional API username will need to be created to access this application. Instructions are provided on the login page of the application.

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Online payment processing for South African e-commerce websites

UPDATE: PayPal have launched in South Africa. This probably makes them the best payment processing option, especially if you are selling to an international audience. The only requirement is that you need an FNB bank account (if you don’t have one you can open a new account online easily).

With the growing penetration of broadband in South Africa, more and more people are migrating online. This will inevitably lead to a rise in online transactions. We review some of the options available to South African websites for accepting payments online.

If you run an e-commerce website or online service and want to accept credit card payments online, you need an account with an online payment gateway. They will take the payment details, verify it with the credit card company, and then process the payment. The money sits in your account with the payment gateway and you can transfer it out to your bank account whenever you want.

If you already accept credit card payments in your physical store, the application process is easier since you already have a credit card merchant account. You now just need to apply for an online merchant account with the payment gateway that your bank uses.

How online payments work

There are typically two different services that the payment gateway will offer:

Option 1: A user shops on your online store. When the user is ready to check out he gets redirected to the payment gateway site to enter his credit card details. They process the payment and send the user back to your website. You do not store any credit card details.

Option 2: A user shops on your online store. When the user is ready to check out he pays on your website. In the background you store his credit card details and query the payment gateway. They send a response accepting or rejecting the payment. Then you finish off the transaction.

We never advise our clients to capture or store any credit cards on their sites. This is too much of a security risk. We always advise clients to choose Option 1.

All payment gateways will accept credit cards or Mastercard and Visa cheque cards. Debit cards (which require a PIN number) can not be used for online payments at present.

Which payment gateway to choose

I have listed below the various South African payment gateways we have used for the websites that we have designed and developed in the past. Please note that the fees listed are not 100% accurate. Vendors sometimes do not list pricing on their sites and the fees are always subject to change.

Website: www. paygate. co. za

Service to ask for: PayWeb or PayXML(WEB)

Comments: Paygate requires a merchant account with Standard Bank. Use them if you bank with Standard Bank or you already have a Standard Bank merchant account.

Fees: No Setup fee. Minimum monthly fee: R 185.00 or R1.00 / transaction

Website: www. iveri. co. za

Service to ask for: iVeri Enterprise or iVeri Lite

Comments: This is Netbank’s payment gateway. If you have a Nedbank merchant account, use them.

Fees: Unknown

VCS – Virtual Card Services

Website: www. vcs. co. za

Service to ask for: Virtual Online or Virtual Merchant

Comments: If you are already an ABSA or FNB customer, this is the payment gateway to use.

Fees: Authorizations R1 / transaction + 0.5% of the value of each transaction. Monthly Minimum of R125.00

Website: www. netcash. co. za

Service to ask for: Netcash gateway

Comments: Netcash is a super merchant so there is no need for a merchant account. They will process your transactions via their merchant account.

Fees: R 1.00 per transaction and (4.5% to 5%) commission based on transaction values.

Website: www. setcom. co. za

Service to ask for: Buy Now Buttons or Checkout Buttons

Comments: Setcom are also a super-merchant so no merchant account is required. Your users will have to register on the Setcom site first before they can submit their payment. This can make the checkout process very cumbersome. Test the checkout process first before you choose them.

Fees: No monthly fees. Transaction fee: 4.9% + R4.00 / transaction

International payments

If you use a South African payment gateway your charges will be processed in South African Rands. International users are probably going to be deterred by this. The ideal solution would be to use an international payment gateway and accept payment in the user’s local currency. However, the South African banking and forex regulatory environment makes this impossible.

Website: www. paypal. com

Comments: Most international websites use PayPal to accept online payments. Unfortunately, PayPal does not accept South African merchants. You can open an account using an international address. However, you will NOT be able to transfer funds into your South African bank account. PayPal is only an option if you have access to an international bank account. Hopefully this will change soon.

Website: www.2checkout. com

Comments: This international payment gateway claims that you can get money into your local South African account. The one downside is that 2checkout requires you to create a catalog of products in their system. You can’t just pass an amount to bill.

Top 10 Financial APIs: Stripe, PayPal, World Bank Group

With more and more people using digital payments for purchasing online products and services, it’s no surprise that financial APIs are among the most popular on ProgrammableWeb . While the top 10 financial APIs list includes APIs for a wide range of capabilities, quite a few of the APIs in the list provide access to full-featured digital payments platforms or involve digital payments.

These days, newer companies like Dwolla and Stripe are giving long-established companies such as PayPal, 2Checkout, and Authorize. Net a real run for their money. It will be very interesting to see where these digital payment companies stand in the coming months.

The APIs that made it to our top 10 financial APIs list provide capabilities such as processing online payments, retrieving global financial data, accessing currency exchange rates, and much more. The APIs also scored well against a diverse set of criteria:




Facilidad de uso


API popularity is determined using a variety of metrics including PW followers, GitHub activity, Twitter activity, and search engine popularity based on Google Trends.

There were several APIs that while popular, did not quite have the metrics to make it into the top 10 financial APIs list. These APIs are well worth mentioning and include ZohoCRM, Xero Software, American Express, and PaymentBloomberg .


Stripe, a leading digital payment solutions provider, publicly launched in September 2011 and initially served customers in the United States. Since the launch, Stripe has expanded its digital payment services to 20 countries including Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. According to a recent Bloomberg Business article. Stripe has formed several key partnerships with companies including Apple, China-based Alibaba, and Twitter. Stripe is now integrated with Apple Pay, has added support for Alipay to Stripe Checkout, and provides digital payments services for Twitter. In addition, Stripe and Braintree (owned by PayPal), will be handling the payments for Pinterest’s newly launched Buy Button feature.

The company provides nicely organized API documentation that includes example projects, API client libraries, plugins for third-party software, toolkits for iPhone and Android, full API reference, an in-depth subscription service walkthrough, and much more.

Stripe has expanded its digital payments services to 20 countries in the span of four years and the Stripe API now holds the No. 1 position in the ProgrammableWeb top 10 Financial APIs list. It will be interesting to see what kind of success Stripe achieves in the coming months.

Google Search Interest Over Time - Data Source: Google Trends


PayPal was founded back in 1998 and currently has over 165 million active customer accounts. In 2014, eBay announced that PayPal will be separated from eBay and will become an independent publicly traded company in 2015. PayPal has recently received widespread criticism regarding its updated user agreement which goes into effect July 1st. The updated user agreement allows the company to contact customers by phone, robocall, or text about promotions, debt collection, and company surveys. On June 11th, the FCC sent a letter to PayPal warning that the updated user agreement may cause the company to be in violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.

PayPal provides a well-organized developers site that contains comprehensive documentation for PayPal mobile SDKs, REST APIs, and classic APIs. PayPal’s REST APIs are hypermedia-style APIs, each call including an array of Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS) links. PayPal provides a sandbox environment for testing and there are SDKs available for Ruby, Python, Node. js, PHP, Java, and C#.

PayPal is a well-established, well-known digital payments company that many consumers use on a daily basis. How the company handles the issues related to the updated user agreement could have an impact on PayPal’s future success.

Google Search Interest Over Time - Data Source: Google Trends

World Bank Group

The World Bank Group provides low-interest loans, grants, and other financial services to developing countries around the world. The World Bank Group is not a traditional bank; the primary goals of the organization are to help end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity for all countries. In April 2010, the World Bank opened up a significant portion of its data, which can be used by anyone for free, and can be accessed using the World Bank Open API.

The World Bank Open API provides access to income level, lending types, world development indicators, and other types of data for over 200 countries going back more than 50 years. There are over 8,000 indicators that can be accessed via API including total population, gross national income, gross national expenditure, trade (% of GDP), etc.

The API documentation is well organized and there is a World Bank API query builder that can be used to configure country calls, data calls, and topic calls. The World Bank also offers the option of embedding indicators using copy and paste widgets. Much of the indicator data can be embedded as a table, map, or graph.

Google Search Interest Over Time - Data Source: Google Trends

Open Exchange Rates

Open Exchange Rates provides real-time and historical (back to 1999) rates for about 165 world currencies. The data is collected from various sources then combined, normalized, and converted to JSON format which can be retrieved using the Open Exchange Rates API. The API is free to use for personal use and there are paid plans for developers that would like to use the API for commercial projects.

The API documentation is a one-page document that is well organized and easy to follow. At the time of this writing, there are code examples provided for JavaScript, Node. js, and PHP. There is a nice page on the website that showcases apps using the Open Exchange Rates API, such as Nomad List, ExpenseShare, and Kindful.

Google Search Interest Over Time - Data Source: Google Trends


Kiva is a nonprofit organization that leverages a network of microfinance institutions on five continents in order to provide microfinancing to people who do not have access to traditional banking systems. Since Kiva’s launch in 2005, the total amount lent through Kiva is $718,839,975, the repayment rate is 98.71%, and the average loan size is $415.86.

The Kiva developer site is nicely organized, easy to follow, and provides a lot of detailed information about the Kiva API. There is a comprehensive API reference page, code samples, SDKs, and a small gallery of apps using the Kiva API.

Google Search Interest Over Time - Data Source: Google Trends


Founded in 2000, 2Checkout is a leading payment services provider that supports transactions in 196 countries. The 2Checkout platform features global payments, hosted checkout, shopping carts, fraud protection, a Payment API, and more.

The 2Checkout developers site is nicely designed and features comprehensive, well-organized API documentation as well as a sandbox for testing, knowledge base, cart integration instructions, and more. At the time of this writing, there are SDKs available for PHP, Ruby, Python, Node. js, Java, and. Net.

2Checkout seems to be growing steadily and within the last two years, the company has formed partnerships with several companies, including FreshBooks, WooThemes, Shopify, and Brink’s.


FreshBooks is a leading cloud-based accounting platform that provides tools for users to quickly create professional-looking invoices and estimates, accept credit card payments, track expenses, and more. In July 2014, Co-founder and CEO Mike McDerment announced that the company had secured its first round of funding in the amount of $30M USD, which is being used to further improve the FreshBooks platform and help increase worldwide adoption of the software.

FreshBooks provides a basic developers site that includes a lot of detailed information about the FreshBooks API. The documentation includes links to sample code, helper libraries, information about webhooks, and more.

Google Search Interest Over Time - Data Source: Google Trends

OANDA fxTrade

OANDA fxTrade is a forex trading platform that was launched in 2001 and designed to reduce trading costs and speed up execution. OANDA fxTrade is cloud-based and there is no installation required; however, the software runs on and requires Java. The platform is designed primarily for traders, investment managers, financial institutions, and enterprises.

The OANDA API site is nicely designed and organized with a suite of APIs and tools for developers which includes an HTTP-based REST API, Java SDK, MetaTrader 4 (MT4), and Financial Information eXchange (FIX). The API site features comprehensive API documentation, API comparison chart, an Apigee console, API status dashboard, sample code, and more.

Google Search Interest Over Time - Data Source: Google Trends


Dwolla is a digital payment platform that allows users to request, send, and receive funds via bank transfers. Earlier this year, Dwolla was selected to be a live payment option (alongside PayPal) for the U. S. Department of the Treasury’s Bureau of the Fiscal Service digital wallet service Pay. gov. In April of this year, the company announced a partnership with BBVA Compass. allowing BBVA Compass customers to send and receive real-time payments using Dwolla’s payment network. Earlier this month, the company announced the removal of the $0.25 per transaction fee for all Dwolla users and all transaction types.

The Dwolla developers site features an active forum, API status page, sandbox for testing, token generator, and more. The API documentation is comprehensive and very nicely designed (powered by Slate ). The documentation includes JSON response examples, helper libraries, and sample code for PHP, Ruby, Python, and Node. js.

Dwolla’s independent, credit-card free, digital payment platform has been quickly gaining traction in recent months. Dwolla is now used by many individuals for sending and receiving money online and the platform has been integrated with a number of large banking institutions and government agencies.

Google Search Interest Over Time - Data Source: Google Trends

Authorize. Net

Founded in 1996, Authorize. Net is a leading payment gateway services provider offering products that enable online payments, mobile payments, fraud detection, automated recurring billing, and more. Authorize. Net is integrated with many popular shopping carts and financial software including Magento, PrestaShop, Shopify, and Xero. Authorize. Net also recently added Apple Pay support to its platform.

Authorize. Net provides a developer site that contains comprehensive API information, code samples, SDKs, sandbox, sample applications, and more. There is a fairly new getting started guide with detailed instructions and videos as well as a comprehensive, interactive API reference guide (beta).

Authorize. Net is a well-established, reliable, digital payments processing company and currently has over 400,000 merchant customers. There seems to be very little news in recent years when it comes to Authorize. Net, however. With companies like Stripe and Dwolla forming major partnerships and quickly gaining popularity with consumers, it will be interesting to see if Authorize. Net will continue to retain its current customer base.

Google Search Interest Over Time - Data Source: Google Trends

Disclaimer: The metrics used to determine ProgrammableWeb's top 10 Financial APIs were obtained shortly before the time of publication. The metrics used, pricing, and other product information provided in this article is accurate as of the time of publication.

¿Cuáles son tus pensamientos?

What APIs would you add?

Are there any on our list that don’t belong? Let us know how you are making use of any Financial APIs in the comments section below.

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Positive Customer Experience Trumps Fraud Prevention

In 2013, the UK had fraud losses similar to 2009, when levels seemed low after the introduction of ‘tough on fraud’ policies following the peak in losses in 2008. Fraud losses have grown steadily in 2012 and 2013, at 14% and 16%, respectively.

Fraud has increased since 2011 by £110 million, with £80 million in CNP fraud and £9 million in Lost & Stolen. This reinforces the thought that if you can’t compromise the card details, the next best thing is to steal it.

Card theft has evolved in the UK due to the EMV chip & PIN rollout; criminals have been trying a variety of attacks to get both the card and the relevant PIN. For years, criminals have been pickpocketing after seeing consumers input their PIN at a payment terminal or ATM. Confidence tricksters have also been calling cardholders and purporting to be the bank’s fraud team, when actually they are stealing card details. This is very similar to car theft, where security increased to such a good standard that criminals found they had to change methods and break into houses to get the actual car keys.

2Checkout, PayPal and mail/order support. Shipping, taxes, discount calculations. Different shipping types and rates for this. Product options with price difference. Advanced cross browser Visual(WYSIWYG)editor with Flash support for site pages, descriptions and newsletters. You can add additional images for descriptions. Customer will receive confirmation email and can view order status(shipped, pending and also tracking number).Can also be useful for.

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khttp component permits your webpage to get content from other websites. This is useful for showing stock tickers, weather information, news headlines, comparing prices from different online stores, getting real time shipping rates from UPS, write.

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Squirrel Cart Real Time Shipping Module is Unix compatible. Live USPS Rate Support - Live UPS Ground Rate Support - Live UPS 2 Day Air Rate Support - Allows Flat Rate Billing Concurrent With Live Rates - Default Rates (in case USPS or UPS servers.

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Top 100 Website is a topsite program written in PHP and uses MySQL database. This program is designed with several advanced features. This program rates a website based on the total hits recieved and over all performances. Being built with counter.

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Forex in Liphook

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The term "company" or "us" or "we" refers to CustomTradingSystem. com. The term "you" refers to the user or customer of CustomTradingSystem. com. The term "information" refers to indicators, strategies, manuals, data, communications and any other associated products and material of CustomTradingSystem. com.

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In 2013, the UK had fraud losses similar to 2009, when levels seemed low after the introduction of ‘tough on fraud’ policies following the peak in losses in 2008. Fraud losses have grown steadily in 2012 and 2013, at 14% and 16%, respectively.

Fraud has increased since 2011 by £110 million, with £80 million in CNP fraud and £9 million in Lost & Stolen. This reinforces the thought that if you can’t compromise the card details, the next best thing is to steal it.

Card theft has evolved in the UK due to the EMV chip & PIN rollout; criminals have been trying a variety of attacks to get both the card and the relevant PIN. For years, criminals have been pickpocketing after seeing consumers input their PIN at a payment terminal or ATM. Confidence tricksters have also been calling cardholders and purporting to be the bank’s fraud team, when actually they are stealing card details. This is very similar to car theft, where security increased to such a good standard that criminals found they had to change methods and break into houses to get the actual car keys.

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J. M. HURST CYCLE TRADING WITHOUT THE ROCKET MATH - So Easy to Use It's Like Ethical Cheating

Wouldn't you like to have a trading assistant that told you where the market was going and which side of the market you should be on?

Wouldn't it be even better if your trading assistant spoke clearly and directly and didn't always hedge his price and time forecasts? Wouldn't it be better still if he performed reliably in all markets and in all time frames exactly the same way?


We look for the hidden keystone of knowledge that makes the complex work of genius pioneers like W. D. Gann, R. N. Elliott and J. M. Hurst useable and reliable even if they never consciously intended it quite the same way. We believe that we have accomplished that with J. M. Hurst who established his place in trading history many years ago with his original work, The Profit Magic of Stock Transaction Timing.

The full implementation of Hurst's work is not for the mathematically challenged (as we were). We got his book in 1982 and spent months getting through it so that we could do his Fourier and digital filters, and print his cycle charts onto a dot matrix printer complete with envelopes and inverse averages. It doesn't seem that long ago, but if you wanted to test with historical data then you needed a room full of Barrons and the WSJ.


Dot matrix printers were not fast. They were, however, like watching an eight inch wide charting ticker tape go through time. The more charts we watched while they were printing the more we began to notice a dynamic process going on that was much more powerful and so much easier to visualize than trying to keep track of dates, periodicities and the possibly contradictory effects of half a dozen different cycles. After a while, just by watching Hurst's special moving averages interact with each other, you could tell when price would stall or reverse on the dot matrix chart before it happened. And happen it did. Time after time after time.

J. M. Hurst revealed the essential elements of this kernel of knowledge that allows anybody with many of the commercial stock trading programs to make consistent and reliable price and time projections for stocks, stock indexes, forex, and futures in any time frame. You can accomplish the same results in Excel. So far as we know the actual steps to take to apply the price and time forecasting technique that we fully disclose in our ebook is not available from any other source, including Hurst's own original work.


The most surprising thing about our adaptation of Hurst's displaced moving average technique is that you don't have to spend any time doing tedious cycle analysis. Just click on a few bar highs or lows in the training software to get an idea of what periodicity is driving the trend and determine the best displaced moving average set with your eyeballs in the chart window. This becomes second nature after a few tries.

Some people can visualize spatial relationships better than others. If you're one of the lucky ones this can be like looking at a treasure map because the interaction of the displaced averages will form an unmistakable pattern. The key is not cycles but the cyclical symmetry displayed in the averages, and that becomes clear enough after short use.

This ebook has plenty of illustrated charts and shows you everything you need to know to apply our adaptation of J. M. Hurst's displaced moving average technique to consistently and reliably project price and time turning points in the financial markets. We consider this ebook a perfect complement to the Square of Nine techniques because each method provides unique price and time projections by completely independent methods.

Just like a good trading assistant our Hurst method will not get in the way of the technical analysis you do normally, or take away extra time to learn a complex method or interpret ambiguous results.

NOTE: Previous versions of the free software had a function called Cycle Finder. You may see references to Cycle Finder in screenshots on this site, and in YouTube videos, and in the ebook. Please be aware that Cycle Finder is not available in the new. NET version of the free software that comes with this ebook. Upon request I will send ebook purchasers the unsupported VB5 version, which does have Cycle Finder.


The beta training software for this ebook is available at no cost. There is never a cost for upgrades to the software or revisions to the ebook for existing owners. The training software uses ASCII data that you can export from your regular charting program or data service. There's nothing else to buy. The ebook is in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF) and can be read on any computer and printed out in the same format as the ebook. The training software is for Windows 98 or higher only.

The price of this ebook is $34.00. This ebook is in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. Adobe Reader is required and may be downloaded for free at www. adobe. com. This ebook is 41 pages, single space, 11 point Arial type with charts and illustrations.

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Internet sources for price history data - Timing Solution http://disktrading. disktrading/ intraday futures data back as 1995. Internet sources for price history data provided by W. Scott Commodity Charts.

quote tracker and IB - Trade2Win The other possibility is that you purchase historical data from someoner like disktrading which can be found from this link: http://disktrading.

Google Answers: Currency price data for the YEN vs other major. - Disk Trading http://disktrading. This site offers tick data since 1998 for all the pairs you require, except for YEN vs CAD.

Forums - Historical Intraday Data - Day Trading - Day Trader. . but I have only really analysed the daily data so far (using metastock) so can't comment on the quality of their intraday data yet: http://disktrading.

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ZeroCode Clone for MT4

Hello all, I have been emailing Alexander with Gordago, and here is the deal, he is getting setup with Plimus, so you can purchase the software. I did get the live version today, and for the price you can't go wrong, also on or after Aug.8 there is going to be some upgrades, not shure what yet. I will find out on adding custom indicators, to the system, that would help alot. Here is output from a sampe code it did, from his sample.

Also Scorpion, I beleive he is using the API for data.

Scorpion would you be interested in becoming a reseller for him. Let me know and I will see if I can get ya set up. I just don't have the knowlage you have, to offer any support. You are the wizard and i am just a fly on the wall.

#property copyright "Copyright 2005, Gordago Software Corp." #property link "http://www. gordago. com"

extern double lStopLoss = 25; extern double sStopLoss = 20; extern double lTrailingStop = 20; extern double sTrailingStop = 15; extern double Lots = 0.1;

double diMA0=iMA(NULL,15,9,0,MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE,0); double diMA1=iMA(NULL,15,30,0,MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE,0); double diRSI2=iRSI(NULL,5,13,PRICE_CLOSE,0); double diMACD3=iMACD(NULL,30,12,26,0,PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MAI N,0); double diMACD4=iMACD(NULL,30,12,26,9,PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_SIG NAL,0);

int total=OrdersTotal(); if(total<1) if(AccountFreeMargin()<(1000*Lots)) Print("We have no money. Free Margin = ", AccountFreeMargin()); return(0); >

if ((diMA0>diMA1 && diRSI2<30)) ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY, Lots, Ask,3,0,0, "gordago simple",16384,0,Green); if(ticket>0) if(OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES )) Print("BUY order opened. ",OrderOpenPrice()); > else Print("Error opening BUY order. ",GetLastError()); return(0); >

if ((diMACD3<diMACD4)) ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL, Lots, Bid,3,0,0," gordago sample",16384,0,Red); if(ticket>0) if(OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES )) Print("SELL order opened. ",OrderOpenPrice()); > else Print("Error opening SELL order. ",GetLastError()); return(0); > > for(cnt=0;cnt<total;cnt++) OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if(OrderType()<=OP_SELL && OrderSymbol()==Symbol()) if(OrderType()==OP_BUY) >else > > > >

This system allows you to use different stops T/S, and T/P, On Long And Short.

If you wnat to purchase it now here is the bank info he sent me for wire tranfer

1. Union Bank of California International, New York. USA, swift: BOFCUS33NYK account № 91-274753-1121 of IMPEXBANK, Moscow, Russia, swift: IMPERUMM in favour account № 30301840200000000343 of branch "Kazansky"

for credit to Lutsenko Alexander Nikolaevich, account 423 018 402 004 800 034 98

2. The Bank of New York, New York, USA, swift: IRVTUS3N

Account № 890-0487-550 of IMPEXBANK, Moscow, Russia, swift: IMPERUMM

In favour account № 30301840200000000343 of branch В«KazanskyВ»

for credit to Lutsenko Alexander Nikolaevich, account 423 018 402 004 800 034 98

1. Union Bank of California International, New York. USA, swift: BOFCUS33NYK account № 91-274753-1121 of IMPEXBANK, Moscow, Russia, swift: IMPERUMM in favour account № 30301840200000000343 of branch "Kazansky"

for credit to Lutsenko Alexander Nikolaevich, account 423 019 787 004 800 004 36

2. The Bank of New York, New York, USA, swift: IRVTUS3N

Account № 890-0487-550 of IMPEXBANK, Moscow, Russia, swift: IMPERUMM

In favour account № 30301840200000000343 of branch В«KazanskyВ»

for credit to Lutsenko Alexander Nikolaevich, account 423 019 787 004 800 004 36

Is it possible to use it for payment. sweatdrop

Also If it will help any I would be happy to try to write a simple code for anybody that wants to see how good it turns out as an experament.

Let Me Know if you have any questions for him, I have to translate everything to russian so he understands but I would be happy to help as much as I can.

Gordago is a great software indeed. Paying $30 to Alexander will support the software for future upgrades. One thing, the payment is hassle. Consumer might add at least $10 fee to wire transfer (in Cambodia costs $50), and Alexander might pay receival fee as well. He'd better setup a credit card merchant at 2Checkout. com for example--CardSystems. com was hacked recently and is in BIG trouble .

As seen in generated code, there isn't any trailing stop feature, and the custom indicators might not be supported yet. However, these features can be requested and the vendor will likely add them.

Originally Posted by TurboTrader

Scorpion would you be interested in becoming a reseller for him. Let me know and I will see if I can get ya set up. I just don't have the knowlage you have, to offer any support. You are the wizard and i am just a fly on the wall.

No, thanks guy. If only I had free time. I'm very buzy these days with my job and fxfisherman.

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Home ⁄ Cancellation/Refund Policy

FTC Forex VPS Hosting Cancellation/Refund Policy

FTC Forex VPS Hosting accounts are set up on a prepay basis. FTC Forex VPS Hosting customers may decide to cancel their accounts at any time, however they will get a full refund of the service only if the cancellation request is made within 30 days of purchasing of the account, according to our Money Back Guarantee Policy

To cancel an account, the Customer needs to send an e-mail or support ticket to our Sales Department and provide any authentication credentials requested by FTC Forex VPS Hosting. Other forms of cancellation requests will not be accepted. Any incentives (free bonuses, etc.) offered to the Customer upon sign-up will be also cancelled.

Domain name registrations/transfers , service upgrades and web hosting plan renewals are treated as non-refundable services (see below) and cannot be cancelled or refunded after being activated upon customer request. The Customer will have the opportunity to transfer his/her domain away to another host.

Late cancellations, as well as accounts cancelled by FTC Forex VPS Hosting due to TOS violations (where the customer has decided not to fix the violation) do not qualify for the 30-day money back guarantee.

All credit requests for VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discovery payments are processed within 48 hours of the submission of the refund request (by e-mail or ticket, as mentioned above). The funds will be credited back to the Customer's credit/debit card and affect the Customer's credit/debit card balance in accordance with the credit/debit card issuer's terms of service.

All credit requests for PayPal payments are processed within 48 hours of the submission of the refund request (by e-mail or ticket, as mentioned above). The funds will be credited back to the Customer's PayPal account and affect the Customer's PayPal balance in accordance with the PayPal's terms of service.


FTC Forex VPS Hosting offers a 30-day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with our hosting services, you can submit a refund request in a trouble ticket opened from your web hosting control panel, or via email sent to billing@duoservers. com, and receive full refund for your hosting plan within 30 days of the purchasing of the account. Please, NOTE that domain name registrations/transfers are non-refundable services.

All recurring payments and all payments made via Western Union or bank wire are non-refundable and are not subject to the 30-day money back guarantee.

Non-Refundable Services : all service upgrades, wallet refills and plan renewal services purchased from the Web Hosting Control Panel; all 1-year or multi-year domain registration or transfer services purchased at sign-up or from the Web Hosting Control Panel.

All domain registrations and domain transfers are final, do not include any money-back guarantee and will be subject to a fee that is calculated on the basis of the actual NON-PROMOTIONAL annual price of the purchased domain's TLD, multiplied by the number of years of registration or transfer. Any refund amount credited back to the Customer in accordance with our 30-day money back guarantee will not include the cost of the non-refundable services (if any) that have been purchased with the Customer's web hosting plan upon sign-up (i. e. the Customer will be issued a partial refund on the original transaction if he/she has purchased non-refundable services within the web hosting account).

Chargebacks are not considered as a way of refunding. Any Customer who initiates a credit card chargeback in response to a bill or order placed at FTC Forex VPS Hosting will be subject to full investigation.

When signing up for a web hosting account with FTC Forex VPS Hosting, customers agree to the conditions explicated in our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and the Web Hosting Terms of Service. Thus, FTC Forex VPS Hosting, as well as our authorized retailers (PayPal, WorldPay, 2CheckOut), will resort to these documents as an evidence for the Customer's agreement, especially in the event that a Customer sends a chargeback inquiry based on points that he/or she first accepted, but is trying now to refute.

If/When a chargeback report is received, the first step of our FTC Forex VPS Hosting team will be to try to contact the user. Meanwhile, the user account will be suspended (in order to protect our system from fraudulent activity and misuse) and will remain suspended until the reasons for the chargeback have been clarified and decision has been taken for according action.

If the chargeback has occurred due to some misunderstanding, a reverse payment procedure will be initiated with our authorized retailers and the account will be re-activated.

If the user has sent a chargeback request based on groundless argumentation (to our own judgment and these Web Hosting Terms of Service), then a dispute will be started with our authorized retailers in which the Web Hosting Terms of Service and the Acceptable Use Policy of FTC Forex VPS Hosting will serve as proof of the Customer's agreement. The retailers then, taking into consideration all provisions in these legal documents, will decide whether the Customer has had sufficient grounds for the chargeback or FTC Forex VPS Hosting has the right to a reverse payment.

In case that the chargeback originates from a fraudulent user and no reverse payment procedure can be initiated, then the respective hosting account will remain suspended.

** Long CandlePro announcement post here . It covers everything from an enrollment session this week to new CandlePro forums. You should check it out here! **

Daily Outlook: Pair is bullish after Friday's fireworks on further US job weakness. The pair jumped 160+ pips in just a few hours on the news - but this wasn't unexpected technically either. Take a look at the daily chart, or even the 4h chart and you'll see a nice gradual uptrend with hardly a bear in site. I will stick with the uptrend and look for buying opps. Currently the pair appears to be consolidating into a bullish flag pattern under 1.33, which signals more potential gains for the Euro.

As always check the free candlestick alerts (or CandlePro if you have a seat!) for intraday trading opps and watch out for news events on the forex calendar.

Trading Idea: Primary trade will be conservative: long in the vicinity of 1.3215 support, with targets at 1.3240, 1.3270, 1.33 and 1.3330 for 115 pips profit.

A much more aggressive long with a decent reward/risk ratio would a long on a failure to close below 1.3260 with long targets at 1.3290, 1.3320 and 1.3350 for 90 pips profit.

Recap: It's always a matter of details as usual. If you took the aggressive primary trade (I listed all trades Friday as aggressive) then you shorted the 04:00 4h candle on the failure of 1.3200 again. That trade would have hitten our first TP at 1.3175 gotten you about 40+ pips in the profit in total before skyrocketing upward the next 4h candle. For CP users that UJ bearish candlestick I pointed out at the bottom of Friday's post would have gotten you about 80 pips in the profit before the weekend.

Join the Discussion!

Online Info

Many small businesses don’t get success they want from advertising due to availability of very little resources. The results are simply flat due to lack of good ideas for improvements. Whether the ads are put in a local newspaper or are printed in the famous periodical or posted on a website, the money invested should gain the desired outcome. There are some common mistakes small businesses and professional service providers do when designing and posting the advertisement, which leads to the failure of the advertisement.

Bigger is better is believed in by many. That’s exactly what some of the small firms think when they want to advertise their product. They think bigger and select a medium where they need to invest a lot of money, but do not reach the targeted market. Like if a company specializes in designing diet plans and want to help out people who had disappointing results from their individual diet plans, and the company chooses to advertise a full page in the local paper instead of running advertisement in a health magazine, obviously not many of the dieters will notice the advertisement and the advertisement doesn’t get the desired attention.

So the point is to come up with the best campaign, which will increase the probability of the ad getting viewed and the right customers trying to buy the product or sign up for the service. Studies and research can be carried out on the market and targeted audience can be narrowed down. Once getting the list of newspapers, magazines and magazines meant for the customers in mind, find out how many readers they have and the cost they ask for posting the ad. Special deals are offered by them from time to time and can only be found by watchful eye.

It is estimated that everyday people are subjected to around three thousand commercials. That is a huge number and if someone desires to be noticed, he should certainly be different. Not only the services and product sold should be unique in the market, so should be the advertisement. For example, if a business selling mattresses says, “We sell mattresses”, it will not make a statement and will be passed off as any other mattress advertisement. But if they say, “Our mattresses are of the finest quality”, it will make the advertisement stand out in the crowd. Other catch lines are “Are you suffering from back pain? Probably you must try our mattresses “, are more specific and will catch the fancy of the people who are suffering from back pains since a long time. The advertisement should also focus on the uniqueness of the product and how it is better compared to the competitors’ producto.

Focusing on the problems of the customers and giving a solution for them, is what a customer demands. A customer does not buy a product; he buys benefits in the form of a product. The real value of the product should be realized and a clear picture of it should be presented to the customer so he will be able to relate with the product. If the advertisement doesn’t specify the solution it can provide, the customers will never know of it. So focusing on the customers problem is what some ads miss.

The last thing missing in most of the advertisement is motivation for the customers. If the advertiser has designed the advertisement and the customer had read the advertisement, all efforts and money invested will be wasted if he doesn’t get up and do something about it. It shouldn’t be assumed that the customer knows what to do; instead the advertisement should influence the mind of the customer and should tell him what to do. Call of action is the final job of the advertisement. It should call for information, or visiting the store or even visiting the online store. The message should sound confident and clear.

You can develop into a better and more profitable trader by applying some of the more imperative forex currency trading rules consistently with an appropriate amount of discipline. There are few principles that can help to perk up your chances of success if they are understood, practiced, and implemented in your trading on a regular basis and these rules have been learned in the trenches, mostly through testing and scrutinizing the common mistakes nearly every trader makes when starting out in the forex currency trading business. The first step is to set up and apply specific goals and objectives.

The majority of forex traders who often find themselves on the losing end of a trade make the same common and recurring mistakes. Most forex traders don’t have a clear direction, never take the time to develop a sound business plan and lack a formal written strategy for putting a well thought out plan in place. In forex currency trading, the primary goal is clearly to make money, but it’s important to have goals that are not strictly money related as well. Your personal objectives and ambitions should be very specific and measurable to you, but they should include the characteristics that are needed for the trading.

Having a clear-cut idea of what you want to accomplish in your trading and the precise time frame you want to achieve it, make your efforts more focused. In order to establish a track record of winning trades, you need to develop discipline and a personal forex currency trading system that makes sense for you. The spread generally referred to as the bid/ask spread is what brokers charge instead commission fees. Forex brokers are typically linked with large banks due to the large amount of capital that is required to operate in the forex market. Leverage is a ratio of total capital available to actual capital which is the amount of money a broker will lend you for trading. Finally you should select a trading account that fits your budget.

Basic Forex trading strategy begins with fundamental and technical analysis. Fundamental analysis is mainly used to anticipate and better understand long-term trends in the currency market. Technical analysis is widely used to examine the forex because it identifies and measures sustained trends. Successful traders use a combination to make more accurate predictions. Once you have the knowledge of how the forex currency trading works open a demo account and paper trade to practice until you have what it takes to make a consistent profit. It’s important to take the time to build, test and implement a sound trading plan before you put capital at risk.

It is easy to tackle with financial emergencies when you have enough money with you even at the end of the month. But, this seems impossible as most of us usually end up spending most of our pay on shopping and satisfying other personal purposes in the very beginning of the month that results in only a handful of money left for the rest of the month.

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People usually use payday loans to make ends meet until their next paycheque. Urgent expenses such as medical bills, phone bills or an unexpected expenditure can be easily dealt with a payday loan. Various kinds of payday loans are available in the market with different characteristics to meet diverse needs of the UK residents, some of them namely same day payday loans, military payday loan, no fax payday loans and many more.

Payday loan can work as an important financial source to bridge the cash flow gap between paydays. These loans are usually approved faster as are meant to meet instant cash needs. A payday loan is offered for a short-term that usually ranges from 7 to 14 days that can be extended up to 18 days. With a payday loan you can borrow any amount ranging from.

As per 2005 statistics released, on line trade grew more by more than 22% over previous year. To accept credit cards for online trade, you need a merchant account. Getting a merchant account is not easy for all. It does involve a lot of money. To solve this issue, another fast emerging choice is use of third-party factoring services, also known as credit card processors. These processors process third party orders through their own merchant accounts. A good processor provides a secure environment for sale, ensure that supplier fulfills the obligations of trade and ensure payment for the sale to the trader.

The growth of criminal methods on the net to steal information and rob off wealth is growing at alarming rate. To help these issues, these processors provide very valuable service to newbie merchants who can not afford own merchant account and are quite instrumental in fraud prevention as well as to protect the consumer interest. A good credit card processor instills a strong sense of satisfaction among consumers to protect their interests and thus at a nominal cost boosts the revenue of on-line trader.

A good processor has to be very stringent as they are answerable to their own merchant account provider. Too many dissatisfied customers or traders can make them go out of business. I came across http://www. InternetMerchants. info, which very elaborately describes about various credit card processors. It would be a good idea to check from here.

One of such reputed and well established credit card processor is 2CheckOut (2CO), which is online distribution center for over 300,000 products and services. It provides a customizable transaction interface, multi-level customer service interaction, security features using SSL encryption network. One can get started immediately with no hassles of term contracts, additional equipment and can deal with any international suppliers, except for few prohibited products.

¿Cuanto cuesta?

Charges wise, it may not be cheapest one, but in terms of customers rating and appreciation, it definitely stands out. Initial set up charges include one time setup fees of $49. Besides, a commission of 5.5% per transaction and additional charges of $0.45 are levied. These transaction charges can go up on some classes of products. Charges for additional services are even higher. 2CheckOut supports 28 currencies for payment. For payments in local currency, if it is one of the supported currencies, wire option can be exercised at a cost of $5 per transfer. You can also choose to receive funds in US dollars at fees of $20 per transfer. These charges are definitely steep for small payments, but, 2CheckOut does give option to set a release level of payments and payments would be held till it reaches that level. Additionally, there are charges for stop payment of check and for charge backs.

However, being a processor with one of the lowest fraud rate, such steep rates also gel with market.

Payment to Suppliers

Generally all payments are made on 1st and 16th of the month, when all transactions that occur within 48 hours of this period will be processed, and payment remitted. However suppliers with sales volumes of over $1,000 a week qualify for weekly transfers.

Types of Products

A supplier is not allowed to sell certain types of goods as adult content, firearms, ammunition, tobacco products and multi-level marketing etc.

Protecting Consumer Interest

Protection of consumer interest is basically in own interest of a credit card processor to be able to stay in business. As the terms of agreement with 2CO, a supplier agrees to readdress all the customers complaints addressed to him directly or through 2CO, to the satisfaction of customer, proficiently and harmoniously.

To protect interests of sellers, it reserves the right to impose limits on purchase of products by specific buyers for any reason, in its sole discretion, as it may deem fit.

Payments on an account are made after 2CO’s verification processes it also holds money from suppliers account to protect buyer’s interest. Generally a 5% of the gross sales are kept as reserve for at least 90 days would be held and in some cases the Reserve is retained at a higher rate for period exceeding 90 days.

It has a provision for refund and charge back too. Either 2CO or supplier may ask for reversal of transaction leading to refund and return the funds to a customer’s account. Credit card issuing bank may dispute the validity of transaction through the given credit card either on its own volition or on instruction of its clients and initiate reversal of funds transferred. This is called charge back. In such cases, where supplier feels victimized, he may opt to initiate a dispute and seek assistance of 2CO. 2CO would assist by way of providing any documentation that supplier may need and would charge a fee of $14 for each such dispute that supplier decides to contest.

2CO service has been rated as wonderful by most users. The only suggestions for improvement would be more in depth sales reports and the ability to have custom form fields on. It has reputation of being a company that enables businesses to receive funds from businesses and consumers internationally with zero fraud and at a much lower cost than traditional wire payments.

The right payment options

*Pricing terms: The processing fee for debit and credit cards begins at 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction for all Bigcommerce plans. Based on the plan you choose or are upgraded to, you may be eligible for that plan’s published processing rate. To receive the published rate, you must 1) be a United States based business, 2) complete the PayPal powered by Braintree application process and 3) be approved for a PayPal powered by Braintree account. Your account will then be updated to reflect the new rate, and a notification email will be sent to you with the updated rate. Per the date on the notification email, all transactions on and after that date will be processed and charged by that published rate.






&dupdo; Copyright 2003 - 2016 Bigcommerce Pty. Ltd. Ecommerce Platform

Home ⁄ Dedicated Servers Terms Of Service

This is an Agreement between You - Customer of our Dedicated Hosting Services, and the following companies, which partner with FTC Forex VPS Hosting - LiquidNet US LLC, a US company headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and LiquidNet Ltd. a UK company headquartered in London, UK. Legal details about the two companies can be found in the 'Customer Service Contact Details' section of this document. For the sake of brevity, FTC Forex VPS Hosting, LiquidNet US LLC and LiquidNet Ltd. will be referred to as 'FTC Forex VPS Hosting' in this document.

When signing up for a Dedicated server hosting account with FTC Forex VPS Hosting, the Customer agrees to abide by the rules and provisions explicated in these Dedicated Terms of Service, as well as all their coherent policies (Order Verification Policy, Acceptable Use Policy. etc.) mentioned herein.

The Customer of our Services should also be aware that when signing up for a Dedicated server hosting account with FTC Forex VPS Hosting, he/or she agrees to position data on our servers and make it accessible to the wide internet public. In this respect, the Customer understands and agrees that it is beyond the power of FTC Forex VPS Hosting to restrict any public access to this data and guarantee the security of the Customer's files. The Customer, therefore, is completely in charge of protecting his/her web content on our Dedicated servers and should consider carefully each piece of information before uploading it to his/her newly allocated Dedicated server space. We highly recommend that Customers avoid publishing online personal data that could be abused.


FTC Forex VPS Hosting shall provide its Services to You - the Customer - under the Terms and Conditions explicated in this Service Agreement. The Agreement is intended to keep the integrity of both FTC Forex VPS Hosting and the Customer and to protect both parties from liability. This Service Agreement will be enforced to ensure the speed, power, performance, and reliability of our Services.

The Service Agreement, together with the Order Form, the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). and any other policies or agreements mentioned in this document, constitute the whole act of convention between FTC Forex VPS Hosting and the Customer.


Upon submitting of the online order form, the Customer agrees to abide by our Order Verification Policy and the following provisions:

The payment of the Dedicated server hosting service is set up on a monthly basis. The Customer agrees to pay for the rendered Dedicated server hosting services in advance for each monthly service term.

Non-Payment of the service shall result in a immediate service disconnection. Customers failing to secure payment by the time of the due date will incur service interruption. The data hosted on the Dedicated server will be kept for one month, after that it will be permanently deleted.

Setup fees and monthly service fees are non-refundable. The Customer agrees to a no-refund policy in advance.



FTC Forex VPS Hosting guarantees 99.9% network uptime and server stability. This, however, does not refer to problems stemming from:

Server Hardware Breakdown;

User error(s) or purposeful interruption(s) of the user service (e. g. if the client shuts his/her own server down, FTC Forex VPS Hosting is not responsible for the downtime);

Failure due to software that is not explicitly supported by the FTC Forex VPS Hosting. If a hardware crash provoked by the Customer consequently happens, FTC Forex VPS Hosting is beyond the control and responsibility for the resulting downtime.

For more information, please refer to our Service Level Guarantees.


Due to the specificity of the Dedicated server hosting service, providing Customers with fully independent and self-managed hosting environment, the DATA BAKCUP of all Customer's website contents and databases is solely Customer's responsibility, as well.

A 50 GB FTP backup storage is available as a part of our Managed Services Package. It is also available as a separate upgrade option.



For newly signed up clients - the Services are activated only after our Sales Department gets in touch with the Customer over the phone to verify the payment details (this is required due to the high fraud activity spreading online, and in order to prevent fraudulent account usage). The payment verification procedure is obligatory and if we fail to approve a transaction within 48 hours of the payment submission, the funds will be credited back to the payer and the order will be canceled.

For existing customers - the services for existing Customers, including upgrade services and renewals, are activated immediately after our Sales Department receives the according service payment.


Dedicated Server Accounts - The newly-created Dedicated server hosting accounts with FTC Forex VPS Hosting are valid for 1 month. They can be renewed on a monthly basis, i. e. for another month that will be added to the official expiration date of the Dedicated server account.

Domain Name Registrations/Transfers - FTC Forex VPS Hosting offers for registration/transfer all TLDs (Top-Level Domains) displayed in the table below. A domain name can be purchased either at sign up together with the Dedicated server hosting account (at a regular or PROMOTIONAL price) or separately (later on) as an upgrade from the Customer's Dedicated management account. The Customer agrees to abide by FTC Forex VPS Hosting's Domain Name Registration Agreement and Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy. The table below displays the minimum and maximum registration periods, as well as the annual NON-PROMOTIONAL prices of all TLDs:

min/max period of registration @ min period price

1-10 years @ $12.00 per year

Domain Renewals - Even though FTC Forex VPS Hosting will provide regular reminders about the expiration of the domain name(s) registered through the company, it is your obligation to keep track of when the registration service(s) will expire. Should you fail to renew a domain name before its expiration date, the domain name will be suspended or canceled.

After a domain name’s expiration date, there is a period of 30 days, in which the domain name can be renewed. Certain domain name extensions do not have such a period, so leaving a domain name to expire before attempting a renewal is at your own discretion.

After the 30-day renewal period has passed, some domain names (as per TLD Registry Policies) enter a so-called Redemption Grace Period. A domain name which has entered a Redemption Grace Period can still be renewed. However, additional fees will be added to the domain's renewal price. You can find the official information regarding the Redemption Grace Period on ICANN’s page: http://www. icann. org/registrars/redemption-proposal-14feb02.htm . If a Redemption Grace Period is applicable for a specific domain name, it will last between 30 and 42 days.

After the Redemption Grace Period (or the renewal period – if RGP is not applicable) has passed, domain name(s) can be: provided to third parties; FTC Forex VPS Hosting may choose to auction the domain name(s); FTC Forex VPS Hosting may return them in the public registration pool. All of these actions can be carried out at any time and without your consent.

We strongly recommend that Customers renew their domain registrations before their domain names are placed into redemption period. After a domain name transits in redemption period, we are not able to prevent its zone files from being removed from the DNS system, and any web site and associated services will cease working.

We can assist Customers in retrieving their domain names only if the domain names were registered with us. Customers will be charged a REDEMPTION FEE of $270.00 USD for each domain registration renewal. If the domain name was registered with another registrar, the Customer needs to contact that registrar for more information regarding its retrieving.



In order to cancel a Dedicated server account, the Customer must send a support ticket to FTC Forex VPS Hosting's Sales Department via his/her Dedicated management account and provide any authentication credentials requested by FTC Forex VPS Hosting. Any other form of cancellation request will not be accepted.


Dedicated server hosting accounts - The Dedicated server accounts are set up on a monthly prepay basis. Customers may cancel their accounts at any time, however they will not be entitled to a refund for the unused period of the prepaid month, since these services do NOT include Money Back Guarantee. Any incentives offered to the Customers upon sign-up will be also canceled.

Domain Name Registrations/Transfers - Domain name registrations/transfers are also treated as non-refundable services and cannot be canceled or refunded after activated upon Customer request. The domain name owner will have access to a domain management account, and will be able to transfer the domain name to another registrar.


Chargebacks are not considered as a way of refunding. Any Customer who initiates a credit card chargeback in response to a bill or order placed with FTC Forex VPS Hosting will be subject to full investigation.

When signing up for a Dedicated server hosting account with FTC Forex VPS Hosting, the Customer agrees to the terms and conditions explicated in this document (and its coherent policies). Thus, FTC Forex VPS Hosting, as well as FTC Forex VPS Hosting's authorized retailers (PayPal, WorldPay, 2CheckOut), will resort to these documents as an evidence for the Customer's agreement, especially in the event that a Customer sends a chargeback inquiry based on points that he/or she first accepted, but is trying now to refute.

If/When a chargeback report is received, the first step of FTC Forex VPS Hosting's Customer Care team will be to try to contact the Customer. Meanwhile, the Customer's Dedicated server account will be suspended (in order to protect our system from fraudulent activity and misuse) and will remain suspended until the reasons for the chargeback have been clarified and decision has been taken for according action.

If the chargeback has occurred due to some misunderstanding, a reverse payment procedure will be initiated with the authorized retailers and eventually the Dedicated server account will be re-activated.

If the Customer has sent a chargeback request based on groundless argumentations (according to FTC Forex VPS Hosting's own judgment and these Dedicated Terms of Service), then a dispute will be started with the authorized retailers in which the Dedicated Terms of Service and the AUP of FTC Forex VPS Hosting will serve as evidence of the Customer's agreement. The retailers then, taking into consideration all provisions in these legal documents, will decide whether the Customer has had sufficient grounds for the chargeback or FTC Forex VPS Hosting has the right to a reverse payment.

In case that the chargeback originates from a fraudulent user (end-client) and no reverse payment procedure can be activated, then the respective Dedicated server account will remain suspended and a $30 USD fee will be withdrawn from the commission of the reseller (the client of our Free Reseller Hosting Program) whose client's account (the end-client) has been the reason for the chargeback (in order to be covered the fees imposed to FTC Forex VPS Hosting from our authorized retailers for the claimed unauthorized transaction).


A collection of free hosting reseller tools. a free billing software (ClientExec) and a free domain reseller account is available with each Dedicated Server hosting package. All bonuses are given per customer's request.


In consideration of their use of the Service, Customers agree to:

Provide true, accurate, current and complete information about themselves as prompted by the registration form of the Service. Maintain and promptly update their registration data to keep it true, accurate, current and complete. If the Customer provides any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or FTC Forex VPS Hosting has reasonable grounds (at its sole discretion) to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, FTC Forex VPS Hosting has the right to suspend or terminate the Customer's account and refuse any and all current or future use of the Service (or any portion thereof). If untrue details are used in order to avoid VAT the customer can be held responsible by the respective national tax collecting agency.

When introducing any changes to their contact details, Customers are obliged to notify FTC Forex VPS Hosting in the course of 10 business days after the changes become valid. The introduction of changes should be done online through the customers' Dedicated Management Account, not via e-mail.

Customers will receive a password and account designation upon completing of the registration process of the Service. Customers are responsible for keeping the confidentiality of their passwords and accounts, and are fully responsible for all activities that occur under that password or account. Customers agree to:

immediately notify FTC Forex VPS Hosting about any unauthorized use of their password or account or any other breach of security;

ensure that they safely exit (log out from) their account at the end of each session.

FTC Forex VPS Hosting cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage of account information arising from Customer's failure to comply with this provision.

If a Dedicated server hosting account is registered with details different than those of the person who paid for the account, and in the case of any dispute, FTC Forex VPS Hosting will take the side of the person who paid for the account and shall not provide access to any other person, since - a hosting account owner is and will be considered to be the credit card /PayPal account holder.

The client is obliged not to delete FTC Forex VPS Hosting's SSH key, which provides root access to the server. The root access will be used by FTC Forex VPS Hosting in 2 cases only:

When there is a problem with the server and, as a result, certain services do not run properly - FTC Forex VPS Hosting may fix it as he sees fit.

When there is a report from a third party concerning some sort of abuse, for example, spam, FTC Forex VPS Hosting can identify the spammer and suspend him, of which case the client who is in charge of the server will be duly informed. The client, on the other hand, is obliged not to let problems of such kind happen again, whether or not involving that particular abuser. If there are repeated abuse reports - FTC Forex VPS Hosting will charge the client $20 for each report, because the latter is obviously unwilling to assist in terminating the abuse actions on the given server.

The client is also obliged not to terminate the SNMP service activated by FTC Forex VPS Hosting to keep track of the used IPs on the server. Upon a termination of the SNMP service - FTC Forex VPS Hosting will inform the client and the client will have to reactivate the service in 48 hours. If the client does not cooperate - FTC Forex VPS Hosting can suspend the client's access to the server at his own discretion.



FTC Forex VPS Hosting expressly bans the use of any Dedicated server hardware or software for trying to illegally access another hosted machine or network. Customers may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any of FTC Forex VPS Hosting's Services, other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to any of FTC Forex VPS Hosting's Services, through hacking, password mining or other means of close nature. Customers may not obtain or attempt to obtain any materials or information through any means not intentionally made available by FTC Forex VPS Hosting's Services. For more detailed information regarding all prohibited uses of our server network, please closely review next chapter of these Terms and our AUP (Acceptable Use Policy). If you still have inquiries over the matter, feel free to contact any of our Customer Care representatives.


Server content MUST comply with the parameters stated in this TOS and our Acceptable Use Policy. Web content requirements exclude the publication of illegal content or content considered inappropriate otherwise. If any of FTC Forex VPS Hosting's Services are used for the illegal purpose of SPAM or UCE, they will be instantly terminated. Customers are solely responsible for the content of their messages. Using FTC Forex VPS Hosting's Services in connection with surveys, contests, pyramid schemes, chain letters, junk e-mail, spamming or any duplicative or unsolicited messages (commercial or other) is prohibited. In this light, FTC Forex VPS Hosting expressly forbids any breach of Federal, State or Local regulation, including, but not limited to, the transmission of: copyrighted material, material legally judged to be threatening or obscene, and material protected by trade secrets. FTC Forex VPS Hosting's Dedicated servers CANNOT be used for the propagation, distribution, housing, processing, storing, or handling in any way of lewd, obscene, adult or pornographic material, or any other material which is considered impermissible by FTC Forex VPS Hosting's Dedicated Terms of Service (this document) and the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).


As a condition for Customer use of FTC Forex VPS Hosting's Services, you - the Customer, agree that you will not use the Services for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms, conditions, and notices, and our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). FTC Forex VPS Hosting's Dedicated servers can be used explicitly and only for legal purposes, and each attempt for taking indecent advantage of the servers, inconsistent with the rules, will be immediately counteracted. FTC Forex VPS Hosting reserves the right at any time to disclose any information, as FTC Forex VPS Hosting deems necessary, to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request, or to edit, refuse to post or to remove from the Services any information or materials, in whole or in part, in the sole discretion of FTC Forex VPS Hosting.


When buying a Dedicated server for the purpose of creating an e-commerce online store or related e-commerce activities website, the Customer agrees to be fully responsible for the development, operation and maintenance of his/her web site/ online store and e-commerce activities within that website. The Customer is the only one in charge of approving, processing and filling client orders and taking care of client requests or complaints. The Customer is also the only one in charge of the payment or satisfaction of any and all taxes related to his/her web site and online store. The Customer bears the responsibility for ensuring the security and confidentiality of any clients' data (including, without limitation, customer credit card numbers) that he/she may receive in connection with his/her web site or online store.

Each Customer is in charge of all products and services, as well as all contents and materials appearing online, including:

the accuracy and relevance of Customer Content, and content and material showcased in the Customer store or on its products;

certainty that the Customer Content and content and materials appearing in the Customer store or on its products do not violate or infringe upon the rights of any person;

certainty that the Customer Content and the content and materials appearing in the Customer store or on its products are not calumnitous or somehow illegal.

Each Customer guarantees to FTC Forex VPS Hosting that he/she owns the right to use the Customer Content and its material, including all text, graphics, sound, music, video, programming, scripts and applets. Each Customer warrants to FTC Forex VPS Hosting that the use, reproduction, propagation and transmission of the Customer Content and any information and materials contained inside do not, and will not:

infringe or abuse any copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or any other proprietary right of a third party;

break any criminal law or manifest false advertising, unfair competition, vilification, privacy intrusion; violate a right of publicity or violate any other law or regulation.

Each Customer empowers FTC Forex VPS Hosting to reproduce, copy, use and propagate all and any part of the Customer Content for ensuring and operating the Services. FTC Forex VPS Hosting is granted the right to estimate, at its own discretion, the extent to which these operations may be carried out.



FTC Forex VPS Hosting will thoroughly scrutinize all received orders and decide, to its own discretion, which of them do not comply with the officially stated requirements for use of FTC Forex VPS Hosting's Dedicated servers. FTC Forex VPS Hosting reserves the right to refuse Service to unlawful parties.


FTC Forex VPS Hosting reserves the right to discontinue the Service provision to any subscriber that FTC Forex VPS Hosting deems, at its sole discretion, has violated any condition of the Service explicated in this Terms of Service and/or the Acceptable Use Policy.



Notices, including notices concerning breach of this Agreement will be sent either to the e-mail address provided by the Customer at sign up, OR mailed by first class mail to the postal address that the Customer has on file with FTC Forex VPS Hosting. In both cases, delivery shall be deemed to have been made five (5) days after the notice has been sent. Notices from the Customer to FTC Forex VPS Hosting should be sent to the address provided on FTC Forex VPS Hosting's website.


FTC Forex VPS Hosting guarantees highest level of Customer Care service round the clock. If you feel dissatisfied with any aspect of the Service, feel free to make use of our complaints procedure detailed below.

In order to file a complaint, please send us an email to complaints@duoservers. com, specifying the nature of the problem you are experiencing. Please, provide as many details about your particular case as possible. The more we know about the situation, the better, prompt and adequate our resolution will be.

Here are our steps of addressing every single complaint:

FTC Forex VPS Hosting will confirm receipt of your complaint in writing, confirming that the complaint will be addressed without delay. FTC Forex VPS Hosting reserves the right to refuse to investigate a complaint that is obviously frivolous, abusive or offensive.

A FTC Forex VPS Hosting's Customer Care representative will review your situation, look for an appropriate solution and inform you of the timeframe within which a response should be expected.

If FTC Forex VPS Hosting's Customer Care representative can't resolve your complaint within the pre-announced period, your complaint will be escalated to a Customer Care manager.

If the Customer Care manager can't resolve your complaint, as well, it will be forwarded to the Company Director, who will investigate the case to ensure that all necessary measures have been taken and will respond in writing within two working days, and reply with a solution within five working days.

An alternative complaint method is submitting a fax to the following number: 510.868.6446


Any way of indecent treatment towards a FTC Forex VPS Hosting's Customer Care employee will be considered as totally inappropriate and unacceptable. Each Customer is expected to communicate in an utterly polite and professional manner with FTC Forex VPS Hosting's employees regarding any request for help or consultation via e-mail, chat, phone or through our Ticket Desk Support System. Each Customer is expected to avoid any form of emotional outburst or inappropriate language, or any other attempt to be undermined the importance of good ethics in communication and human relations. Any act of close nature, or other type of offensive, abusive, disrespectful or condescending behavior - oral, written, or delivered by a second party - to members of FTC Forex VPS Hosting's Customer Care stuff will be interpreted as a breach of this TOS. FTC Forex VPS Hosting reserves the right to assess at its sole discretion which behavior is to be considered as a violation of the hereby stated rule and agreement, and to undertake according actions.


Due to the specificity of the Service, Customers are fully in charge of the management and maintenance of their Dedicated servers. However, if they need assistance or want to leave this task to our highly-qualified administrators department, they can avail of our Fully Managed Support service available at a monthly fee of $30 USD. Additional software installation and troubleshooting, which are not included in the Managed Support Package will cost $60 USD.

Pre-sale and general questions

Customers may use any of the support options listed below:

E-mail us using our Contact Us form

Use our Live Chat

Open a trouble ticket from the Customer's Dedicated management account. 1-hour support response is guaranteed!

Phone or Fax us at:

US TOLL FREE PHONE: +1-855-211-0932 INTERNATIONAL PHONE: +1-727-546-HOST(4678) UK PHONE. +44-20-3695-1294 AU PHONE. +61-2-8417-2372 US FAX: +1-510-868-6446



Este Acuerdo se regirá e interpretará de acuerdo con las leyes de Inglaterra.


Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or any breach of this Agreement, in excess of $250.00 USD will be settled in accordance with the commercial arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association.


Failure to enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement shall in no way be considered to be a waiver of these provisions, or to affect in any way the validity of this Agreement. If one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement are found to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.


The Customer agrees to indemnify FTC Forex VPS Hosting, its management body and employees (each an "Indemnified Party") against any losses, claims, damages, liabilities, penalties, court actions, proceedings or judgments (collectively, "Losses") to which the Indemnified Party may become subject, and out of which Losses arise or relate to this Agreement or the Customer's use of the Services. The Customer agrees to reimburse the Indemnified Party for all legal and other expenses, including any attorney fees paid by the Indemnified Party in connection with investigating, defending or settling any Loss whether or not in connection with pending or threatened litigation in which the Indemnified Party is a party.


Force Majeure Circumstances - FTC Forex VPS Hosting shall not be liable for any failure in the provision of the Services to the Customer resulting, directly or indirectly, from any (i) weather conditions and natural disasters, (ii) actions of any governmental or military authority, (iii) failure caused by telecommunications or Internet provider, or (iv)other force or occurrence beyond its control.

Damages & Losses - FTC Forex VPS Hosting shall not be liable for (i) any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, OR for any loss of profits or loss of revenues resulting from the use of FTC Forex VPS Hosting's Services by the Customer or any third parties, or (ii) any loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries or service interruptions.

Service Provision - FTC Forex VPS Hosting provides the Services on an - њAS IS-ќ basis, without any warranties, including but not limited to, implied warranties, merchantability, or fitness of the Services for any particular purpose. The Customer shall be solely responsible for the selection, use and suitability of the Services, and FTC Forex VPS Hosting shall have no liability therefore.


Customers do not have the right to assign this Agreement without the explicit permission of FTC Forex VPS Hosting. This Agreement shall be in force and effect to the total benefit of the Customer and FTC Forex VPS Hosting and their successors and permitted assigns.


FTC Forex VPS Hosting reserves the right to revise this document at any time, without prior notice. Customers are encouraged therefore to periodically review these Dedicated Terms of Service and the Acceptable Use Policy.

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Goofs for Troy (2004) ... While this was a common practice in Greek culture, currency in the form of coins was not invented until the Lydians began minting coins of a confirmable value (because of the use of a touchstone ... uk. imdb. com

GREECE - EPL OF PATRAS ... T.O: Hellas Greek National Tourism Organization - GREECE Excite Travel: Greece Hellenic Tourism Directory (Who is Who) The unit of the Greek Currency is drachma (dr). Weather information (up to date). www. european-schoolprojects. net

Fleur de coin Offers Greek modern coins and european currency in general. The site contains a terminology index, a grading guide, articles on minting techniques, and on-line collectors community forum. www. fleur-de-coin. com

DIRECTORY.TERADEX.COM - Recreation/Collecting/Paper Money ... light. Greek Currency Directory - Includes over 250 photographs of Greek coins and banknotes from 1828 to present. Full descriptions, brief history, links, and trading option. Guernsey Banknote List ... directory. teradex. com - The World Hostel - Backpacker Accommodation in Hostels W... ... 10.7 million Language Greek Currency Euro Electricity 220 Volts AC, 50 Hz Country Phone Code 30 Em. Codes Ambulance 166 / Fire 100 / Police 100 Time Zone GMT + 2 Nat. Holiday Independence Day, March ... www. hostelseurope. net

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Greece ... 15,800,000,000. The country’s GNP is $181,900,000,000 (2000 est.) with the growth rate of 3,5% (NSSH, 1999). The Greek national currency is drachma (GRD – its rate per USD makes 344) and euro (EUR). www. univ-ovidius. ro

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Atlas - Albania Map ... Official Name- Republic of Albania Capital City- Tiranë Languages -Albanian (official), Greek Official Currency- New Iek Religions- Muslim, Albanian Orthodox, Catholic Population- 3,367,000 Land Area ... atlas. freegk. com

Greece Adopts the Euro ... Bank. Shops have already started displaying prices in both drachmas (Greek currency) and euros —well ahead of a January deadline for bigger firms and March for small businesses. Thousands of Greeks ... www. learnersonline. com

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Backpacking in Greece Overview ... by side with both relics of a glorious and ancient empire and the simple life of many Greek citizens. Currency: Euro ( ) 1 euro = 100 cents Time Zone: GMT + 2 Language: Greek Telephone services ... www. the-backpacking-site. com ... Mail GoDaddy Verisign Enom opensrs 2CheckOut Toast Athens Larisa Local Sydney Time Dictionary Greek Currency Greek Australian _________________________________________________ © 2003 All ... mail. apc4u. net

OMNICOIN.COM :: World Coin Community ... information about coin collecting in general (glossary, links, FAQs), with an emphasis on the Greek currency. CoinCraft, opposite the British Museum, is a respected and well-established London dealer ... www. omnicoin. com

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CSEEES - Albania ... of Albania local name: Shqiperia (Shqipëri) languages: Albanian (official dialect - Tosk), Greek currency: 1 lek (L) = 100 qintars independence: 28 November 1912 (from Ottoman Empire) total area: 28 ... www. duke. edu

Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. Buying, selling and appraisal of ancient Greek coins, ancient Roman coins, Byzantine coins, Antiquities, United States coins and paper money, and European coins and currency. www. harlanjberk. com

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NationalDirectory : Recreation Collecting Paper Money ... light. Greek Currency Directory - Includes over 250 photographs of Greek coins and banknotes from 1828 to present. Full descriptions, brief history, links, and trading option. Guernsey Banknote List ... www. nationaldirectory. com

International Conference concerning Turfgrass Science ... as well. Currency The Greek currency is Euro. One Euro is approximately 0,945 USD($) as of June 2002. Time difference The time in Greece is two hours ahead of the Greenwich time (universal time ... www. turfgrass-conference. aua. gr

Athens Tourism and Tourist Information: Information about Athens Area, Greece ... Facts about Athens Country: Greece Status: capital city Population: 4 million (Greater Athens, including Pireaus) Area: 428 square kilometres / 165 square miles Language: Greek Currency: Euro (EUR ... www. athens. world-guides. com

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Basic facts about Crete ... Language: Greek Religion: Greek Orthodox Currency: Euro is the new currency of Greece since 2001. Main Cities and Towns: North coast: Heraklion (200,000), Chania (80,000), Rethymnon (30,000), Agios ... www. explorecrete. com

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Here is a list of services that allow payoneer payments

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Now a days the popularity of forex trading is increasing day by day. But sorry to say the percentage of failure is increasing rapidly. People take forex trading as a money making machine. And after facing loss the leave forex and try to publish rumor that this is a money losing business. Here I try to make comparison between successful trader and failure trader:

Successful trader: ( Self learning is the best learning)

Evergreen learning attitude. Never think he knows all. Try to be student always.

Try to develop own trading strategy. Es muy importante.

Before making any new trade they fast about probable risk and reward ratio.

They maintain proper money management ratio. and stick on it.

Never focus on others strategy rather they always confident their own strategy and system.

They have high determination about their capability, still and target.

They belief that making money in forex is not a big issue rather sustaining here for long term is the main issue.

They always focus on consistent profit. Never gambling in market.

They belief that one trade is better then making lots of trade.

Try to help others,

Finally they think, loss is just a part of business but final destination is to be a successful and happy trader. )

Failure Trader: ( signal is the desire issue of forex :

Always focus on profit not learning. They consider demo account as a game, not learning source.

They always think ( his strategy is good, my strategy is not good.) Always check strategy, feel hesitation and finally face huge loss.

Make plan for short term purpose, and think its money making machine.

no analysis, no thinking about risk and reward ratio. Always think about profit profit and profit.

Don't have own satisfaction, confidence, patience, money management plan, trading plan, etc.

Always depend on others. belief on signal.

And so any other issue that I feel now my previous lacking.

SO guys we have to success. we have to find out lacking and also have to take proper corrective action.

Best of LUCK


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Your Vacation Budget and the Currency Market

When is the best time to exchange currency for a vacation in another country? Vacations are considered the highlight of the year for almost everyone. Taking a break from the 8 to 8 work day is sacred time and is treated with care, consideration and thoughtfulness. Vacations take planning; finding the right hotel, good restaurants and attractions that aren’t budget busters requires research and good information. A travel budget can make or break a trip and the currency exchange market can make or break a budget.

The old days of exchanging currency the day before the trip or waiting until you arrive at Cairo’s International Airport in Egypt to exchange Dollars for Pounds can become a bomb that blows your vacation budget apart. The volatile global economy keeps different currency pairs in a state of flux. The Pound can surge in value due to a weak Dollar. A drastic 1600 point swing can cost you $160 for every $1000 you exchange. In order to make a travel budget work for you, a currency exchange strategy should be put in place while you’re planning the trip. Exchanging small amounts of money as you plan, protects you from market surges and you also know exactly what each exchange costs, so you can put together a budget in your host country’s currency. Averaging takes the guess work out of budgeting. It is cost effective and easy to implement if you have the right help.

Where should I exchange my money? Most of us run to the bank to exchange money. After all they are in the money business so the rates should be good, but banks actually add a fee to every exchange and they may only post one or two rates a day which means you may not get a real time rate. The currency market changes every hour. Credit card companies use their own rate which includes their profit, plus they add a surcharge to every vacation purchase, so you don’t know how much the trip costs until you get your monthly statement. That’s definitely a budget breaker. Airport currency traders may add a hidden fee to the rate which means you have less money to spend.

A reliable currency trader can help you average your exchanges while you’re planning the trip. A professional will give you a real time rate so you avoid hidden fees, surcharges and bogus rates.

Other travel thoughts Some countries put limits on the amount of cash you can carry through customs. If you exceed the limit and a custom search finds it, your money may be confiscated. Always carry cash in a hidden pocket or a money belt that’s secure and out of sight and use a wallet or a purse to carry a small amount of cash for trip incidentals. Common sense is your best security tool especially when you remember to use it.

Additional information on foreign currency exchange and the forex market can be found at ForexTraders. com. The site has endless resources and articles ranging from; broker reviews, tips on how to improve your strategy, different analysis, overleveraging and the risks of forex leverage. psychology of trading, along with an extensive free forex course.


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Paypal vs Bitcoin – The Quest for Internet Money


There are two types of MasterCard available to Nigerians. The First One is issued by Nigerian banks i. e Mastercard Websurfer while the other; Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard is issued by First Bank of Delaware USA and can be gotten FREE from 2CheckOut.

Getting a MasterCard or Visa card in Nigeria has become relatively easy in recent times. About 80 – 90 % of the principal banks now offer this service to their customers.

Unlike cards issued by companies such as Fast Ecash and GraphCard, these Visa-MasterCards are reloadable.

The GTB MasterCard and UBA MasterCard require a domiciliary account which is why I decided to go for the WebSurfer and so far so good, Zenith Bank is the only bank I’ve seen offering it.

Zenith MasterCard WebSurfer

Zenith MasterCard Websurfer

Above is an image of the Mastercard Websurfer issued by Zenith Bank Nigeria. It costs $20 a year and $5 each time you reload it. It’s reloadable for 1 year then renewal is required to make it reloadable and usable for another year.

I’ve blogged about the card before and and you can get detailed info about it in the blog post; MasterCard WebSurfer Vs Graphcard.

Let it be known that they have added a security feature which alerts you each time a transaction is made on your card. This helps to curb fraudulent activities on your websurfer account.

Finally, Zenith Bank also offers Visa Prepaid cards BUT I was discouraged from getting it when I was told by a bank official that, the Visa Prepaid Card required a domiciliary account ie: An Account run in dollars.

2CO Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard

Next in the line the 2CO reloadable MasterCard® famously known as Payoneer MasterCard amongst Nigerian internet marketers.

As at the last time I checked, this card is now been offered free of charge with free $10 credit to every new 2CheckOut merchant.

2CheckOut serves as an authorized reseller of tangible and digital products and they’ve been in business for over 9 years now. They accept merchants from all countries EXCEPT North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Sudan, Syria, Myanmar (Burma).

As published on 2CheckOut’s website, the benefits of this card to 2CheckOut Suppliers/Merchants include:

1. No bank account or credit check required. 2. Receive funds faster and enjoy immediate access to your funds. 3. View your account, payments, balance and transaction history online, 24/7. 4. Make purchases and withdraw cash in local currency from any point of sale or ATM worldwide that accepts MasterCard®. 5. The money on your card is MasterCard® protected even if your card is lost or stolen. Payoneer will ship you a replacement card and transfer your balance to your new card.

Check out this blog post Which Is Better? PayPal or 2CheckOut to learn more about why I love 2CheckOut and why I’ve declined getting my own Free Payoneer MasterCard.

Henry Omenogor is offering Nigerians a free Payoneer Mastercard, 2CheckOut Affiliate Account and a free site complete with Google Adsense, ClickBank and Amazon Associate products @ his LagosNawa site, all for 15,000 Naira.

I strongly advice you get your own Payoneer Mastercard and 2CheckOut Affiliate account directly from 2CheckOut. The last time I checked, 2CO only offers affiliate accounts to their merchants.

It’s not like other affiliate programs like ClickBank where every Tom, Dick and Harry can join in.

Registering with 2CO requires you driver’s license, international passport, utility bill, a signed agreement form and some other personal stuff and this makes me wonder how Henry gets these cards and how safe they are since I’m assuming, they weren’t ordered in your name.

My advice to you is simple.

Get a Zenith MasterCard WebSurfer and sign up for a 2CheckOut account with a one time fee of $50. Afterwards create your own affiliate account and get you own free Payoneer Mastercard. Thereafter get good quality hosting from Hostgator @ $83 a year if you can afford it or $30 a year hosting from CyberUltra and build your own site on it.

Note: CyberUltra’s payment processor, WorldPay, doesn’t accept Zenith Bank’s MasterCard WebSurfer or probably doesn’t accept orders from Nigeria. I’m curious as to which is the case.

Building a site and adding adsense and ClickBank products to it isn’t difficult at all and can be done in less than an hour if you know how to go about it.

I’m almost 90% sure, that the free site been offered @ LagosNaWa is hosted on one of those 15MB disk space – 100MB bandwidth plans and generically generated using Virtual Mechanics SiteSpinner V2.

If you have noticed I’ve somewhat of deviated from the topic of this post to reviewing Henry Omenogor’s LagosNaWa: The Missing Chapter. I’m sorry but his product was the inspiration for this post.

Before I round off on this post, allow me to say that, if doing the work yourself seems like hardwork, you are welcome to go ahead and choose the easiest way out by getting Henry Omenogor’s LagosNaWa: The Missing Chapter.

If you know of anybody who has bought Henry’s package, do invite him/her to leave a comment and let us know their honest opinion of what the 15,000 Naira Gold Package really is like.

In the past, I always wondered how Nigerians can sell on clickbank and receive their checks here in Nigeria. This report will show you how you can safely and securely open a click bank account right here in Nigeria without any trouble.

First, for you to open a click bank account you must have a foreign address. The reason for a foreign address is because at the moment click bank does not accept Nigerians. You can make use of the address of your relation who lives abroad, but if you do not have someone abroad that you can rely on to give you his address, then read on to find out how you can get a foreign address.

I want to introduce you to a service company called Graph Card. They offer a virtual address. Virtual address means they will give you a specific and personalize U. S.A address. With your virtual address you can also receive foreign checks without having a Domiciliary account.

So the first thing is to open a graph card account and register with them as a Nigerian. Their website is www. graphcard. com. Registration is FREE. You either choose a personal or reseller account. Once you open your account you will see that graph card offers different services one of them is: Virtual Office. If you apply for this Virtual Office, you will be given a virtual address, and that is the address that you will require to open your click bank account.

Graph card charges just $5 a month for a virtual address [about N10,000 per year]. So, you will need to fund your graph card account first. Then, you can generate your virtual address instantly.

To fund your graph card account you can use VTN You can click this link http://www. virtualterminalnetwork. com to access VTN and fund your account.

Once your account is funded in less than 10 seconds you will have your own virtual address created instantly and like I said, it will be just for you. This is what graph card addresses looks like:

LFR COMMUNICATIONS INC P MB: 1212. 8101 Sandy Spring Road Suite 220, Laurel MD 20707 USA

All graph card address looks like that. The addresses are always the same it is just the PMB that is different. The only way they will know an address is yours is the PMB. Once you have obtained your virtual address you will then go back to www. clickbank. com and sign up.

When opening a click bank account you should note that click bank asks for payee name. In the payee name box, the name you are to put is: LFR COMMUNICATIONS INC. and then put the virtual address that graph card gave to you as the place you want your check to be sent to. In the second part of the form, you can put in your real name; but not at the payee information.

Once you do this simple step, in less than 8 minutes you will be able to open your own click bank account right here in Nigeria without any problem. Soon I will show you "HOW TO RECEIVE YOUR CLICK BANK CHECK IN NIGERIA IN YOUR GTB ACCOUNT"

Initially I told you to put LFR COMMUNICATIONS INC where click bank asks for a payee name. The reason is because when you have opened your click bank account and you want to receive your check, click bank will send the check to the virtual address that you placed while opening an account with them.

The payee name is LFR COMMUNICATIONS INC, so graph card gets to receive the check and once your check gets to graph card all they do is to look at the PMB in the address box to confirm who exactly owns the check. Once graph card receive the check they look at the address and from the PMB they will automatically send the money into your graph card account. They convert your check money and then fund it into your graph account in less than 48hrs after the checks arrives to them.

Once that is done then you can withdraw your money whenever you choose. There are two ways graph card can convert your graph card money into real cash. One of them is through western union you can decide to send the money in your graph card account through western union to yourself and in 72hrs you will be able to receive your money.

The best way is to have a GTBank account. With your GTBank account all you have to do is to send the money directly into your GTBank account and in 48hrs you will find your money in your account waiting for you.

Remember you don't need a Domiciliary account and you don't even need to wait for 21 days for the bank to clear your check. With the above method I just shared you can have your money in less than 5 days after click bank sends your check.

You don't need to change your I. P address since you are dealing with click bank. There is no law that says that someone in America cannot operate a click bank account in Nigeria, as is the case for paypal.

Ideate Technologies

We are a team of enthusiastic and passionate individuals with the right blend of creativity, knowledge and out of the box thinking. Our strength lies is our ability to solve problems and understand our client requirements !

Working with us would ensure professionalism, quick turn around and hassle free project completion.

Founded in 2008, Ideate Technologies is backed by the highly skilled and professional team of experts from Antasoft Technologies.

We provide effective web 2.0 solutions in HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX

Open Source Technologies [ CMS and Shopping Carts]. Joomla, Drupal, Magento Cubecart, X-Cart, OsCommerce, Zencart, Mambo, Wordpress, Forums, Dolphin, Boonex

MVC Frameworks: CakePHP, Symphony, Codeignitor, Zend

Payment Gateways: Paypal Standard, Paypal Pro, Paypal IPN, Paypal Recurring, Authorize AIM, Authorize Reoccuring, CCAvenues, Google Checkout, 2checkout, Realex etc.

Graphics. Adobe Photoshop, Image Ready, Flash, CorelDraw, Flash, 3DMax and 3D Studio, Fireworks

Internet Marketing. Search engine optimization (SEO), Search engine marketing (SEM), Link exchange, link submissions, web analysis and consultancy

Databases. MySQL, MS SQL Server 2000 / SQL 2005 / SQL 2008, MS Access, Postgresql, MySQL 4 and 5, Oracle

OUR CORE AREAS OF EXPERTISE: 1. Wordpress 2. Real Estate 3. Pharma shops 4. Corporate Sites and Corporate Identity Kits 5. Membership sites 6. Ecommerce Stores 7. SEO / SEM

Ideate Technologies

Bitcoin Exchangers – the top 10 best sites to buy and trade Bitcoins

Bitcoin is software based online payment system that is Bitcoin exchanges are used to transfer fiat currency into bitcoins. Some exchanges are used to change bitcoins into other digital currencies. Kraken is a rich cryptocurrency platform which combines forex trading and bitcoin exchange. It has four tiers of verification and security that has strong relationships with banks. It is highly professional site and offers advanced trading tools. The transaction fees that are charged depend on the type of currency used. Bitstamp founded is a popular bitcoin exchange which converts Dollar and Euro into bitcoins. Bitstamp has gained popularity as a professional bitcoin exchange with charging nominal fee for a transaction.

Bitfinex is next to Bitstamp which is most advanced bitcoin exchange. Bitfinex supports US Dollars and trade bitcoins with leverage. The fees are collected according to the amount of traded bitcoins over a period of 30 days. BTC-e is the most popular trading exchange for cryptocurrencies on daily basis. It is very fast and supports USD, EUR and Russian Rubles. It charges 0.2% as transaction fee. Justcoin is an easy to use exchange which stores bitcoins in encrypted offline wallets and charges 0.5% trading fee. These wallets are then stored in secure bank vaults. Many bitcoins are stored in offline wallets that are safely encrypted. It also supports fiat currency conversion of US Dollar, Euro, and Norwegian Kroner.

Coinbase is one of the foremost exchange and international digital wallet that allows the customer to buy and sell bitcoins for US Dollars. Coinbase also offers merchant services that make use of bitcoin for payments. It charges flat 1% fee for transactions to and from US dollars. BTCChina is a leading exchange for bitcoin that has many security measures and focus on a particular country so it focuses on security through SMS verification. It uses offline security for bitcoin wallets. It charges 0.1% as a commission for trading.

CampBX is US based exchange which is audited daily using McAfee security and has advanced features in trading. Transaction fees are offered at 0.55%. They even provide bulk discounts for advanced and quick orders. Cryptsy is the exchange that provide safe environment for users and it is easy to use. It provides trading for more than 100 types of cryptocurrency. The transaction fees that are charged for buying products are 0.2% and that for selling is 0.3%. Bter is a large altcoin exchange and enables people to buy and sell bitcoins using fiat currency of china, Yuan. Bter charges 0.2% fee and has its own trading software.

Remove The PayPal Restriction in Srilanka

Since 2008 I’m doing all my business online, and most of my customers are Europeans and Americans. There are so many online Payment gateways available on the internet to accept their payments, but most of my target audience – Europeans and Americans – use PayPal for their electronic transactions. Of course, PayPal is a really secure and trusted online payment processor. Yes PayPal, you captured the market – thumbs up!

by paypal Any 18+ Srilankans can open a PayPal account, and add their Credit card to send or pay money online. However, Srilankan PayPal account holders can not withdraw or accept money from others, and if you are a Srilankan Internet Marketer you’ll already know about this issue.

Why do Srilankan Internet Marketers Need PayPal Support?

Srilankan E-Marketers & Internet Marketers provide intangible services online; being a service provider they need an option to accept their virtual currency via online. Many Internet Marketers and E-marketers use PayPal to pay their service charges and expenses. Payza (AKA Alertpay), Skrill (AKA Moneybookers) and 2checkout support Srilankans merchant account signup, but the best thing about PayPal is that they are most secure & most popular online payment processor.

Without Having a PayPal withdrawal facility, Srilankan Internet marketers facing lot’s of problems like

To extend the spending limit, PayPal user must verify their account with a credit card, address proof and bank account with PayPal. Due to the credit card verification, internet marketers are forced to use virtual credit cards verified in secure PayPal accounts to receive payouts and sales from their customers and buyers. It’s NOT illegal, but it’s not recommended, because from time to time PayPal will request a credit card statement.

Creating international accounts under the Friends & Relations name, submitting their proof of documents as verification, then handling all the transaction activities from Srilanka using a local IP or using VPN. However, all these activities are against the PayPal TOS, so if PayPal catches your logs then the user account will be blocked and you’ll need to give a valid reason with proof. However, this is against the Securities and Exchange Commission Srilankan Law. Most Internet Marketers aren’t knowledgeable about these legal issues.

In early 2011 I provided a quote worth $6700 for a Conversion Optimization project to one of my Canadian customers. The customer was really happy with my proposal and quote, but said, “This is this is my first business relationship with you, so I will pay this amount via PayPal, so if there’s any problem I can file a dispute.” He was right to say this because of this business’s nature. I replied, “I do accept PayPal payment using 2checkout. com, so it’s not a problem for me.” He paid through PayPal to my 2co account and I received two more $9000 orders, and I’m still doing business with him today. The truth is that if I didn’t have a 2checkout. com account I would have lost this customer and of course I would have lost my $18,000-valued project, which is currently completed and paid on time.

I’ve noticed that some of my students are using this method, even when I’ve I told them not to do this. However, people don’t like the truth and in a way I don’t blame them, because we don’t have a legal way yet. These users simply generate VCC verified PayPal accounts using their relations’ and friends’ profile details and transfer their current PayPal balance to another person via a payment processor like Payza, Moneybookers, Liberty reserve, Ucash, or Western Union, with a commission basis. Obviously, it’s against the payment processing law. If you are dealing with any online transaction, then the above payment should be done for any “valid & legal “purpose only. Transferring payment for the commission basis is not an option and it’s a serious violation. Sometime the exchanger may scam & disappear with the money, meaning the sender could lose their hard earned money within a minute.

However, if the payment coming from PayPal (except for credit/debit cards) 2checkout. com will deduct an “Extra” payment processing fee. So, I paid another unwanted commission for 2checkout. com, but if I had a PayPal account with Accept & Withdrawal facility then why would I pay more? Without the PayPal Accept/Withdrawal facility lots of Srilankans are still losing golden opportunities every day.

I know we will NEVER EVER receive any support from the government even if we abide their rules or laws! In your personal life you can have whatever you like, but when you are doing business through online or offline, then try to abide by the country & business rules to run your business smoothly.

Yeaah! I know the Trick:

¡Sí! I noticed that J I’ve seen so many Srilankan Internet Marketers sharing tips like “Withdrawing money from Srilankan PayPal Account“ or “Accept PayPal payments from Srilanka“.I really appreciate that at least our people are trying to figure out the methods. Of course there is a way, but some of these methods are not legal, and some are misleading. If you are an underground IM’er then it’s no problem – it’s your life, go ahead and do it your way. But if you have clear vision and need to be a successful Internet Marketer or professional E-marketer, then abide by the rules and follow the right path.

Alternative Way to Get Paid:

There is one and only way, which is 2checkout. com. If you have a 2checkout account then you can accept credit cards, debit cards, Echeques, PayPal, and 2checkout Express Checkout Payments. Simply signup to a 2checkout Account, then contact risk@2co. com to speed up your application process. When the account is active then start to integrate your website or issue invoices from your 2co admin panel. Customers will pay your invoice through their PayPal account without any problem. Yes, you have to pay a $49 2checkout signup fee and 2.8% transaction fee. However, still you can open 2checkout. com account free of charge, and that’s not a trick or method. This is an opportunity; just reply here I will let you know how to save the signup fee of $49 and get a 2co account with $0 investment.

If you are a verified 2co vendor then you can apply for a Payoneer debit card from your vendor admin panel. Make sure provide all the necessary information and don’t forget to generate a minimum of $30 in sales before you apply for Payoneer card. You will receive the card within 14 days via courier or if you are wealthy person then select express courier, you will have the card within 3 days. Now, simply activate the card, then set weekly or monthly payouts from the 2checkout “Banking” option.

So, now you will start receiving all your 2checkout. com earnings to your Payoneer card within a maximum of 48 hours. Also, you can apply for a virtual US banking account through Payoneer, and it’s a legal way to have a checking account from the US. Use the opportunity while it’s legal and available

Receive Remittance from 2checkout to your Srilankan Bank Account:

I use sampath bank and DFCC bank to withdraw my personal and business funds from 2checkout. com, it’s 100% legal and CBSL will monitor and remit your payouts to the relevant SWIFT accounts. Let’s say if you set the weekly withdrawal then you will receive your payouts every Friday to your bank. Normally all these SWIFT transactions are handled by the “inward remittance department”. if this your first transaction or you’re getting more than a $10,000 payout then you should inform your bank EBU manager or inward remittance department early, with relevant payment proof to speed up the approval procedure. However, this is not mandatory, as the bank will ask you to provide the documents only sometimes. Currently I’m getting more than $30,000 value payouts in a single shot without having any problems. But earlier I had a problem with CBSL and banks. Now, they have the records about me and my company – who I am and what I’m doing here. NOTE: If you are withdrawing funds through the banks to your company or personal account, you will receive taxation notification automatically from IRD. So don’t forget to pay that taxation on time. There are two reasons why we need to pay tax.

When Doing business in any country, we should pay tax (a simple fact)

If our Srilankan government or CBSL notices the amount of taxation they are generating from Internet Marketers and E-marketing businesses from Foreign Remittance, they may appreciate us, and maybe our government will help Internet Marketers to improve their business and remove the restriction (I’m not sure on this, it might only happen in my dreams!)

How to ask the Government & Central Bank of Srilanka to help us?

There is no point in starting petitions or writing our thoughts on blogs or forums, because Srilankan authorities don’t have the time to read our feedback or are not going to understand how we are struggling to do business here in Srilanka. However, if you see RBI (Reserve Bank of India) actions; they are taking every necessary action to support Indian e Marketers to maintain perfect business transactions between PayPal and Indian Internet Marketers.

We don’t need to push PayPal, because PayPal don’t have the time to know about Srilankan’s current situation. PayPal may still think Srilanka is a risky country and that money laundering, violation and crimes are still going on here. But we can’t tell PayPal, “No it’s not like that, we are good! Just remove the restriction and see the activities!” First of all we need to contact our Srilankan Government to get help regarding this issue. Needless to say, if this happens the Srilankan Government will start receiving a decent amount of “Foreign Remittance” from around the world and of course we can see lots of E-Marketing businesses and Internet Marketers here in srilankan as well

Ok, then how can we approach the Government?

The Central Bank of Srilanka monitors all E-transaction activities, but they aren’t aware about the importance of the PayPal restrictions! But ICTA know about its importance very well, so it’s better that we contact CBSL or the government with ICTA help. Nowadays ICTA activities are really amazing; they are helping new start-ups and society. If I’m going to talk with ICTA, nothing will happen. But if “ we “are going to talk with ICTA together, they will definitely listen to our request. If we grab their attention then it’s very easy to approach the CBSL Authorities with valid proof.

Benefit for the Government:

I’m not saying without PayPal we can’t run any E-commerce businesses in Srilanka. What I’m trying to say is that if we receive the SL government and PayPal’s support, we will definitely contribute to Srilanka’s economic growth at least 0.0001% from our taxation + transaction fees.

[highlight] Update: Feb,17,2012 by +Digitlk [/highlight]

There is another update from Central bank of of Sri Lanka Governor Ajith Nivad Cabraal on his views about the first Q&A session on twitter. He also emphasized the role of social media in helping reach society and in good governance. He also highlighted the status of Paypal being enabled for accepting payments to be implemented in Sri Lanka

About Sharanyan Sharma

Sharanyan Sharma is an Award winning Entrepreneur, passionate about eCommerce, E-marketing. SEO, CRO and Social media branding strategies. Federation of Chamber of Commerce has been voted as one of the top “Outstanding Entrepreneurs “ 2013, Sri Lanka.

Free MasterCard and 25$ bonus

Get free MasterCard, free US bank account and 25$ bonus

Payoneer MasterCard works just like any other prepaid MasterCard card. The card is accepted at all locations worldwide, where Debit MasterCard is accepted. You can use it at a point of sale location to make purchases and at an ATM to withdraw cash.

Internet worker…It is too important chance to receive your money instantly from ATMs

If you register from this link you will have free 25$ as gift “bonus”

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Exclusive verified PayPal and Skrill “MoneyBookers” by Payoneer MasterCard

Benefits of the Payoneer MasterCard Prepaid Card:

& # 8211; get free $25 bonus because you register from friend link — Regístrate ahora

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& # 8211; ClickBank. Amazon or any affiliate site who paid via direct deposit

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& # 8211; 24/7 online ‘My Account’ page for checking balances and transactions

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& # 8211; Receive private payments to your card from anyone

& # 8211; Acceptable in 210 countries all over the world

Payoneer is the best way of US Payment Service

Payoneer provide you a US Bank account and routing number, which is 100% secure.

You can get your affiliate commission via US bank account.

After adding your balance Payoneer automatic load your MasterCard.

Don’t worry There no extra charge will apply. Visit Here to Apply For US Payment Service

1-) Verify PayPal, Moneybookers and Payza with Payoneer Card

2-) There is no fee to change the number of ATMs

3 -) the possibility of shopping locally without any restrictions and without any benefits as Free-Purchases

4-) activation Paypal all easy Online, or any other electronic bank

5-) purchase easily from the Internet – impossible to be rejected from any location is a subsidiary of MasterCard Worldwide

6 -) cap card $ 5,000 a day – means buy daily $ 2,500 – withdrawn from the ATM per day $ 2,500

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Now Get Your Free MasterCard +Free US Bank Account+ 25$ Bonus

First: Click on the link below:

Payoneer MasterCard is a USA based company who handles all transaction in prepaid debit card powered by MasterCard. After signing up the Payoneer card

Of course too important to affiliates who works as like ClickBank, Amazon, PayPal, most worldwide affiliate programs, freelancer websites and forex business who paid via direct deposit.

It is acceptable in 210 countries all over the world and you can use it not only through internet sites but also you can withdraw your money in cash from ATMs in your country and everywhere in the world

It is best way for all for shopping, buying, and selling

If anyone applies for Payoneer Master-card he will get a free us bank account.

Over all people can apply for Payoneer MasterCard it’s totally free for you.

Get free MasterCard, free US bank account and 25$ bonus

Why is Payoneer MasterCard the best way to receive and withdrawal your Money from ClickBank?

to answer that first

What is the ClickBank ?

ClickBank Marketplace is a huge library of ebooks, software and other digital goods.

Look no further than ClickBank ‘s affiliate marketing program

It contains thousands of products that you are free to promote as a ClickBank affiliate. The vast majority of ClickBank Vendors pay a commission of 50% and 75% on the sale price of their products.

If you’re a digital marketer, looking to promote great products, grow your business, and achieve your financial goals

You know the ways to make money online – you’re successful at digital marketing and good at what you do. Thousands of expert digital marketers just like you are earning more than ever from their affiliate programs by working with ClickBank. If you’re not promoting ClickBank products, then you’re leaving money on the table.

Maybe you’re an expert in advertising. Or maybe you’re a social media advertising master. Maybe you’ve got countless niche authority sites or just maybe you have a big list or a loyal following. You’ve probably tried every promotional internet advertising method in the book at some point of another, but chances are, you’ve settled into your tried and true way of promoting products and earning big bucks.

No matter how you earn your commissions, you probably know more than most about what it takes to be a successful digital marketer. But what is the best way to make money online?

Let’s face it, you’re darn good at what you do and you’re constantly looking for ways to fine tune and optimize your web marketing and promotions to maximize your earnings for the effort you’re putting in. We get it, and if making more money as an affiliate sounds good to you, then we invite you to read on and to learn more about becoming a ClickBank affiliate through our unique affiliate marketing program.

How to receive your ClickBank payments with?

ClickBank and Payoneer have officially partnered up to deliver your payments.

Using ClickBank ’s direct deposit option and Payoneer’s US Payment Service, you can transfer your ClickBank payments to your Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard® card quickly and easily.

If you do not have a ClickBank account start to real work register now

And if you do not already have a Payoneer card, you can sign up now

Once your card is approved you will be provided with the US Payment Service information that links to your card. This information will allow you to receive your payments from ClickBank via direct deposits. (If you already have a Payoneer card you can apply for the US Payment Service by emailing community@payoneer. com; or if you already have the US Payment Service with your Payoneer card you can use your current information with ClickBank ).

Adding Payoneer as your payment option for your ClickBank payments is simple.

1) Log in to your ClickBank Account.

2) Choose the “Account Settings” tab at the top right of the page.

The Payoneer Prepaid Debit MasterCard allows you to receive payments to your own personalized card. The card can be used anywhere worldwide that MasterCard is accepted: in stores, online and at ATM’s.

Additional benefits of the Payoneer Card include:

Funds are available in minutes

No bank account required

Account held in US Dollars

Manage your account online with your private and secure “My Account” page

24×7 E-mail, telephone and live chat multilingual Customer Support

ClickBank registration

Free MasterCard to your home

Start now to get a lot of money and withdrawal your money from ATM beside your home

¡¡No olvides!!

Your Free US bank Account

US Payment Service

Payoneer’s US Payment Service is a premium service that allows users to receive direct deposit payments from select US companies directly to their Payoneer Prepaid Debit MasterCard® Card, using the ACH network.

Just a few steps to get started:

Receive funds from US companies, such as PayPal. Amazon, Apple. Clickbank, yahoo. ThinkMedia, Skrill. Microsoft Corporation, Linkshare. LinkedIn, GoDaddy. Etsy, Elance. eBay, 2Checkout and more…

Get free MasterCard, free US bank account and 25$ bonus

One thought on “Free MasterCard and 25$ bonus”

Sailendra mudbari says:


Online Payment Options

This article will teach you everything you need to know about Online Payment Options and how to charge for products and services online.

The challange of making money online is to find ways where people are willing to pay you .

If you still haven't found a way to make money online, you couldn't possibly have read any of the step-by-step guides from my website. For example, you could easily make money from an AdSense Website, or in Affiliate marketing. However, if you do engage in affiliate marketing or as a publisher in CPC advertising, then you don't even have to worry about payment alternatives, as the affiliate company or affiliate network you're working for will take care of the payment processing.

However, if you're running your own e-commerce store, or if you are charging people for any products or services through your website, they you need to provide at least one payment option.

PayPal (Global)

The easiest way, probably, is to get paid through PayPal . With PayPal you can.

Accept credit cards.

Send and request money worldwide.

Track your online spending.

As a merchant you can capture funds, which is a request to process the payment your buyer authorized. If successful, the capture moves funds from your buyer's account to your PayPal account. You can also reauthorize, which offers you a new honor period for your authorization. Finally, you can void the authorization, which removes your ability to capture funds on the authorization, and returns PayPal balance funds to the buyer if applicable.

It's free to sign up for a PayPal account or to send money to friends and family. You can also transfer funds from your bank accounts to your PayPal account at no charge.

Authorize. net (United States)

Authorize. net is a Payment Gateway which can help you accept credit card and electronic check payments quickly and affordably. More than 200,000 merchants trust Authorize. Net to manage their transactions, help prevent fraud, and grow their business.

Authorize. Net acts as a bridge between your company and the financial entities that handle the processing and settlement of credit card transactions.

Your Merchant Bank Account is the bank account that allows you to receive settlement funds for credit card transactions processed through the Internet.

The Acquiring Bank is the bank that holds your merchant bank account. If you signed up for the Authorize. Net Payment Gateway through a reseller or other sales organization, you may not have a direct relationship with your acquiring bank.

The Processor refers to the payment processor that processes credit card transactions. The Credit Card Issuer is the financial institution or bank that issued the credit card to your customer. The Credit Card Interchange System refers to the system established by the credit card associations that allows acquiring banks to submit credit card transactions to the credit card issuing bank for settlement on behalf of their merchant clients.

The following steps describe the actual credit card process:

A credit card transaction is submitted to the Authorize. Net Payment Gateway.

Authorize. Net automatically passes the transaction over a secure connection to the Processor.

The Processor passes the transaction to the Credit Card Interchange System.

The Credit Card Interchange System routes the transaction to the appropriate Credit Card Issuer.

The Credit Card Issuer approves or declines the transaction based on available funds and passes both the transaction results and, if approved, the appropriate funds back through the Credit Card Interchange System.

The Credit Card Interchange System relays the transaction results to the Processor.

The Processor relays the transaction results to Authorize. Net.

Authorize. Net stores the transaction results and sends them back to the customer, and/or you, the merchant.

The Credit Card Interchange System passes the appropriate funds for the transaction to the Acquiring Bank.

The Acquiring Bank passes remaining funds to the merchant bank account you use to receive settlement funds.

On average, steps 1-8 take only 2 to 3 seconds, so Authorize. net is really fast.

2checkout. com (Global)

2checkout. com provides turnkey e-commerce solutions to thousands of business customers around the world. 2CO's proprietary technology supports back-office functions including financial reporting, tracking, fraud prevention, affiliate tracking, customer service and sales tracking.

WorldPay (Global)

WorldPay enable thousands of businesses to accept payments on the Internet, by phone, fax or mail. Credit and debit cards, bank transfers and instalments. In any language and most currencies. All through one merchant account, one payment processing system.

Protx (United Kingdom)

Protx provides secure online credit card and debit card payment solutions for thousands of online and mail order businesses across the UK.

Thet have grown to become the largest independent Payment Service Provider in the UK because our solutions offer our customers exceptional value for money without compromising on the level of service and functionality they provide.

SECPay (United Kingdom)

SECPay is the UK’s largest independently owned processor of secure, real-time, online credit and debit card transactions.

They specialize in the provision of payment services for merchants on the Internet, through Call Centres and for Mail Order Fulfilment Houses. SECPay handles the capture, authorisation and settlement of credit and debit card payments and all the associated electronic and physical security required.

PayEx (Nordic Region: Sweden, Norway, Denmark)

PayEx are the foremost experts in payments within the Nordic region. Our 700 employees are motivated, inquisitive and innovative. They have developed a vast expertise within payment services for internet and mobile trade, rating/billing, invoice and ledger management, collections, and credit management.

DIBS Payment Services (Scandinavia)

DIBS Payment Services is the leading Scandinavian Internet service provider, founded in 1998. They serve more than 6,500 customers from its offices in Copenhagen, Aalborg, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Oslo.

PSI Gate (United States)

PSI Gate (Payment Services Interactive Gate) provides Premier Secure Transaction Processing Services that is a world class solution deployed on Sun Solaris, Oracle and Sun Enterprise Servers in a fully redundant, mission critical, clustered configuration. They are able to ensure maximum performance while taking into account power, security, disaster tolerance and bandwidth requirements.

Other Payment Services

Skipjack. com - provides solutions to businesses that want to "revolutionize the way they process payments"

ITransact, Inc - first provider of Internet-based check acceptance services.

SecureTrading. com - Online real time secure payment processing

eWay. com. au - for e-commerce

CCNow. com - Credit Card Processing, merchant Account Alternative and more

Cybersource. com - E-commerce payment management

LightBridge. com - Customer Transaction Management

Related Services

Accepting Payments Is Easier Than Ever Before!

. as long as you rely on established services (as the ones mentioned above).

Adding ecommerce functionality or simply the option to accept electronic payments on your website is easier and more affordable than ever before. Use the resources and information that you've been given on this page to accept payments for the products or services that you are selling online.

If you run into problems with the implementation, there's always someone to ask. For example, if you're running an osCommerce store you could use the community forum, or you could get help directly from the support team of the payment processing system of your choice.

Making your own payment system though, and working directly with the big credit card companies, is nothing I would ever recommend. This will cost you a lot of money in startup costs, you would probably have to hire a security team and you would have a great deal of responsibility as you would need to store very sensitive customer data in your database. The only exception would be if you were charging for millions of dollars per day through your website.

Do yourself a favour and save yourself a lot of work: Team up with established payment services rather than making your own system for processing credit cards, you won't regret.

Iniciar sesión



What is the difference between AVS and Non-AVS Virtual Credit Cards?

AVS Virtual Credit Cards are Virtual VISA or MasterCard or any other Credit Card issued by banks in USA while other Virtual Credit Cards from other countries are NON-AVS.

AVS stands for Address Verification System. It means that before the bank in USA that issued such cards approves the payment, it must verify the names, address (including zip codes) and phone number used in registering such credit card. That shows that all AVS cards should be registered before using them unlike Non-AVS Virtual Credit Cards (VCC).

Our Virtual Credit Cards are Virtual VISA Cards (and not plastic cards) created from both US and Russian Banks. They are Non-Reloadable and can be used to make payment online where you see VISA logo.

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This course is designed to teach you the dream interpretation method of Carl Jung. You'll learn about its basic features, such as: archetypes in dreams, subject level, the prospective approach, archetypes, synchronicity, and many more. We provide many examples of interpreted dreams to show you how it works.

Benefit. According to Jung, dream interpretation helps us to explore the collective unconscious in search of archetype images that leads us to the integration of the meaning and sense. Both contribute to the further development of the ego-unconscious dialogue that leads to the final goal which is the realization of the Self (the individuation process*). We teach you how dreams are dealt with in order to achieve this goal.

Course content and delivery. This course is made of 12 lessons sent as email messages directly to your email address on a schedule, that is, one lesson every two days. You may read them on your PC, mobile device or tablet. You may save and print them if you need to.

Online help and assistance. Whenever you need help with the course topics just ask J Jones or visit our Jung Discussion Group. Your questions are answered in no time. If you wish to learn more about the dream interpretation practice just order our workshop offer ( what is this? ) upon the course completion.

Here are the Lessons:

Hungary does not use EUR and the currency is Hungarian Forint (HUF). Approx you can buy 295 HUF for 1 EUR.

The problem is most the ATMs operated by OTP bank, Unicredit, Raiffeisen dispense only the local forints and it could be goose chase, searching for an ATM dispensing Euros.

There is one OTP Bank ATM i have seen, near Deak Ferenc on the way to the vorosmarty towards river, which dispense euros. This is the only ATM i have used for taking out euros.

i guess this small information would be pretty useful for tourists and travelers. You might want to have euros (not forints) in hand if you are flying out of Hungary

Disfruta tu viaje.

Mr. Balakrishnan Prabhu is the founder of Corpocrat magazine, world's leading expert in Global citizenship and investor programs assisting very wealthy individuals and investors. His other interests are Linux servers, Machine learning, Parallel computing, Computer vision, Wordpress, etc. You can contact him here

There are 2 opt atms on Budapest where you an withdraw Euro.

Budapest1052 Deák F. u. 5-7. Access: Depending on opening hours

Budapest1131 Babér u. 9. Access: 0-24

for updated information, map and other information visit otp website, choose english language and then atm locator. Select Budapest and currency Euro.

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Safe Shopping with a Virtual Credit Card

by John_S on August 21, 2011

In Canada, you can use virtual credit cards to shop online almost anywhere. This includes websites such as PayPal Canada. Google Adwords, Amazon Canada, eBay Canada, ClickBank, 2Checkout, Norton Anti virus, Forex and many more. You can buy all kinds of goods and services with this card. But is it safe, and what exactly is a virtual credit card? A virtual credit card is often also called a fake card. Sometimes they are even issued for free depending on your bank’s policy.

The idea behind virtual credit cards is quite simple. You can make any and every purchase you want from a computer based on your credit card, debit card, or checking account, but without actually using them. You use a different card number, which is connected to the number of your real credit card, debit card, or checking account, but it is protected via a special code and other good security measures. This is why virtual credit cards are safer than “real” ones – rather, this is one of the reasons. There are more. You become less dependent on the safety measures set by merchants. If you are using your real number, you have to rely on the judgment of the merchant as regards his safety measures and hope they are good and solid. We have all heard of credit card numbers being stolen, and not even the best luxury franchises are immune to the possibility of fraud. Credit card numbers can be stolen and indeed are very often, frequently in very large numbers. The one downside of this fake number is that it cannot be used to pay in person.

Another advantage of virtual credit cards is that they cannot be used even if they are stolen. It cannot be used to buy anything from any merchant, except the one you used it for and cannot be used to steal personal information. You can set limits on it as well. One option is for the card to disintegrate after buying just one thing. This way, you get total protection, and all you have to do is put in your real credit card details to get a new card a second time. Another option is setting a purchase limit or expiration date. The tricky part is to know all the information surrounding virtual credit card numbers and how to use them. It seems not many people do, even though they can be used well in Canada. Very few people subscribe to the idea, in Canada especially. One reason is that the best-known company using it is PayPal, and they already dispose of a host of reliable security settings. Often, only your e-mail can be seen by retailers. Some banks and companies provide virtual card numbers under different names — for example, Citibank offers its clients virtual account numbers, and the Bank of America also offers a similar kind of service.

Last but not least, a word to the wise – do not use virtual card numbers to buy something, which you need to present a real card to get. The numbers will not match, and you may be accused of theft.

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Top 10 Best Paypal Alternatives

Paypal is no doubt the World’s Best and Largest yet an awesome international payment method which is mostly used by freelancers and worldwide businesses to transfer funds and money easily and securely anywhere in the World. It is the most widely used money transfer service in the World. But due to some internal issues of countries like Pakistan and some other countries there is a big flaw and difficulty for the people of these countries to transfer money from one place to another. So they look up for good and secure yet reputable money transfer services like Paypal. I mean to say that people want to know Paypal alternatives in order to keep their money circulating. Apart from the availability of the service of paypal some people do not like paypal for their strict rules and conditions and sometimes huge money deductions for the transfer make people look for some other good paypal alternatives. So lets have a look at some of the Top 10 Best Paypal Alternatives.

10. Plimus

Plimus is a new and great money transfer service and can be thought of as a good paypal alternative. Plimus offers its users to join it free and the procedure of sending and recieiving money ar really very simple and flexible. Money can be withdrawn theough bank, wire transfer or check depending on the amount you are going to withdraw from your account. Plimus deducts a small amount of charges for its seamless services to keep the good going on. It also varies from the funds being transffered. It varies from 0.75$ to 4.5$ depending on the money.

9. CCnow

CCNow is a small and perfect platform for small business holders. The service is really cool and the customer support is also great. With heavy support of management to detect fraudlent transactions you are really on the safe side with CCNow. CCNow only allows to transfer money and it can not be used to sell downloable items as other major companies like Paypal and google Checkout are offering.

8. 2Checkout

2Checkout also offers really relaible services and is a good alternative to Paypal services. One drawback of using 2Checkout is that it has a registration fee of $49 for each user joining. But on the other hand their awesome service and prompt control system will never let you down. They also offer money back guarentee for 30 days if you are not satisfied with their services. Their anti fraud detection system is also worth putting your valuable money .

7. Serve

Serve is the premium money transfer service of American Express. It offers the very best service in town. You just need to integrate your bank account with your serve account. Once that is done you can easily send and receive money instantly. It has the most fastest service ever in all the companies in town. Paypal also does not offers instant payments in bank account. So its the Best Paypal alternative indeed.

6. Payoneer

Payoneer is an excellent money transfer company and is the most reliable one. It is preferred by most of the business houses all over the world. When you sign up an account with Payoneer you are given a Master Debit card, which you can use in any ATM to withdraw or pay anytime. It is also one of the quickest and reliable service. Payoneer has some small maintenance charges for its users to cope up with the money transfer things.

5. Moneybookers

Moneybookers is also one of the best Paypal Alternative mostly used by freelancers and job hirers to pay and receive money. Money is received within 3-4 working days in your respective bank and the best part is that moneybookers deduct only a small pie of the amount you transfer. I have also been using moneybookers for ages as a great paypal alternative and it works fine for all transactions.

4. Perfect Money

Perfect Money aparts from funds transfer offers a great deal of other reliable and unique offers for its users. The payments through perfect money are instant and you can buy a lot of things from various stores online. It can also be used to buy gold online. If you are going for Forex Trading, then perfect money is the best choice for you. As it offers a wide range of currency buying and selling. It is surely the most flexible money transfer Paypal alternative service.

3. Liberty Reserve

Liberty Reserve is one of the most Trusted Business partners of a large number of companies now and they also offers a wide range of features for its users. With Quick payment service, the transfer of funds is really easy and cheap with it. They have also introduced a feature to send money anonymously to any other account. They have a great customer support with offering live chat too. The security and funds transfer reliability ranks Liberty Reserve No.1

2. Payza

Payza which was formerly known as AlertPay is the No.1 Competitor of Paypal. I personally love the services of Payza with there easy fund transfer thing. Alertpay has been extensively used for a lot of purposes and huge business have been an integral part of Payza. Payza offers Personal Starter, Personal Pro and Business accounts with different kind of features for all the account types. The personal starter account is free of cost. Easy withdrawls with Bank transfers, Wire transfers and Checks. Payza has recently been re organized to compete its oppenents in a better way.

1. Google Checkout

Google Checkout is a premium quality service from Google. It is one of the Fastest, easiest and Most convenient way of transferring money online. The registration is absolutely free and there are no charges and the featues are unbeatable. All of the incoming and outgoing transactions are organized and the protection policy is excellent. Google Checkout tops the list of the Best Paypal Alternatives and Google is a name which you can blindly trust especially when your valuable money is involved in your online business.

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The Top 10 Merchant Account Providers

When e-Commerce merchants are looking for a good merchant account to invest in they usually find that there are too many of them around. Googling 'merchant account' will give you a great number of pages with hundreds of results. All the links will direct you to merchant account provider s. How would you know which merchant account provider is good and which isn't really. Some Ecommerce merchant s would want to visit a TOP-10 merchant account company website, with a complete review on some account providers. This article isn't really a Top-10 of among the providers, as it is very difficult to position them according to something; all accounts are different and specialize in varied types of accounts for certain businesses. This article will overview ten popular merchant account providers and guide you to correlate the significance of each account to you and your e-Commerce business. For additional and up-to-date information, please visit the providers' websites.

instabill. com ' Instabill is a high risk merchant account provider with many offshore (international) banks. The company also offers third-party (also known as 'no merchant account processing') services. Offering flexibility, customization and optimization, an MCP (merchant control panel) and much more, it has a low monthly fee of $49 for both their direct and third party merchant accounts. The transaction fee is a low $0.50 and a reserve fee of 10% is applied. The minimum transaction amount is $5.00, so merchants selling some type of cheap products (like screws, posters, etc.) will have to induce their customers to spend not less than 5 USD. It is clear that there is a sign up fee but it is not clear how large it is, so you may be surprised. On the whole Instabill is one of the best merchant accounts.

2Checkout. com / 2CO ' 2Checkout is not really a merchant account provider. It's more like a huge network of e-Commerce merchants with own web resources, similar to what you would get joining a third-party merchant account affiliation. The sign up fee is $49, and no other fees, apart from processing rates, are involved. The 2CO processing policy includes a fee of $0.45 per sale and an additional 5.5% of sale amount. Free shopping cart systems, support and integration are also provided. The whole 2CO service system is good for those who don't want to wait to get approved. The main disadvantage would be the fact that e-Commerce merchants, being affiliated with 2CO actually depend on it.

Authorize. net ' Authorize. net offers a full range of direct merchant accounts, to be more precise, Authorize. net has a large database of merchant account resellers. These resellers offer different types of merchant account solutions at different rates and on different terms. Authorize. net also offers, like 2CO (see above), affiliate e-Commerce websites with their credit card processing services incorporated. Unfortunately, you will not be able to overview their terms, transaction rates and membership fees on their website; you will have to call them directly, or contact a reseller from their database.

Charge. com ' Charge. com is a hardware and software credit card processing provider, offering among its other services merchant accounts. The communication method chosen for their accounts is a special piece of software which functions between the gateway and the e-Commerce merchant. The first thing that one notices on their website is the word 'FREE' ' free application, free setup, free software, etc. And indeed, these are free. On the other hand you will have to pay a service and a gateway fee of $10.00 and $16.45 respectively. Processing charges also apply: 25 cents per transaction, and a 2.25% discount rate.

Chase Paymentech ' A 'fast, reliable, easy', as their motto states, merchant account provider. Similar to Authorize. net, Paymentech offers a database of resellers, or online store building partners providing a variety of merchant accounts. After application Paymentech will provide e-Commerce merchants with an 'Orbital Gateway' and an 'Orbital Virtual Terminal' for your website. Paymentech's transaction rates are as low as 2.25% and additional costs are applied by the online store building partner you choose. The combination of Paymentech's virtual terminal and gateway with one of their partners may turn out to be a real bargain compared to other providers. Paymentech supports the most popular credit card brands. Application for their gateway and VT takes only a day.

Merchant Accounts Express ' Merchant Express is a US based merchant account provider working since 1998. Their merchant account rates stand out and are lower than most merchant account providers'. The application, setup and other initial payments are absent. The discount rate is 2.33% with a transaction fee of $0.24. There is a monthly fee of $9.95 for the support, service and statement. Merchant Express offers same day approvals and a 30-day Risk-Free Trial. Merchant Express works with Authorize. net and signs up its members for an Authorize. net account free of charge. Merchant Express also provides high risk merchant accounts, but does not accept adult content selling web resources.

moneybookers. com ' Being another top merchant account provider, moneybookers. com offers a simple solution to all those who wish to start processing credit cards online (except adult, firearm, pharmaceutical and some other types of e-Commerce businesses). The moneybookers. com merchant payment gateway fees are quite simple too: no registration or monthly fees and a single 8% transaction fee (including chargeback guarantee). Moneybookers. com will also include your website, powered by their service, into their global shopping directory to 'boost you sales'. On the whole, moneybookers. com is a simple and easy way to process credit cards, though not the cheapest one.

SCS ' International and US merchant accounts are provided by SCS Merchant Payment Consultants. With different solutions and service packages it proves to handle any type of e-Commerce business and provide you with an account that suits you. SCS has many affiliate bank partners and cannot provide a full price list for the services provided. SCS guarantees volume dependant discount rates as low as 4% and low transaction fees (typically under $0.50), depending on the merchant account bank. A reserve fee of 10% is also applied.

United Bank Card ' Is a US merchant account provider and offers a highly competitive service at competitive rates and fees. As part of the United Bank Card Network it offers POS as well as CNP transaction services. The rates involved do not include setup fees, and monthly membership fees, BUT, a gateway fee of $9.95 and an annual fee of $15.00 are required. The gateway transaction fee is 2.18% + 17 cents. Their fee scheme is quite complicated, and any additional information may be acquired directly from their website. A good solution for many e-Commerce merchants.

And last, but not least:

CyberBit ' An all-in-one solution for practically any e-Commerce merchant (with some limitations to industry), offering gateways, processors, and e-Commerce merchant accounts. It is based in Europe covering European e-Commerce merchants only. The prices are rather high, due to their good service, with a Gateway & Account Fee of 99,- Euro, a processing fee of roughly 2%-5% + 0,40-0,65 Euro. All European (including GBP) and USD currencies are supported, which makes it less problematic to convert currencies. Major credit card brands in Europe supported (Visa (including Electron) and MasterCard).

In no way does this article discourage e-Commerce merchants, on the contrary, it encourages e-Commerce merchants to look through their websites and explore their advantages and disadvantages. Prices, terms, rates and fees may change without notice and this article is not responsible to provide up-to-date fees and rates after publication due to the hassle involved. Please, visit their websites for more information.

PlentyOfVisitors Review Is It a Scam

When I am presented with sites like these the first thing that comes to my mind is traffic exchange traffic, Paid to read email traffic or even Paid To Click traffic. I can’t say for sure that this is where Plentyofvisitors. com gets it’s traffic but everything about it looks very familiar.

Targeted Traffic

i wouldn’t have a problem with these types of sites had they just said “Get Fast Traffic to your site” or something like that. But they use the word “Targeted Traffic” and in order for traffic to be targeted the customer should know at least exactly where the traffic will be coming from.

Example if you use google adwords or something simular you know your traffic will be coming from google search and google adsense if enabled you can then corner a specific market with a specific topic. To me that’s targeted traffic.

Even if you go to plenty of visitors “FAQ” page and watch the video you see that traffic is not specifically targeted it’s very broad. Well it’s broad targeting in comparison to what i am used to.

What is a Traffic Exchange

A Traffic Exchange is what it sounds like it’s a place where users go to exchange traffic.

how it works: you the customer sign up for a traffic exchange “FREE” then submit your website into the traffic exchange rotation. How you get hits back to your site is would surf other users websites for about 15 seconds per website and after you’ve surfed you would be given a credit, each credit you get gets you free hits back to your website.

Give PlentyOfVisitors. com a Try for yourself

Although personally i don’t recommend it if you are really curious maybe you should give Plenty of Vistors a try for yourself and then document your results below. I don’t think its a good idea based on how they present themselves but then again this is only my opinion. If you really want to find out if they’re services will work for you give them a try.

If you’re looking for easy inexpensive web traffic I recently wrote a post about that click the link to visit that post.

How to get web traffic to your site for $2

Plenty of visitors ia definately a scam site

However if you send your complaint to the website 2checkout. com. They will respond to your issue via email. I am waiting for my refund of 15$ for traffic that I never received. I tried sending an email to the so called ADMIN and they never responded back.

I am still waiting for my refund from 2checkout. com. Strange though that this company is even affiliated with plentyofvisitors. com.



I have been looking all over for some others that have used this service. I signed up with these guys and never got anything in return for my money. I have been trying to get someone to contact me since I signed up on July 2nd. I was in the process of reporting them, when I came across this review.

To all who are thinking of giving Plenty of Visitors a try. Don’t! I hope everyone gets their money back from these cowards. They are ripping people off and then hiding. It is these types that keep honest people from wanting to do business online. I agree with Pete! Why is 2checkout. com still affiliated with these criminals. I hope they are in the process of cutting their ties with them!

Please report these guys to http://www. and lets get our money back and stop them from causing anymore damage!

August 2nd, 2010 at 2:04 AM

My experience with Plentyofvisitors. com – Place order on July 27, 2010 received confirmation that my account has been created.

I log in to check out the set up, to make sure everything is correct. all is fine except no traffic is being delivered to the assign site.

waited until July 29, 2010, still no traffic.

I Called support number for 2checkout directly, informed them of what has happen.

They made an attempt to contact the company and advised me to allow 24 – 48 hours for a response.

July 31, 2010 still no response, called 2checkout again they also didn’t receive a response from plentyofvisitors. com they then issued a refund claim and told me it may take 7 to 10 business days to receive my money back.

Receive a statistic report by email from plentyofvisitors. com showing 0 traffic receive.

What a surprise, receive a confirmation email from paypal. com refund completed August 1, 2010 from 2checkout

The support reps at 2checkout were very nice and helpful

So if you’ve been duped by the plentyofvisitors site make sure you have your order number and give 2checkout a ring ring!

Yes guys this is a total scam…cause check this out: They took my payment before I ever even opened an “account” with them! Account was opened after the fact.

What online business does that. I opened on Saturday 9/4/10 and not a thing has happened as of today 9/7/2010. I, of course, wrote them a few amped emails.

I will be calling 2Checkout first thing in the morning.

How to sell eBooks

Once you’ve set up your web site and finished preparing your eBook you’re ready to start selling your eBook.

Before you start selling there just a few things you still need to do:

It’s important to know exactly what you’re selling. Answer these questions before you start, and you’ll avoid problems later such as disatisfied customers, and requests for refunds.

Are you selling the downloadable eBook – or – are you going to going to allow people some level of access before they buy?

You could for example allow people to download the eBook before paying, read part of it, and then either pay to download part two, or get a password to read a second part.

What rights do your customers get?

Is the eBook just for their personal use – or – can they sell or transfer their copy of the eBook to other people?

How are you going to deliver the product? Over the Internet (as a download), or will you ship media (disks, CD-ROMs etc.) to your customers.

What guarantees do you offer your customers?

What level of support do you offer your customers?

Check your web site .

Double check your site clearly explains exactly what you’re offering.

Decide on the price .

How much does your eBook cost?

This is a difficult question – pricing is more of an art than a science. Here are some ideas for pricing your eBook:

Guess – not recommended – but a lot of people end up doing this as they can’t figure out the right price.

Look at your competitors – and use their prices as guidance for setting your own prices.

Start with a high price and gradually cut the price until your sales take off.

Do market research – for example ask what people what they would be prepared to pay in a survey,

Getting your price right is very important. If you under-price your product, you will be throwing away money that customers would be happy to give you. If you over-price your product, few customers will buy, and many of those who do, may demand refunds.

So it is worth spending some time to research the right price – it can make a big difference to your profits! There’s even a web site that’s been put together as a tool for helping you find the right price – it’s called Make Your Price Sell .

Get ready to accept payment .

The next decision you need to make is how to accept payment for your eBooks. You must accept payment by credit card or you could end up losing 90% or more of your potential orders!

Integrating credit card payment in your site need not be that difficult – depending on which method of processing payment you select.

The ideal that you are aiming for is an automated system (so you can concentrate on marketing rather processing orders) – but be aware in order to set up a fully automated system, you may need to make some minor adjustments in your site.

There are several options for how to accept payment, each of which has advantages and disadvantages:

It is possible to use PayPal for selling eBooks and downloads, and some people do. However, many people also feel that issues such as the risk of frozen accounts are too great with PayPal.

ClickBank is a low cost service, available to many people in many countries. Basically they deal with all the complicated technical stuff required for processing credit card and debit cards securely (customers can also pay via PayPal even if you don’t have a PayPal account yourself). Technically, they are infact retailing your product for you, and this is not only how they view themselves – but also reflected by the fact that their name (not yours) which appears on the customer’s billing statements.

ClickBank send you checks or direct deposits for the sales you make via their system, less a deductions which are based on the number of sales you make and check/payment issuing fees. You will receive payments up to every 2 weeks (if receiving your money via check), or every week (if receiving money via direct deposit).

ClickBank is good for many (not all) products that are delivered electronically over the Internet – but it is especially good for selling eBooks – and Activ eBook Compiler includes a number of features that make it really easy to sell your eBooks using ClickBank.

The key value in working with ClickBank is that you get to sell your products online with relatively small amounts of hassle. (Another big advantage for me of ClickBank is they offer affiliate tracking at no extra cost – we’ll talk about this more in the chapter about marketing ).

We ourselves have been using their service for well over 10 years, and have found them to be extremely reliable and responsive – we don’t consider their fees too high – and so, in summary, based on our experience, we can recommend them.

If selling downloads through ClickBank, and you need a simple, quick, easy, but highly secure solution, you can simply get a copy of the CB Thank You Page Protector software.

Alternatively, if you have good technical skills and wish to implement your own solution without outside help, you will probably find these free tutorials helpful:

Activ eBook Compiler & ClickBank – How To Sell Instant Downloads

Activ eBook Compiler & ClickBank – How To Sell eBook Passwords

Other Payment Processors/Retailers .

There are also other payment processors and retailers, which are in many respects similar to ClickBank . Éstas incluyen:

We recommend ClickBank ourselves, but you are unable to use them, or they are unsuitable for your needs, you can check out one of these alternate retailers/payment-processors. Please check each company’s website for details of their service.

Get a Merchant Account .

Probably the ultimate in credibility, flexibility, and lowest fees per transaction, are Merchant Accounts.

The downside to getting a Merchant Account is that it may take a little more time and effort to set up than the other options, and you may have to pay a monthly or annual fee just to maintain the account.

Getting your own Merchant Account is often the best option if you are dealing in high volumes of sales – but for many smaller sites (and even some larger ones), ClickBank may be a better option.

A number of companies also offer help in getting a Merchant Account (although often for US merchants only),

Before you unleash your sales web site on real customers. spend a bit of time to make sure everything works as it should. Test it once – then test it again.

You can find more information about setting up a web-based store at MerchantKit. com.

These tutorials will show you how to set up your a process with popular combinations of software and payment processing options:

Activ eBook Compiler & ClickBank – How To Sell Instant Downloads

This tutorial shows you how to set up a sales site so that a customer can pay for your eBook using ClickBank, and immediately after paying, download your eBook.

Please note: This tutorial covers only a simple (and relatively insecure) method of delivering downloads using the ClickBank vendor option, ClickBank DIY. For a more powerful and secure option, for protecting your ClickBank Thank You pages and delivering downloads to customers, please look at CB Thank You Page Protector .

This tutorial shows you how to set up a site so that a customer can download a feature limited or trial version of your eBook before they pay, and if they like the eBook pay for a password which will give them full access.

Please note: This tutorial covers only a very basic method of setting this up, and the best way to do this properly is using scripts on your server (CGI, PHP or ASP). A demonstration of some possible techniques to use in such scripts can be found in the following tutorials:


In the report which I will send to you almost immediately will contain two money websites, one by a Nigerian and the other one by a Foreigner of which will be dropping money into your account from the day you register and without any effort from your side even when you are asleep until it mounted into a million naira, (who knows it may be your own first opportunity to touch a million naira). And when this happens, its not going to be a loan and no one will take it from you; it is your money, ABSOLUTELY YOURS!

Also, I shall send you the name and phone number of another Nigerian who will link you up with some Nigerian Philanthropists and money givers. A single hand of assistance from just one of such people can put an end to your struggle forever.

All that is required is just walk into any Oceanic Bank near you and pay your money (N3500) into this SAVINGS account No 0210001013302 [ a/c name: PAUL O. OBANOR]

After the payment, notify me by sending an sms through 08077050971 . stating town of sending, e-mail address and your phone number.

And your report will be shipped to your e - mail box for downloading almost immediately.


Hello Internet partners. I ‘d like to introduce you to a product that will greatly enhance your online/Internet business.

One of the best things that happened to my internet business is the ownership of a bank account in the US. Of particular interest is their Visa debit card.

Partners, this Visa is not gold or silver but, platinum, that is to say whatever purchase you make anywhere in the world the transaction is proceesed instantly. this platinum is wonderfulooooo. there is nothing like making debit or credit card purchase from a Nigerian location.

Infact I opened my own Account with no deposit, thats right No DEPOSIT at all and In less that 8 days too. And you can even open yours IN less TIME. Other benefits of this US bank account includes:

1)Free US Chequebook 2)Free Platinum Visa Card 3)Have money Deposited into your account by your business partners overseas and withdraw it here in nigeria using your Free Platinum Visa card from any Access bank Nigeria Plc Atm. 4)Cash Your affiliate checks by having them mailed directly to your US bank account 5)Register a Paypal, Adsense,2Checkout, Clickbank and Moneybookers account 6)You can also withdraw the cash earned in your Paypal, Ebay,2CHECKOUT, Stormpay, ClickBank and Moneybookers acount directly to the US bank account and withdraw it here in Nigeria using you Free Visa card. 7)All you need is a photocopy of your Internetional Passport, National Identity Card, Driver’s License or any Govt Issued Identity Card. 8)Ofcourse you can use it for your online businesses like Forex domain name monetization e. tc

To ensure that your account is successfully opened, I will furnish you withall the neccessary (step by step) details on how to download and ACCURATELY fill the forms and EVEN FURNISH YOU WITH THE FORMS you need to fill. You have my support all the way.

all that is required is just walk into any Oceanic Bank near you and pay your money (an amazing low cost:N1,500) into this SAVINGS account No 0210001013302 [ a/c name: PAUL O. OBANOR]

After the payment, notify me by sending an sms through 08077050971, stating town of sending, e-mail address and your phone number.

And your report will be shipped to your e - mail box almost immediately.

9000 U. S. State targeted visitors spread over 3 URLS for $19.95 (Now only $12.95) Sign up now and lock in our discounted price!

Alabama - Alaska - Arizona - Arkansas - California - Colorado - Connecticut - Delaware - District of Columbia - Florida - Georgia - Hawaii - Idaho - Illinois - Indiana - Iowa - Kansas - Kentucky - Louisiana - Maine - Maryland - Massachusetts - Michigan - Minnesota - Mississippi - Missouri - Montana - Nebraska - Nevada New Hampshire - New Jersey - New Mexico - New York - North Carolina - North Dakota - Ohio - Oklahoma - Oregon - Pennsylvania - Rhode Island - South Carolina - South Dakota - Tennessee - Texas - Utah - Vermont - Virginia - Washington - West Virginia - Wisconsin - Wyoming

Boost your sales today with U. S. State targeted website traffic!

We launched this affordable 9000 visitors monthly traffic package to help advertise small businesses on the internet. Whether you need 3000 visitors per URL or 9000 visitors to your website, we can help! It's easy and really fast, just enter your URL(S) below and click on the " BUY NOW " button.

List of available categories


Horse & Dog Racing

Sports Betting

Free Games

Advertising Media
















Oportunidades de negocio




Childrens Products



Computer Advice

Computer Peripherals

Computer Programming

Software de ordenador

Computer Viruses


Electrónica de consumo


Productos cosméticos


Tarjetas de crédito


Consolidación de la deuda


Nombres de dominio








Fashion for Men

Fashion for Women




Food & Beverage

Free Stuff












Health for Men

Health for Women

Alta tecnología



Home-Based Business

Household Electrical Items

Home Improvement

Horoscopes and Astrology



Humour and Fun

Income Opportunities


Law & Law Enforcement



Marketing (Internet)

Marketing (non-Internet)


Medios de comunicación

Teléfonos móviles

Money Making


Movies & Films



Nature & Animals

Office Supplies


Personal Advice

Personal Homepage


Bienes raíces


Seguridad y proteccion



Seniors and Retirement


Smoking and Tobacco






Viaje y Turismo


Diseño web

Web Hosting

Recursos Web


Wedding and Marriage

preguntas frecuentes

1. Where does your traffic come from? A. We send quality targeted visitors to our client websites via Domain Redirection. Domain redirection is an automated process that is completely invisible to online visitors or surfers. When visitors type in or click a link to one of our expired domains, our customers’ website will appear in their web browser. Every day, thousands of domain names expire because the owners have either abandoned them or failed to renew them. Most of these expired domain names experience some traffic achieved by the efforts of the owner before he/she lost interest. We use specialist web services to alert us to domain names that have expired in the past 12 hours. We then gauge the traffic levels through other online tools. If the domain has a clearly-defined target market and consistent traffic flow, we register the domain ourselves and direct the traffic to our server. Click here to see a few samples of our domain names.

2. How long will it take to start receiving visitors. A. We will start your campaign within 8-16 hours. We guarantee you will receive the number of visits purchased within 30 days or faster.

3. How often am I going to be charged? A. Payments are processed by Paypal every 30 days and you are free to cancel your traffic subscription anytime.

4. How can I cancel my traffic subscription? A. You can easily cancel your subscription right after your first payment. It's easy and simple to cancel a subscription with Paypal, no need to sign cancellation forms or wait for an email reply. It's done INSTANTLY with a single click. You can also send us an email and we will make sure your subscription is cancelled within 12-24 hours.

What are the restricted materials that I cannot use on the advertised webpages? The following materials are not allowed. - Forced javascript prompts (Allowed when you choose the 1-popup option) - Additional popup windows (Allowed when you choose the 1-popup option) - Trojans, malwares of any kind - links to PTP sites (Paid To Promote)

Does the service come with a guarantee? We guarantee you will receive the amount of visitors purchased within 30 days. We will offer you bonus traffic or a prorated refund if we fail to deliver your 9000 targeted U. S. visitors within 30 days.

Will I be able to track the campaign stats? We will provide you the login information to check your stats in real-time.

What Payment Methods Are Accepted? We accept PayPal payments using your Visa, MasterCard, checking account or current PayPal balance. You can also pay through 2checkout. com if you don't have a Paypal account.

5. Are the traffic package above refundable? A. You have 3 days to request a full refund once your traffic campaigns have begun. There will be no refund issued if you request a refund after the first 3 days.


We have created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices.

Your Information is Private Subscribers are requested to enter limited personal information during signups. Under no circumstance will we sell, transfer or disseminate this personal information gathered by our products to any other entity.

Our statistics product collects information about visitors to the subscriber's website. This information will also not be sold, transfered or disseminated to any other entity. We may display aggregated data to show industry trends (such as browser share). However, this data shall be the average of many thousands of sites and will in no way linked to individual subscribers.

Cookie Usage The use of cookies is limited to storing a small amount of non-identifiable information on a visitor's computer. For visitors to our sites, the data is used only to maintain information about the user's session.

For visitors to sites that have installed our statistics package, cookies are used to enhance the ability of our product to display usage patterns. This information does not in any way reveal any personal data about visitors. Visitors to a subscriber's site will receive a cookie that stores only a generic id, the prior page, time since last visit, and number of the visit.

Access to Personal Account Data Every subscriber is requested to enter limited personal information that is stored in our databases. This information may include credit card information for pay subscribers. At any time, subscribers may modify this information upon logging into the product using an account id and password. Credit card information is only requested on secure pages (using SSL 128-bit encryption). Credit card information is never re-displayed once entered.

Opt-In E-Mail Lists Every new subscriber has the option of not receiving site news and special promotional offers by either unchecking the opt-in check-box on the main signup form, or opting out of future mailings by clicking on the 'Opt-Out' link on any e-mail correspondance sent. Once an user opts-out no further e-mails will be sent except for traffic alerts the user sets up and important administrative notices.

Children's Guidelines This web site meets the guidelines of TRUSTe's Children's program, which means that it does:

NOT collect online contact information without prior parental consent or parental notification, which will include an opportunity for the parent to prevent use of the information and participation in the activity. Without prior parental consent, online information will only be used to respond directly to the child's request and will not be used for other purposes without prior parental consent

NOT collect personally identifiable offline contact information without prior parental consent

NOT distribute to third parties any personally identifiable information with out prior parental consent

NOT give the ability to publicly post or otherwise distribute personally identifiable contact information without prior parental consent

NOT entice by the prospect of a special game, prize or other activity, to divulge more information than is needed to participate in the activity

Contacting the Web Site If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, please contact us.

Politica de reembolso

3in1USAtraffic. com reserves the right to reject any ad, for any reason, and to refund the Advertiser's payment.

3in1USAtraffic. com agrees to give its best efforts and apply due diligence to the best of its ability to guard against any loss to the Advertiser through failure of other persons who are not employees of 3in1USAtraffic. com to execute properly their commitments, but 3in1USAtraffic. com will not be liable for any failure on the part of third parties to honor their commitments.

3in1USAtraffic. com will automatically deduct fees from the credit card account supplied with this contract. The Advertiser shall be responsible to notify 3in1USAtraffic. com of any change in account details and the Advertiser shall be responsible for any costs incurred due to inadequate funds being available in the supplied credit card account.

3in1USAtraffic. com cannot guarantee any advertising performance or level of response. No verbal estimate as to effectiveness should ever be interpreted as a guarantee of results.

Any changes to this agreement must be in writing and initialed.

Todas las ventas son finales.

SAFE, RELIABLE AND FRIENDLY SUPPORT If you have any questions about our service and the benefits you can expect from us, please feel free to contact us and we will get back to you in less than 24 hours.


To ask one of our support staff a question please fill out the form below.

We will reply within one working day.

Iniciar sesión

Buy And Pay For Anything You Want Online @ NigeriaGoldExchange. ng

We help you pay for those downloadable products like eBooks, software, video tutorials, school tuition fees, etc with our PayPal account, Credit / Debit card, MoneyBookers, MoneyGram and Western Union Money Transfer service.

We have been in this game since 2009 and have satisfied thousands of clients in Nigeria, Ghana and Congo. We help them pay on ClickBank, 2Checkout, Plimus, e-Junkie, Warrior Forum, PayDotCom, Foreign Universities, Fiverr, Gigbuck, iWorkerr, iWriter, etc.

How We Operate :

PayPal Pay4Me Service

We charge N310 (or $1.25 Perfect Money or WebMoney) per US Dollar for all eligible PayPal payments. NB: We do not pay of this processor: Sweg. org at N310 per USD. The cost is higher and you need to make a request for such payment. We can do both one-time and subscription website payments. If you ask us to refund before we fulfill order, we will refund less 5% Admin/COT fee. More so, our Minimum order is $5. It means that if you want to order a product that will cost from $1 to $5, we will charge you as $5 Pay4Me Service. CLICK HERE to make payment and notify us. We deliver within 48hrs (2 Business days).

Credit / Debit Card Pay4Me Service

We charge the same rate we use in creating our Virtual Credit Card (VCC) for payments that require credit / debit card. To learn more, CLICK HERE

MoneyBookers Funding / Pay4Me Service

We help you use MoneyBookers to make Pay4Me service payment on your behalf. We charge N390 (or $1.50 Perfect Money, EgoPay or WebMoney) per US Dollar. To place order, CLICK HERE .

MoneyGram / Western Union Money Transfer Service

We can help you send MoneyGram or Western Union Money Transfers to countries that are not labeled as Terrorist Countries. We don't have fixed rate for this service.

However, if you would like us to send MoneyGram or Western Union Money Transfer on your behalf, then CLICK HERE to provide us these info: (a) Amount in USD you want to send and (b) Country of the Receiver. Within 24hrs, we will send you the required amount in Naira.

We deliver within 48 - 72hrs after Naira payment.

NOTE: We don't refund after a successful payment or transfer. We believed you have cross-checked the product to buy or order to make before asking us to pay or transfer on your behalf. Prices above may change without prior notice.

Pay4Me Service

We pay for you with PayPal/Credit card:

On ClickBank, Warrior Forum, e-Junkie

We help you send Western Union and MoneyGram abroad Please Click HERE to read more!

Buy Ecurrency

You can buy the following ecurrency:

dinero perfecto


Solid Trust Pay


NGE Voucher






Cashu Voucher

Ukash Voucher


Exness Excard Please Click HERE to read more!

Sell Ecurrency

You can sell the following ecurrency:

Payment through credit card will be processed via www.2checkout. com. 2CO will infirm us once your payment has been accepted. We will deliver your order to provided shipping address as soon as we get the confirmation of the payment from 2CO.

Payment, other than credit card, such as bank draft or wire transfer should be made to:

Banker: Bank of Kathmandu Ltd. Swift Code: BOKLNPKA Bank address: Surya Sadan, Kamal Pokhari, Katmandu, Nepal Tel: (977 1) 4430640/4430642 Fax: (977 1) 4410143 Beneficiary Name: Creation Nepal A/C No. 010100020192840

Corresponding bank detail for US Dollar transaction :

Swift code: BOKLNPKA Account Name: Bank of Kathmandu Ltd. ABA 026002561, Kathmandu, Nepal . Bank Name: STANDARD CHARTERED BANK Swift: SCBLUS33 Bank Address: New York, NY 10285, USA

Corresponding bank detail for EURO transaction : Account Number: 08106526/11 Account Name: Bank Of Kathmandu Ltd. Swift: BOKLNPKA Bank Name: Dresdner Bank AG Swift Code: DRESDEFF Bank Address: D-60301 Frankfurt Main, GERMANY

Your order shall leave for shipment unless and until we receive payment or confirmation of payment.

Shipment As we believe in quality services, we are offering different types and condition for shipment. You can choose your shipment Company while placing an order online at www. creationnepal. com. You will be charged the shipping cost according to the shipping option chosen. Please note that shipping charges are based on the total weight of the products in your cart.

Tenga en cuenta que:

Shipment cost depends upon the size of orders, each and every final destinations and mode of shipment.

Our products are valid for every destination around the world.

Mode of shipment is to be finalized by the buyers but in some products, due to quality, shape and size they can only shipped in particular way.

Since most of our products are handmade, the items can be slight variation in sizes and weight too.

We use most popular shippers and handlers like DHL, FedEx, UPS, TNT and Sky Net.

Shipping by AIR CARGO or LAND & SEA CARGO shall also be made according to the customer's requirement; we have professional handling agents for this option. We can also deliver the order to your own handling agent as per your instruction.

It might take from a week to months to get your order to you depending on the shipping company and custom formalities at the country of destination.

Lets Get Social

PLR - Tactic 5:Creating Front End Products

You can use PLR content excellently by creating front end products that encourage others to make a first purchase with your website. Remember, this is the toughest and most expensive thing to do and if the content is precious, it will be convenient to sell the product to the buyer.

If there is a group of people who are interested in your offer, you can sell to them always, although not all of the lists are equally created. Newbies often build their list with wrong people and try to give away maximum freebies, with the freebie seekers never spending money with them. You can create your front end products in the following manner:

Create a good product . You should create a grand product which people want to spend money for. This will prompt them to purchase from you. You can over deliver your first product with great content and unexpected bonuses. Some good front end products may be software applications, e-books, workbooks, special reports or audio products. These are meant to attract the audience’s interest.

Promote your Product . After the product is created, you need to promote it through asking others to promote the product against a 100% commission. They will eagerly spread the word if they know that they can make money. This will help build proven buyers. With people promoting your report, you need to find a solution to track sales and pay them the commission.

Automate Product Delivery . The best thing about marketing digital products is that the delivery can be automated. This means less administrative jobs so that you can get more new products in the market and consequently earn more. JVManager helps automate digital products delivery by being a secure option. It uses PayPal to handle transactions as PayPal is cheapest and easiest, along with different payment options like eBay, Clickbank, Authorize. net, 2Checkout. com etc.

Use your New List to the Most . Once the list of trusted buyers is done, you should be in touch with them so that they are interested in your offer. A weekly newsletter filled with information, directing them to read your blog and offering products at exciting prices are some of the measures to take up. If you take care of your growing list, they will take good care of you.

If making money with PLR products isn't for you, then we recommend you check out our 'Top Recommendations ' page for reviews on our top rated make money systems online.


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